Las Vegas Attack 2017


Not you, the person who started a different thread and had it merged.
Did my thread get merged? (Now it's like an Alien hybrid!)

That's cool. I can't stand when boards get cluttered with redundant threads.

I have lots of thoughts on this incident (that I've been discussing on other boards) - but right now, the most overwhelming aspect (from the perspective of an outside observer in the general public, that is) is the silence. This is the single largest mass shooting in the country's history, but there's so much missing or uncommunicated info, along with changing timelines, unanswered questions, people involved disappearing, mysterious deaths of eye-witnesses who weren't injured in the attack, etc., etc.

As one newscaster pointed out - the authorities are at the point where they are publicly denying conspiracies (which, in itself seems to be the actions of people involved in conspiracies), but the extreme LACK of information creates a fertile ground for conspiracy theories to fill the void.

Just to make an update since my trip to Vegas:

Once I arrived (the saturday after the shooting) all Blood Banks as far as Henderson had stopped taking walk ins and you had to schedule an appointment and all appointments were booked through November at that point so was not able to give blood (will be giving blood at home though). But I did run across a couple who had been at the festival during the shooting and talked with them.They told me they thought for the ENTIRE time that the shooter was somewhere in the crowd. It wasnt until the next day that they heard he had been shooting from the Mandalay Bay. Being locals, they actually went a different direction from most of the crowd, knowing they would wind up in the crush of people fleeing north of the event and get penned in there by police and security and ambulances pretty quickly. So they ditched their car, ran RIGHT PAST the hotel and toward the highway and managed to catch a cab and get out of the area pretty quickly since they lived to the west. The woman, who just happened to have gotten her masters in counseling and through a past job had received training in helping people who had experienced a traumatic situation, figured she would be fine because of that and she said they were both sharp and focused and calm the rest of that night but the next day after the adrenaline had worn off and she first saw recordings of the event on the news she got physically ill which shocked her. I told her thats hardly a shock. Youll likely be dealing with this one internally for a long time. Counseling experience wont make you immune. She agreed.

The Strip itself was still fairly bustling while I was there. You cant really keep the place down when the area it occurred is 95% tourists who have had their vaction planned long before this and are looking to gamble and walk around and take in the decadence that is The Strip. That never stopped. Other colleagues told me the mood was certainly more subdued earlier in the week before i got there and of course security was massively amplified that whole week I was there. I had already planned a post-work vacation in Arizona before this all happened so I was gone by the following Saturday. When I came back to fly home from McCarran most of the spontaneous remembrance site with candles and stuffed animals had been removed. Not sure why. But there was very little trace of it by less than two weeks after.

Theres a big push in the area to show that they are "Vegas Strong". Thats understandable I guess. But Im not sure what that even means in this context. If this was ISIS or some group trying to intimidate americans by doing this then it would make perfect sense. I would have gone down to Mandalay Bay as soon as I arrived and happily gambled myself into a stupor knowing I was openly defying a group that had JUST tried to scare us from doing just that. But when its one local guy who did it for no known reason then killed himself, what are we being "strong" for? And against whom? Maybe "Vegas Heals" would be better. But all the billboards and local TV commercials and people handing out stickers seemed useless somehow. All thats left after this is to heal the people who have been hurt by this. Theres no one to defy by keeping living our lives. And that was a depressing helpless revelation for me...
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

I. Rex - I always have similar feelings about platitudes & affirmations after mass murders, terror attacks or natural disasters.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with them, but do they REALLY make the victims feel better? I know help and aid and knowing others care makes some people feel better, but slogans? Does hearing that Vegas is "strong" really console someone who has to put a relative into the ground?

I remember when I first started seeing "Jersey Strong!" after Sandy. I didn't know how it made me feel (part of me thought it was a little ridiculous because, in addition to all the coming together I witnessed, I also witnessed a lot of selfish and nasty behavior as well.)

Racism and bigotry seriously his girlfriend is from the Philippines they have a terrorist group in the named Abu Sayyaf.

But they didn't claim responsibility for the act which is the whole point in being tied to a terrorist organization.

I'm new to the site but if you can take away peoples privileges for thread starting it might be time. This really is just getting ridiculous.
Racism?? You need to stop trolling!
Maybe you need an interpreter as well. This last time I am game.
Isis claimed responsibility for shooting. Abu Sayyaf has ties with Isis.
Abu Sayyaf is located in Mindanao, in the Philippines.
The shooter's girlfriend is Philippina and went to the Philippines 2 days prior to the shooting and was subsequently wired $100,000 by the shooter. ( Perhaps as payment for weapons ).
Get my drift? What is racist about that?
Stop trolling my posts! You are now officially on my ignore list so no matter what you write, I won't read and I won't respond.
I am not posting for you, so don't waste your time any more. Bye!

