The everything paranormal/unexplained/bizarre/mysterious thread


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
If UFOs exist, why would they want to be seen? Don't give a sh*t?
Not that I have any opinion one way or another, I want to reply to this because the thought tickled me.

I don't typically hide from ants when they look to the sky. Generally, I don't even empathize with their perspective of awareness.

On a more relatable note, humans look right past other humans every moment of every day without troubling themselves to leave other's view. From the annoying coworker to the homeless guy on the corner asking for a dollar, people just walk on by without another thought. It could be spite or pure inconsiderate dismissal.

If they do exist, I don't know if we're more like the ant or the disruptive coworker. Either way, they probably wouldn't like us


The Great Attractor

"The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space at the center of the Laniakea Supercluster that reveals the existence of a localised concentration of mass tens of thousands of times more massive than the Milky Way. This mass is observable by its effect on the motion of galaxies and their associated clusters over a region hundreds of millions of light-years across. The Great Attractor is moving towards the Shapley Supercluster."


"Kryptos is a sculpute by the American artist Jim Sanborn located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the four encrypted messages it bears. Of the four messages, the first three have been solved, while the fourth message remains as one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world. The sculpture continues to be of interest to cryptanalysts, both amateur and professional, who are attempting to decipher the fourth passage. The artist has so far given two clues to this passage.

The ciphertext on the left-hand side of the sculpture (as seen from the courtyard) of the main sculpture contains 869 characters in total : 865 letters and 4 question marks.
In April 2006, however, Sanborn released information stating that a letter was omitted from this side of Kryptos "for aesthetic reasons, to keep the sculpture visually balanced".

There are also three misspelled words in the plaintext of the deciphered first three passages, which Sanborn has said was intentional, and three letters (YAR) near the beginning of the bottom half of the left side are the only characters on the sculpture in superscript.

The right-hand side of the sculpture comprises a keyed Vigenère encryption tableau, consisting of 867 letters.

One of the lines of the Vigenère tableau has an extra character (L), which Sanborn has indicated was accidental.

Sanborn worked with a retiring CIA employee named Ed Scheidt, Chairman of the CIA Office of Communications, to come up with the cryptographic systems used on the sculpture.

Sanborn has revealed that the sculpture contains a riddle within a riddle, which will be solvable only after the four encrypted passages have been deciphered.

He has given conflicting information about the sculpture's answer, saying at one time that he gave the complete solution to the then-CIA director William Webster during the dedication ceremony; but later, he also said that he had not given Webster the entire solution. He did, however, confirm that within the passage of the plaintext of the second message which reads "Who knows the exact location? Only WW.", "WW" was intended to refer to William Webster.

Sanborn also confirmed that should he die before the entire sculpture becomes deciphered, there will be someone able to confirm the solution."

Solution of passage 1

Method : Vigenère
Keywords: Kryptos, Palimpsest


Solution of passage 2

Method : Vigenère
Keywords: Kryptos, Abscissa


On April 19, 2006, Sanborn contacted an online community dedicated to the Kryptos puzzle to inform them that the accepted solution to passage 2 was incorrect. He said that he made an error in the sculpture by omitting an "X" used to separate sentences, for aesthetic reasons, and that the deciphered text that ended "...FOUR SECONDS WEST ID BY ROWS" should actually be "...FOUR SECONDS WEST X LAYER TWO".

The coordinates mentioned in the plaintext: 38°57′6.5″N 77°8′44″W are for a point that is approximately 150 feet southeast of the sculpture.

Solution of passage 3

Method : Transposition

This is a paraphrased quotation from Howard Carter's account of the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun on November 26, 1922, as described in his 1923 book The Tomb of Tutankhamun. The question with which it ends is asked by Lord Carnarvon, to which Carter (in the book) famously replied "wonderful things". In the November 26, 1922 field notes, however, his reply was, "Yes, it is wonderful.".

