Movie Trivia Game!


Alright, "ryanpaige" gets to go first...

- Whoever correctly answers the question first gets to ask one of their own.
- The questioner is required to offer up a little hint or two if no one can get it after a few guesses.
- You must be virtually positive of the answer of any question you answer.

That's all! Have fun! I'll definetly be trying my hand at these. Wanna give it a go to start us off, Ryan?

I was trying to think of a question, but I'm drawing a blank.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
There is an upcoming movie that is the sequel to a film that was never released in the US. Name that movie.
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
Crouching Tiger, Paint Your Wagon - Forums

The Legend of the Drunken Master II??
No I'm not going to kiss you. Although you need kissing, badly. | New! Movie Fever Forums

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Laurie, You are correct. Now it's your turn to come up with a question.

This director is famous for shooting films in multi-aspect ratios. One scene will be standard the next in extreme letterbox format. Who is he/she? Hint: Because consumers are unaware that the films are done this way, they are the most returned DVD product on the market.

Geez: you've stumped us, Laurie! Can we get a hint, or a much, much, much easier question? Congrats on it though...I have no idea what it could be!

Sorry. I forgot about this. The director recently died. His last picture starred Tom Cruise. Have I given enough away yet?? lol.

Yup, it's Stanley Kubrick. Multi-Aspect is where a filmmaker will shoot a movie on different size film anywhere from 35mm to 75mm. When the film is shown in theaters the picture changes from standard to widescreen. Kubrick is famous for doing this. Check out Dr. Strangelove. This film has massive aspect changes throughout. Your turn Chris.

LOL...ok. Try this one. This powerful political drama was released in 1979 to a high tension nationwide audience. Less than a week later, the events the were depicted in the film happened in real life. Name that movie. Let me know if I need to give any hints

I'm learning the wonderful language of pascal, and i'm doing like loops, and if thens right now. If u wanted i could create a text game that would have trivia questions, and could keep track how many times u get the answer right and stuff! i could work on this in my free time, though for u to use it would cost you about 400 dollars. (uh, just kidding, it's free ) e-mail me at [email protected] if u want me to do that.


Pascal? Booo! This site uses PHP and MySQL my man - this forum does, and the database I'm working on for the site is the same. I can write one! Hehe.

Thanks for the offer though. I'm going to have contests in the future for trivia games as well as these forums. I'll make it so that you have to have so many posts to play the game with the bigger prize, and everyone else has to play the smaller one - hehe.

The China Syndrome?

Yup. Way to go ryan. Your turn now.

It took me forever to think of anything. And this may be a dumb one (actually, I know it's a dumb one, but I can't think of anything else. I'm better at answering the questions than asking them. )

What actor sued Steven Spielberg after the character he played in the first movie in the series was played by another actor in the film's sequel?