Mofo Hall of Fame - The Shorts Edition


Hearing Rybczynski's Polish speech, the security guard assumed the director was drunk and shoved him up against a wall. During the altercation, Rybczynski reportedly yelled, "American Pig! I have Oscar!" and tried to kick the guard in the groin. Rybczynski spent the night in jail before the mess was sorted out.
This make's me like it even more!

I watched to new ones so far: High Note, which is creative but my ratings was already made up by the first minute, and nothing it did could really change it. And just now I watched Tango, which was awesome! Great nomination Tyler
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Also really liked your nomination, by the way, Donnie!

It will be hard to rank all these great shorts. I'm watching Daniel and Skepsis' nominations tonight! I "acquired" them both.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Is it too late to join in?
I just saw this. I don't mind and I can't imagine anyone else will. They are shorts so it's not like it takes up a whole lot of time.

Go ahead and send me a nomination and I'll add you in.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Does anyone have a link to La Jetée with English subtitles? I don't trust my French enough to watch it without subtitles.

If you're still looking for La Jetée in English, I found it, but it has an English voiceover, not subtitles.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
We've got one more short added to the list, everyone. I'm putting it here and I'll also edit it in to the first post.

Originally Posted by Thursday Next
I'm going to nominate Scorpio Rising (1964)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm almost done watching all of the shorts, but there are a couple that I want to re-watch before voting because I got distracted by something while they were on, and I want to give them my full attention.

When is the deadline for voting?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
It's not until Sep. 28th so you have plenty of time.

Guap you need to watch Thursday's nomination and redo your list. Please.

I don't think I caught everything that was said as a native English speaker my first time through, but I think it's the rhythms that are important, rather than the words.
Ok. I just did not like the rhythms of it though.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Yeah, I basically think of the short as a filmic jazz piece, which appeals to me very much as a lover of jazz, but I know your music tastes are far different.

I've watched seven of the shorts so far - but will rewatch La Jetee as I saw it ages ago and didn't really like it so will give it another chance.

Have to agree with the praise Tango has received - that was an amazing 8 minutes

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I watched High Note which I thought was cute, whimsical and made me smile.

I'm going to try to get to most of them Saturday.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched High Note which I thought was cute, whimsical and made me smile.

I'm glad you liked it. I know that it's kind of simple, but I think that's what makes it so cute and charming.

BTW, I sent my votes.

Let the night air cool you off
Scorpio Rising: wut? Visually, aurally, subversively stylish. I don't really know how to rate something like this, because I have never seen anything like this. I did see a man being held down and something that looks like honey mustard being poured onto his crotch area, so yeah. I think I like it... I don't really know though.

Let the night air cool you off
The Old Man and the Sea is brilliantly animated. The only thing I can think of that I disliked at all is the voice acting of the guy who played the boy, but that is just a minor problem. Nominating this short is my favorite thing Guapo has ever done.

Tango is outstanding. I was glued to the screen trying to catch every little detail, it's a very clever idea for a film.

A Trip to the Moon (George Mélies, 1902)

Great sci-fi adventure movie far beyond its time, innovative and revolutionary in its fantastic editing and effects. At thirteen minutes the film doesn't exactly fly by, not meant as an insult but it feels like a feature film that would have been much longer if made today, there is quite a lot packed into the film.

Un Chien Andalou (Luis Buñuel, 1929)

One of the greatest surreal films I have seen, it does not hold back in any way and fully unleashes the nightmares of its creators, giving us unforgettable striking imagery. Important and fascinating, just like the previous film, its pure cinema.

High Note (Chuck Jones, 1960)

Enjoyable cartoon short that like Duck Amuck makes full use of the tools available to create an entertaining film. Chuck Jones's shorts can be compared to the silent work of Buster Keaton in that he controls whats on screen with a variety of visual tricks and here, great use of sound.

La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)

A film that has been a favourite of mine since I saw it a while ago now, a fantastic experiment in the medium of film in its use of still images to tell a story that still manages to be compelling. The story is straightforward but complex and thought-provoking, the ending perhaps one of the greatest of all time.

Tango (Zbigniew Rybczynski, 1981)

A couple of minutes in to this, at about the time where there was a handful people in the film, I started to get what I call 'film goosebumps'. Where modern action films attempt to use epic music to heighten the emotions and get you pumped up ready for the scene, this film uses a simple 'tango', a consistent mixture of sound and image that grabs you in slowly and builds up a strange sense of familiarity with what you're watching. The idea and vision for the film is simple, but to pull it off is a fantastic achievement, I have never seen anything like it. I knew I was watching something great, and for it to keep it up for eight minutes despite what some would describe as limited plot, is a great achievement. There are many great moments and messages to be drawn from film, a look at everyday life for different people, it's strangely relateable, sometimes humorous and even slightly erotic.

Darkness Light Darkness (Jan Svankmajer, 1989)

I had previously seen Dimensions of Dialogue, and thought it was a pretty good, interesting film. This short I feel pretty much the same about. Svankmajer is obsessed with the human anatomy and the structure of different objects. His crude look into the human body is sometimes uncomfortable but almost always fascinating.

Jídlo (Jan Svankmajer, 1993)

This film is pretty much everything I like from Svankmajer, and everything that I do not. There are some great moments, and the premise, the idea of splitting it in to chapters each looking at different elements of humans and their greed, is good, but the execution is frustration, a bit too over indulgent in executing its point, with Svankmajer always looking to outdo himself in terms of visual tricks and overall crudeness. Side question: Did anyone else think the guy in the Lunch segment looked like Benicio Del Toro?