Solution of passage 4

Method(s) : Unknown
No solution to Part 4 has been publicly acknowledged by either Mister Sanborn or Mister Scheidt to be correct.

Clues given

When commenting in 2006 about his error in passage 2, Sanborn said that the answers to the first three passages contain clues to the fourth passage. In November 2010, Sanborn released a clue, publicly stating that "NYPVTT", the 64th-69th letters in passage four, become "BERLIN" after decryption.

Sanborn gave The New York Times another clue in November 2014: the letters "MZFPK", the 70th-74th letters in passage four, become "CLOCK" after decryption. The 74th letter is K in both the plaintext and ciphertext, meaning that it is possible for a character to encrypt to itself. This means it does not have a weakness, where a character could never be encrypted as itself, that was known to be inherent in the German Enigma Machine. It is believed that the "BERLINCLOCK" plaintext may be a direct reference to the Berlin Clock.

Sanborn further stated that in order to solve passage 4, "You'd better delve into that particular clock," but added, "There are several really interesting clocks in Berlin."

Not that I have any opinion one way or another, I want to reply to this because the thought tickled me.

I don't typically hide from ants when they look to the sky. Generally, I don't even empathize with their perspective of awareness.

On a more relatable note, humans look right past other humans every moment of every day without troubling themselves to leave other's view. From the annoying coworker to the homeless guy on the corner asking for a dollar, people just walk on by without another thought. It could be spite or pure inconsiderate dismissal.

If they do exist, I don't know if we're more like the ant or the disruptive coworker. Either way, they probably wouldn't like us

Interesting. But it begs a question that could be applied to a lot of paranormal stuff (like my friend Bigfoot)... If they don't want to be seen (and have the capacity not to be seen) then why are they seen at all? But, if they don't care if they're seen, and they are actually here and somewhat plentiful, then why aren't they seen all the time and (now this is crucial) recorded by our seeing devices in an irrefutable and discernable fashion?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Battle of Karansebes 1788

100,000 drunken and panicked Austrian soldiers did battle with themselves at night resulting in a rout. The actual enemy The Ottomans arrived 2 days later finding 10,000 dead and easily took the city.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Sabina & Ursula (NSFW)

I remember that from a few years back, very very bizarre. I would suggest people watch the first few minutes of the video.

Yah, that Sabina and Ursula thing is completely nuts. How the hell do they survive all of that and just the idea of them being normal girls until they met and lost their minds together is chilling. It's amazing that one of those crappy cop shows caught it all as well. Must of been the highest ratings ever for that show haha.

Feel bad for the guy who was killed for no reason too, it's difficult to disagree with the diminished responsibility charge after seeing what happened but it still doesn't feel right that she only served three years.

Carlos Castaneda and the Cleargreen Cult

"In the spring of 1998, shortly after the death of New Age writer and philosopher Carlos Castaneda, five women closely connected with Castaneda and his movement, called “Tensegrity,” vanished from the Los Angeles area. Their names were Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar, Amalia Marquez, Kylie Lundahl, and Patricia Lee Partin. Aside from Partin, whose remains were discovered in 2003, all of the women remain missing to this day. The story behind their disappearances is strange, tangled and somewhat disturbing.

Peruvian-born Carlos Castaneda was a graduate student in anthropology at UCLA in the early 1960s when he published a book called The Teachings of Don Juan which purported to detail his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian called Don Juan Matus. Supposedly this Don Juan took Castaneda on various spiritual journeys and showed him new ways of knowledge based on Native American mystical traditions. It was all a hoax. Don Juan did not exist, and various investigations proved that Castaneda fabricated many important events in his past.

Castaneda dropped out of sight in 1973 and, while continuing to write, repackaged his philosophy as Tensegrity, which he said was derived from the teachings of (the nonexistent) Don Juan and various Native American philosophies. While pushing the Tensegrity system—it was promoted mainly through workshops—Castaneda amassed a number of female followers who typically changed their names and went into seclusion with him. A number of these women were also apparently his lovers.

