Who Wins in a Fight?


We've gone on holiday by mistake
T800 Terminator vs 10 of the strongest men in the World.

Shoved in a room together, no weapons until the men are dead or the T800 deactivated.

Are the men strong enough to restrain the T800? Could they rip him apart?

Is 10 strongmen actually unfair on the Terminator?

One guy jumps on T800 and covers eyes, 2 grab each arm and attempt to restrain, 2 for each leg. One guy left, then what?

In Salvation, the T800 tears one of the Terminator Guards in half like it's nothing.
The strongmen might be able to damage the outer skin, but the skeleton is too tough to damage.
Kyle Reese smashed the original Terminator with a lump of something, I think it was a fire extinguisher, and it didn't even bother the Terminator.

The other thing is that the strong humans, are simply humans... the Terminator only has to clout them once and it'd be enough to kill, or at least hinder them enough.

T800 would win, every time.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
The T-800 would win in a no-weapons fight because, well...have you ever punched metal? Yeah, you'll only ever do it once! Same with kicking! It hurts.