Staying in-character in the studious waiting room


Registered User
I remember watching some "making of" dvd extras for some major Hollywood flick of the 80 and early 90. It may be by Cameron or Ridley Scott. Or involving Arni. Big time. Think Predator, Aliens, Terminator, Abyss...
It also may be from a book.

What I try to remember is some actor, who came to the studios director (or producer) and had to wait in the waiting room before reception, until the secretary invited them to the room (the executive arrived)?
So this actor stayed in character for the whole prolonged waiting period, freaking out the rest of the people in this waiting room.
It was some reserved character like an android or serial killer or something like that.

I scanned through most "making of's I could be watching but couldn't find this. Maybe you can help.

Lance Henriksen turned up at James Cameron's studio uninvited because he wanted to play The Terminator.

He had silver foil covering his teeth and sat like a robot waiting for Cameron to arrive and freaked out the office staff because nobody at that time knew who he was.

When Cameron arrived at the office to find out what was going on, he just said "Hi Lance, come on in" and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Turns out Cameron already knew who Henriksen was.

Two sources I've found on the web. Apparently the Aliens DVD and Near Dark DVD have this anecdote in the special features, but I'm not sure which version of Aliens would have it as my DVD doesn't

An even more delightful yet totally insane anecdote is how Henriksen decided to get into character by covering his teeth with tin foil and roaming the streets of Los Angeles during the pre-production period of the film.

Cameron wanted his pitch for Daly to finalize the deal, and had his friend Lance Henriksen show up to the meeting early dressed and acting like the Terminator. Henriksen showed up wearing a leather jacket and had gold foil smothered on his teeth and fake cuts on his face, kicked the office door open and then just sat in a chair.
Cameron arrived shortly after which relieved the staff from Henriksen's act.

Registered User
This is completely bonkers. I love it.

Registered User
great find! Thanks Rodent!