I made up this little list of theories (not only conspiracy theories, but the most common and those given by the media thus far).
This is merely a summary with potentially interchangeable details. Let me know if I missed any:

Paddock as Lone Shooter (under this one scenario there are several theories):

1. Paddock was a pent up mental case (although atypical in that he showed no red flags, left no manifesto and didn't fit the usual profile) who finally "snapped" in a systematic fashion. He took half his extensive gun collection with him to a hotel room just because he liked to be surrounded by his toys even though he knew he wouldn't need them all. He planned mass murder for a long time - and finally went on a spree to kill as many random individuals as possible as part of some insane "Power Trip" delusion before killing himself.

2. As a possible addendum to #1 - Paddock was driven insane by long term gambling addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety, depression, childhood trauma or influence from his father who had been a bank robber.

3. Paddock had converted to Islam months ago, was given the name "Abu Abd al-Bar al-Amriki" and was carrying out ISIS inspired terrorism as a "lone-wolf" operative in the name of Allah and the Caliphate.

4. Paddock was a deranged political zealot, inspired by groups like Antifa and the 2017 Congressional Baseball Shooting who thought he'd target a Country / Western festival, figuring it would contain the demographic of Republican Trump supporters and that his actions would spark a revocation of the 2nd amendment.

5. Paddock was a deranged political zealot, inspired by groups like the Alt-Right, White Supremacists, Nazis, the KKK. etc., who wanted to defend his 2nd amendment rights (which he felt were threatened by the left) with a show of gunfire and random mass murder, choosing the most convenient venue available at the time.

6. Paddock loved numbers and records - he used his extensive collection of guns to break the U.S. record of largest mass casualty shooting (this could also go hand in hand with #1 or 2).

Paddock Acted with Others:

1. As an enemy of America, the west, infidels, whites, capitalists, etc., He was an agent of ISIS, Anti-Fa, BLM, Alt-Right groups, the Russians, North Korea, etc. In this type scenario, Paddock was a "terrorist" in the most political sense of the word (of course, terrorists are usually cause-driven and will usually leave word that they acted for their cause - which, so far, is not the case here). This would also mean that terrorists allied with Paddock are still on the loose (a reason some feel his connections are being covered up - to avoid panic of killers on the loose).

2. Paddock carried out a "false flag" event in collusion with the U.S. government (the scenarios are far and wide even including those that say no one was even killed on 10/01/2017).

Paddock was a Patsy:

1. As an agent or hired out contractor of the FBI, he was ordered, hired or recruited by the FBI to conduct a "Fast And Furious" style gun running deal with criminals or terrorists, possibly in a sting operation. The sting went wrong - the criminals murdered Paddock and conducted the massacre, and now the FBI is trying to cover it up.

2. A similar scenario, but where it was an actual arms deal for the FBI with unsavory buyers (such as ISIS) that went wrong. Paddock was killed and the FBI wants to cover up their dealings with terrorists.

3. Similar to #1 - Paddock himself was a gunrunner in a deal that went sour. The criminals may have even forced him to participate, unwillingly in the massacre, then killed him. Or he may have killed himself after being forced to participate and witnessing the outcome.

4. Paddock, in some scenario, may have just been a frequent visitor to Las Vegas who was somehow chosen by forces unknown to take the fall for this massacre. He may or may not even be dead. He may or may not even be a real person.

So, the details of these (currently popular) scenarios can all be mixed and matched to form various different or similar scenarios and conspiracies.

Which ones do you buy into?
Any different ones you think may be possible / plausible?

Racism?? You need to stop trolling!
Maybe you need an interpreter as well. This last time I am game.
Isis claimed responsibility for shooting. Abu Sayyaf has ties with Isis.
Abu Sayyaf is located in Mindanao, in the Philippines.
The shooter's girlfriend is Philippina and went to the Philippines 2 days prior to the shooting and was subsequently wired $100,000 by the shooter. ( Perhaps as payment for weapons ).
Get my drift? What is racist about that?
Stop trolling my posts! You are now officially on my ignore list so no matter what you write, I won't read and I won't respond.
I am not posting for you, so don't waste your time any more. Bye!
Yeah that's racist, it's pretty much the definition of racism you are a racist.