On April 27, 1998, Castaneda died of liver cancer in Los Angeles. This began the chain of events that ended with the disappearances of five of his disciples, which I’ll get to each in turn."

read more here.

there is a temple in india situated in a forest on the top of a mountain . it is dedicated to the hindu god shiva . steps have been created to climb the mountain . after climbing some 500 large steps you can reach the temple . here the god is not in his normal form but the idol is that of his penis in union with his wife's vagina .

the idol of the penis of god in union with goddess's vagina was found by a group of hunters in the remote past , and it was found surrounded by venomous cobras . ever since then a temple has been created around the idol and it has acquired legendary status . devotees regularly make the hard climb of hundreds of steps to take blessings of the lord shiva of marleshwar .

the cobras have never left the place and the priests of the temple live among the cobras . devotees pray to god among the cobras .
my female cousin who visited the site few years ago was terrified when she saw the cobras , as no one had warned her about them . but the priests and devotees swear that the cobras never bite either any priest or devotee .

in hindu mythology shiva is always represented surrounded by snakes , and he has been cursed by another god to be never worshipped in his full bodily form but only his penis will be worshipped in union with his wife's ( the goddess parvati ) vagina . the accidental finding of such an idol atop a mountain in a remote forest surrounded by the god's favourite animals ( snakes ) excited the imagination of hindu believers like never before .

what could be the story of the idol ? of course if was crafted by artisans in the remote past and adorned some temple in the plains . but muslim invaders probably threatened to break the idol into pieces during their invasions . some intrepid devotees must have carried the idol for safekeeping atop the high mountain in the forest where the invaders could not penetrate , and here it must have lain forgotten for centuries....but when it was rediscovered centuries later it was surrounded by the lord's favourite animals---cobras . possibly the muslim invaders reached even this place , but the presence of cobras prevented them from trying to destroy the idol .

today the cobras are regarded as the protectors of the idol , and the presence of cobras is considered auspicious in the temple---for it is they who must have protected the idol over the centuries from being desecrated . after a hard climb of over 500 stairs a true believer can attain spiritual nirvana if he or she has the guts to believe the stories of the poisonous snakes being benign to devotees !! as for as myself is concerned , i neither have energy the climb over 500 big stairs to reach the temple nor do i have the daring to risk my life among live cobras .

---ashdoc .

my aunt's ( mother's sister ) husband converted at the age of about 35 to a cult called 'agnihotra' cult---literally the cult of fire , for agni means fire . he forces his family to worship fire every day at sunrise and sunset . the fire is created by burning camphor among pieces of cowdung---for cow is holy for hindus and the excreta of cow is considered holy by religious fanatics . the burning of fire is done in a vessel and holy incantations are spoken while doing so . my uncle and his son have drunk cow urine on occasions as they believe the excreta of cow to be holy .

the perpetuater of this cult is a spiritual guru now dead , and needless to say my aunt's husband is a very fanatic devotee of this guru . he will brook no word against this guru . he even convinced his daughter to marry the guru's son . he goes into a terrible rage if anyone tries to tell him anything against the guru .my aunt was opposed to the marriage of her daughter to the guru's son . but the daughter was a convert to the cult and agreed to marry the guru's son . on the eve of the marriage a huge fight erupted between my aunt and her husband over the marriage . but my aunt's opposition was of no avail as the daughter was ready to marry the guru's son .

relations between my family and my aunt's family have nosedived over their devotion to this guru , and we are totally opposed to this madness that they indulge in . to take revenge over our opposition , my aunt's husband wrote a book recently in which he attacked my mom and me over our opposition to the guru and his cult that they are attached to .

now my aunt's daughter has given birth to a son , but she and her husband are not giving him any vaccinations in the belief that the power of the holy fire that they daily ignite will protect the child . so the madness continues....

