MoFo Art Thread


Any MoFo's here do any Art? Drawing and/or Painting? Music? Film(s)? Prose and Poetry? Anything? If so would you care to share some of your works with the rest of us? I'll start:

Here's a poem I wrote:

"For every love song and poem spoke,
For all feelings of Grace and Beauty wrote,
Let those emotions the poets speak,
For in their heart I find you."

A picture I've drawn:

And some short films:

Spring Meditations

Water Element Film

I wanted to create the illusion of water motion only using a still frame/shot of water here:

Also did the same thing with fire:

I have more stuff to share if you're all interested. Even trying to get some music projects going. But what say you? Do you all work on any kind of art?
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Do you all work on any kind of art?

I always wanted to do anything creative, whether it was art, writing, music, etc., but sadly, I have no talent in any of those areas. I've even taken classes for some of that stuff, but it still seems like anything I do that's supposed to be creative looks and/or sounds like it was done by a 6 year old child.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I always wanted to do anything creative, whether it was art, writing, music, etc., but sadly, I have no talent in any of those areas. I've even taken classes for some of that stuff, but it still seems like anything I do that's supposed to be creative looks and/or sounds like it was done by a 6 year old child.
Oh no, don't say that! I'm on my 4th year of doing Art, and believe me, when I first started out and learning what I ended up doing looked and sounded juvenile too. Don't give up on yourself! Just practice and have some fun! Plus it's good for the soul too. Very meditative. I believe in you!

I looked at a lot Peter Lik stuff tonight. I never claimed to be fancy.

Any MoFo's here do any Art? Drawing and/or Painting? Music? Film(s)? Prose and Poetry? Anything? If so would you care to share some of your works with the rest of us? I'll start:
Thanks for posting these. I enjoy seeing what others create. I like the water and fire. A minimalist concept with the single frame but the effect is quite believable. I do some editing/digital art projects that I get quite creative with and really enjoy. I'm hoping to expand and get into photography soon. Currently in my first year at university doing film.

Some of my projects:

Thanks for posting these. I enjoy seeing what others create. I like the water and fire. A minimalist concept with the single frame but the effect is quite believable. I do some editing/digital art projects that I get quite creative with and really enjoy. I'm hoping to expand and get into photography soon. Currently in my first year at university doing film.

Some of my projects:
These are fantastic! I hope to see more! Keep at it!

These are fantastic! I hope to see more! Keep at it!
Cheers. Much appreciated.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Oh no, don't say that! I'm on my 4th year of doing Art, and believe me, when I first started out and learning what I ended up doing looked and sounded juvenile too. Don't give up on yourself! Just practice and have some fun! Plus it's good for the soul too. Very meditative. I believe in you!
When I was younger, I took both art and music classes. Sadly, they didn't help.

You know how they say that everyone has two sides of their brain, a creative side and a logical side? Well I seem to just have one big logical side. I think my brain is missing the creative side.

@John McClane is very artsy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Obviously I'm a film director, and a much more accomplished and masterful one than @Swan at that! Here's my debut and also my biggest masterpiece:

Let me just tell you, you need to be knowledgeable about the history of cinema and art in general to understand it. Here's a review by a respected MoFo reviewer, @HashtagBrownies:

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

You ready? You look ready.
I appreciate that.

If I had it my way I wouldn’t be artsy, though. It’s much too painful. Alas, I gotta do what I gotta do.

I have considered expanding into the digital art realm and trying my hand at some graphic design, too. I have definitely caught the creative bug.

Let me just tell you, you need to be knowledgeable about the history of cinema and art in general to understand it.
It would seem it's aesthetics and your influence may have come from the "Cinema Pur" movement from the 1920's-30's in particular. But then again, many of the avant-garde and experimental movements of that time borrowed from each other to form amalgamate film structures. "Dada" movements took influence from the "Cinema Pur." "Expressionists" from the "Impressionists" and "Constructivists," and so on. That period in history is a "boom time" of expansion in cinematic and artistic vocabulary and form... Not that I know or understand any of this stuff...

About two years ago, a tragedy took place in my community of Thousand Oaks. A lone gunman in the dark of night went into a local bar, (The Borderline Bar and Grill), and committed a mass massacre of many innocent young men and women. Apparently, he was looking for a ex-girlfriend there that night. She wasn't, and many innocent others suffered bloodshed and death. Our whole community fell into shock, grief, and sorrow. Especially as Thousand Oaks is a very sheltered and "safe" community. Most everything here is "Mom and Pop." Our community responded with a slogan, "Thousand Oaks Strong," and people from all over which way stood on street corner with signs declaring their hope and resilience that this disaster would not overcome them... but then the roof caved in. In a span of a day or two from the Borderline Shooting, a massive wildfire destroyed many homes and our beloved town. So I drew this during that time:

And wrote a prayer to go with it. This image and prayer ended up being the centerpiece for the Sunday Service at my local church:

Out of November, when stillness had left us, came a wailing of broken hearts and many shattered dreams. Our home seemed to be lost; out from the ground came the cries of blood, and soon the sky billowed fire and ash. A massive displacement of what was associated by many to be our sanctuary of peace and tranquility. All realities under a dreadful notion being questioned. Would home ever be “home” again?

Today I witness my Hope, it’s Hope we must hold onto, and Hope in the Lord further still.

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

(King James Version, Philippians 4:4)

In the midst of the very tragedy that still surrounds us, our community has marked this occasion with a bonding and a fellowship. For this brief moment in time, all over our County, State, and even our Nation, we are all members of this beautiful community called Thousand Oaks. I’ve spent my entire life here, and many I know are much like me. Our pride has welled, and we have declared ourselves to be “Thousand Oaks Strong.”

Although a darkness had settled in the midst of night, we must, must, place our hopes with God. Out of our grief and sorrow we must place our hopes in Christ and rejoice. It is through rejoicing—a focus of thanksgiving on the things we have, and the act of worship of He who is Higher—that we are renewed. Pray. Pray for the victims, the families, our community, and, yes, even the perpetrator and his relations.

To be “Thousand Oaks Strong,” (and to be strong of faith), is to sing the praises and glories of what’s Righteous, Good, and most certainly Godly when all else should indicate otherwise. Meditate deeply. For the enemy could not steal our bonds, our fellowship, and those countless great things in our community that make life worth living. Although our skies are filled with smoke, does not the Sun shine on us this day? Be thankful to the Lord. Hold His Grace up High. Honor Him, and focus with meditative intent: Find one thing, a single thing, that God has shown you this day, and cling to it… It may mean the importance between dwelling in the dark or the Light.

God Bless

“Thousand Oaks Strong”

Orientation: Portrait

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Obviously I'm a film director, and a much more accomplished and masterful one than @Swan at that! Here's my debut and also my biggest masterpiece:

Let me just tell you, you need to be knowledgeable about the history of cinema and art in general to understand it. Here's a review by a respected MoFo reviewer, @HashtagBrownies:

Here we go again, again.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page