The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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I didn't vote for it, but It Happened One Night is terrific. Totally list-worthy.

Anchorman is ... a movie I have seen.

Have seen so far: 34 - Anchorman - This movie was alright, it was funny at some parts.

I have not seen It Happened One Night
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Yes!!! Finally two movies from my ballot make the countdown today.

I've only seen it once but it was enough to make me a Will Ferrill fan, believe it or not I had Anchorman at #15

And I'm proud to say I had It Happened One Night as my #1 choice on my ballot. A movie I rated
and could easily be in my Top 10 So yeah!

Anchorman is not really my thing but I can’t deny that it is a silly, silly movie.

I genuinely don’t know if I’ve seen It Happened One Night or not.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
It Happened One Night has been on my watch list for many years and it is still there.

Anchorman - never heard it but it smells like a movie to skip.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

It Happened One Night has been on my watch list for many years and it is still there.

Anchorman - never heard it but it smells like a movie to skip.

I'm pretty sure you said in the preliminary discussion thread, but which country are you from again?

I see people doing the list thing, so here's my list thing:

1 It Happened One Night (1934)
5 One, Two, Three (1961)
8 Ed Wood (1994)
12 To Be or Not To Be (1942)
15 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
16 Best in Show (2000)
17 Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
20 What's Up, Doc? (1972)
24 Dumb & Dumber (1994)
25 Boeing Boeing (1965)......One Pointer

Anchorman is my brand of dumb. At least when it is working. Frequently it doesn't, and when it doesn't, it can be a real nuisance, a big reason it wasn't going to make my ballot. But I do think it has moments of real inspiration. Its blending of the surreal and the nonsensical into the world of small town news and anchorman machismo can be extremely funny. Also extremely annoying

I don't remember a thing about It Happened One Night, except for the fact that when I watched it about 25 years ago I gave it a 10/10. So I guess it was quite good. And anything that inspires Bugs Bunny can't be half bad.

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So far I’ve seen two mofos with ten selections picked off their ballots. Before this started, didn’t think anyone would have that many. That is how broad this countdown is.
I'm at 9. Certainly will get to the 10 club tomorrow.

So far I’ve seen two mofos with ten selections picked off their ballots. Before this started, didn’t think anyone would have that many. That is how broad this countdown is.
I'm at 4 so far. Maybe my comedic tastes are not mainstream enough? Or too mainstream?

I'm at 7, am expecting 4 more to make it and then another 2-3 with a 50/50 shot (though those 50% likelies feel less likely as we're running out of slots).

I think I have one entry on the list.
My list is kind of wack.
As to today's selections: Anchorman doesn't really do it for me and It Happened One NIght is a wonderful movie but i am just not in a ROM/COM headspace except for Preston Sturges, But his are more funny than romantic.

It Happened One Night would likely be #1 on my ballot if we did a rom-com countdown. No vote here.

There are things about Anchorman that I love, but I really hate those silly news rival fight scenes. I also think it would have been better off as an R rated movie-my general preference for comedies.

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Boldly going.
Clue was #11 on my list. I'm surprised more MoFos haven't seen it. I highly recommend it for a good laugh. I'm not even a fan of mysteries and it is a rare example of a decent movie based on a game. The movie really picks up steam after the murder. Great cast.

Dumb and Dumber was my #19. It's a comedy classic and one of Jim Carrey's funniest performances.

I like Borat but it did not make my top 25. It obviously reveals more about America than it does Kazakhstan, and I believe that is the point.

Boldly going.