to add to the above---

many westerners have also become followers of this guru , and they fall at the feet of my cousin ( aunt's daughter ) because she has married the guru's son . people from as far as germany and chile are followers . but the guru's own daughter has realised the folly of all this , and has disassociated herself from this cult .

my uncle and his son have drunk cow urine on occasions as they believe the excreta of cow to be holy . .
Yikes! That's... not good. Couldn't they do like the Christians do with their eucharist and drink something else (like lemonade) and just say it's symbolic for cow urine?

he goes into a terrible rage if anyone tries to tell him anything against the guru .
Going into a terrible rage over anything (short of say, an assault on your family's life) is indicative of a problem. Why can't people who fly into rages understand this? The weird thing is if a rager watches someone else fly into a rage over something stupid they're the first to say, "That guy has a serious problem."

The Case of Magdalena Zuk

The entire case is full of holes. It's said she was most likely drugged, raped and murdered. That's the current theory. I don't necessarily agree with everything stated in the video, but I do, however, agree that there are inconsistencies. How it all transpired is very bizarre and ultimately tragic.

KIC 8462852

"KIC 8462852 (also Tabby's Star or Boyajian's Star) is an F-type main-sequence star located in the constellation Cygnus. Unusual light fluctuations of the star were discovered by citizen scientists as part of the Planet Hunters project, and in September 2015 astronomers and citizen scientists associated with the project posted a preprint of a paper on arXiv describing the data and possible interpretations. The discovery was made from data collected by the Kepler space telescope,which observes changes in the brightness of distant stars to detect exoplanets.

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the star's large irregular changes in brightness as measured by its unusual light curve, but none to date fully explain all aspects of the curve. The leading hypothesis, based on a lack of observed infrared light, posits a swarm of cold, dusty comet fragments in a highly eccentric orbit. Another hypothesis is that of a large number of small masses in "tight formation" orbiting the star. It has been speculated that the changes in brightness could be signs of activity associated with intelligent extraterrestrial life constructing a Dyson swarm. The SETI Institute's initial radio reconnaissance of KIC 8462852, however, found no evidence of technology-related radio signals from the star.

KIC 8462852 is not the only star that has large irregular dimmings. However, all other such stars are young stellar objects called YSO dippers that have different dimming patterns. An example of such an object is EPIC 204278916.

Current events:

As of 19 May 2017, a new dip in luminosity has been detected. Additional observations are being coordinated. The Fairborn Observatory in Arizona notified fellow watchers that the star was 3% dimmer. Several observatories, including the Keck telescopes and amateur observatories, are watching and taking spectra of the star."

The Unsolved case of Henry McCabe
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3 - Contains the voicemail
Source 4

"McCabe — a 32-year-old Mounds View resident, married father of two and Minnesota Revenue Department employee — was reported missing Sept. 8.

McCabe’s wife, who was out of state at the time, told police she’d been contacted by one of her husband’s friends, who said McCabe had been at a club in Spring Lake Park on Sunday, Sept. 6, and had been dropped off at a gas station sometime after 2 a.m. Sept. 7 (Labor Day).

The wife also said she received a voicemail from her husband’s phone around 2:23 a.m. Monday, “where he is heard yelling, screaming, and making weird grunting noises,” according to a search warrant affidavit filed in Ramsey County District Court last week.

Police reports indicate at least one other friend was with McCabe and Kennedy at the club that night. Kennedy told police the other friend took McCabe’s wallet in an effort to stop him from buying more drinks because he was “very intoxicated,” the search warrant said.

After they left the club, Kennedy and McCabe reportedly got into Kennedy’s car. Kennedy was going to take him home, but McCabe asked to be dropped off at a Fridley SuperAmerica gas station instead, the search warrant affidavit said.

McCabe’s phone pings from the night he disappeared placed him in Spring Lake Park and Fridley, according to police. The last ping — about the time his wife said she got a call — came from a tower in New Brighton.