To say this 62 year old woman is a terrorist because she's Philippina and terrorists exist in the Philippines.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looking for the " why " .
Here's a white elderly millionaire with and elderly Philippina girlfriend that decides to kill as many people as possible from long distance. We all know the consequence: 59 dead, over 500 injured. The biggest mass shooting in US history.
Definitely not spur of the moment. A lot of planning and preparation, maybe moths stockpiling weapons and scouting locations .Choses
Mandalay Bay Casino country music outdoor concert venue and gets himself two adjoining suites, having different angles to fire automatic weapons into a 20, 000 + crowd, some three football fields across and below.
Lone wolf, unlikely given all the circumstances.
An act of terror, definitely. But who are the other actors?
Some thing is off about the girlfriend.
The guy a high roller with lots of money, used to younger women.
A few days before the shooting she is filmed at Las Vegas airport, at departure lounge muttering to herself " a lot of people are going to die " . No source links but a number of sightings and rumors from youtube.. Almost immediately after the shooting, that video gets taken down.
The girlfriend arrives in the Philippines and is wired $100,000.00 by the shooter.
Her transports 9 suitcases filled with weapons to his high roller suites. Barricades himself in after a couple of days and installs wide lens surveillance cameras on his doors to be able to clearly observe the comings and goings on hallway 32. He also disables exit door on his floor as well as the exit doors on the floor below.
As the concert is going on below, a security guard is doing his hall checks. He finds floor 32 exit door disabled. Takes the elevator to floor below and finds that exit door disabled, as well.
He forces the door open, takes the stairwell up and forces the other door open and comes into corridor directly facing one of shooter's rooms, at which point he gets shot in the leg through the door. He immediately radios in to Casino Security Central.
At that time there are 2 off duty Las Vegas Police Officers on the premises.
The shooter is meanwhile breaking windows with a chisel and 6 minutes later he opens up on the crowd below.
In the two rooms, he had 24 modified automatic weapons, They are arranged in rows, 12 to a room. He is wearing gloves to keep his hands from get burned from heated barrels.
He walks between the two rooms, emptying his barrels and substituting new weapons.
This lasts 12 minutes.
50 minutes later, when Las Vegas Swat breaks the door down to one of the adjoining suites, they find the shooter D.O.A. No note.
FBI has taken over and there is deafening silence as to the "why ".
I think that the key is with the girlfriend. Possible ties to Abu Sayyaf, a known terror group in Phillippines?
A few days after the shooting, Isis claims responsibility.
The shooting occurred on Oct. 1, 2017. It is now Oct. 20th, 2017. Isis connection still to be confirmed.
What is going on?
He looks innocent enough to me

He looks innocent enough to me

I think he was thinking of this sort of moth

That's one of the good moth's, that's a moth that can catch a cab and won't lower property values.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think he was thinking of this sort of moth

That's one of the good moth's, that's a moth that can catch a cab and won't lower property values.
I was just teasin' about the misspelled word, Moth/Month, I wasn't making any other kind of statement other than just a fun word play.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Racism?? You need to stop trolling!
Maybe you need an interpreter as well. This last time I am game.
Isis claimed responsibility for shooting. Abu Sayyaf has ties with Isis.
Abu Sayyaf is located in Mindanao, in the Philippines.
The shooter's girlfriend is Philippina and went to the Philippines 2 days prior to the shooting and was subsequently wired $100,000 by the shooter. ( Perhaps as payment for weapons ).
Get my drift? What is racist about that?
Stop trolling my posts! You are now officially on my ignore list so no matter what you write, I won't read and I won't respond.
I am not posting for you, so don't waste your time any more. Bye!
Siddon is not a troll. You on the other hand...

So what do people think of the Mandalay Bay security guard (Jesus Campos) appearing on Ellen?
What do you think of it?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ludicrous for anyone to give an interview while an investigation is in process.

What do you think of it?
At first I thought it was a very weird venue for the guy to come out of hiding on as Ellen is not a news show.

It was preceded by Mr. Campos' week-long disappearance which occurred just before he had five news interviews lined up.

It started making sense once we found out the Ellen Show is owned by MGM which also owns the Mandalay Bay hotel (which has multiple liability lawsuits forming against it), and when Campos said this would be his only public appearance or statement.

This was a set up. It was basically a liability pre-statement from MGM, as demonstrated by the fact that there was no investigative journalism involved: Ellen didn't ask a single pertinent question that would provide clarity to a still very cloudy series of events.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Disappearance? More conspiracy theories. He simply sought some privacy while recovering. Good grief. My dental fillings are starting to chatter in tongues

I don't see the big deal in telling the story of how you got shot.
However he (or his handlers) may feel about it, his story is pertinent to the timeline - which has changed multiple times based on different pieces of evidence. His story contains many pieces of evidence, especially as the person who may have been physically closest to the shooter at the time of the attack.
The timeline leads into many larger issues & questions. And the more questions that can be answered, the closer we may get to the truth.

However he (or his handlers) may feel about it, his story is pertinent to the timeline - which has changed multiple times based on different pieces of evidence. His story contains many pieces of evidence, especially as the person who may have been physically closest to the shooter at the time of the attack.
The timeline leads into many larger issues & questions. And the more questions that can be answered, the closer we may get to the truth.
Like what? He doesn't really establish a timeline because you don't know the time between when he got shot and when the other guys showed up. We know the shooter had camera's everywhere so a Hall Way shooting doesn't really mean anything.

I would recommend you watch the film Tower that covered the Whitman shootings