Phone records showed McCabe’s phone made three calls after he was last seen. Investigators have requested Kennedy’s phone records to compare where his phone “pinged” (where the phone’s signal bounced off cell towers; those pings are logged by the phone carrier). That information “can help determine where William Kennedy went and find Henry McCabe,” the search warrant said."

Since that article his body has been found (see sources 1&2). What makes this case bizarre is that there were no wounds found on the body. Cause of death is said to be drowning in fresh water. Some people think that he was murdered via waterboarding. I hate the fact that some are turning this into a bigfoot case or saying the sounds heard in the voicemail were of a "demonic" nature" . But I'll agree that it's definitely a peculiar case.

Didn't know where to post this; i guess it fits the bizarre part of the thread title. This is an old video so maybe everyone else has seen it but i first did a few days ago. I think it is real, haven't seen any evidence of it not being staged but even if it was there are documented cases of this happening:

I find that terrifying. This particular case is actually pretty sad, she just seemed to be a homeless woman who found an opportunity to get shelter and food and took it. If this happened to me i would've been terrified and wanted her out of my home, but i wouldn't have pressed charges and i hope the woman got help from this. She clearly wasn't intending to do harm to the occupants or she would have.

I think i've made it abundantly clear here that i don't believe in ghosts or demons or whatever but intruders are very real and horrifying. My gf's mum told me a really horrifying story recently that happened to her when she was younger where she is leaning towards ghosts, personally i think it was an intruder and the circumstances creep me right out.

The Mysterious Case of Chuck Morgan

Case Details:

"On March 22, 1977, in Tucson, Arizona, escrow company owner Chuck Morgan left his home as usual, and then disappeared. Morgan was a potential witness in a state land fraud case involving a known organized crime boss. On March 25, three days later, Chuck stumbled back home at two in the morning. Chuck’s wife, Ruth Morgan, woke up to a thump at the back door:

“I was in bed and the dog started barking. I got up, went to the door and opened it and there was Chuck. He was missing a shoe and had one plastic handcuff around one ankle and a set around his hands. When he motioned to his throat, and didn’t say a word, I asked him, ‘Can you talk? Can you write?’ He shook his head, ‘yes,’ so I went and got a tablet and a pen. He wrote that his throat had been painted with a hallucinogenic drug and that the drug could drive him irrevocably insane or destroy his nervous system and kill him. I wanted to call a doctor and the police, but he was adamant that that would be signing a death warrant for the entire family.”

Over the next week, Ruth nursed her husband back to health. Before his voice returned, he began to hint to her that he had a secret identity as an agent for the federal government:
“He wrote, ‘They took my Treasury identification.’ That was the first I’d heard of it. Then he told me he had been working for them for about two or three years. And that was it.”

Was Chuck Morgan really a Treasury agent, secretly fighting organized crime? And who was it that abducted him?

In the 1970’s, the mafia established Arizona as a narcotics pipeline and a haven for money laundering. More than 500 racketeers set up shop there. What made Arizona attractive to crime syndicates was a state law which allowed anyone to buy up land through numbered blind trust accounts. This meant they could launder money and it couldn’t be traced.

Chuck Morgan had done real estate escrow work for at least one mafia family, and possibly helped with the purchase of gold bullion and platinum, a more convenient way to launder money. Journalist Don Devereux investigated.

Chuck's Story:

“He was around the edges of a couple of very large organized crime groups in Arizona at that time. It was very easy to get in over your head, and I suspect that over the years, Mr. Morgan was in that kind of situation. He was doing, perhaps, upwards of a billion dollars of escrow work in bullion and platinum. These were transactions that only existed on paper. He was a straight businessman that probably got a little a too close to the flame.”

Ruth knew little of her husband’s work:
“Chuck mentioned to me once that there was money laundering going on, but nothing that he himself was involved in. He told me, ‘The less the girls and you know, the better off you will be.’”

After his kidnapping, Chuck took no chances. He wore a bulletproof vest and made sure he was the only one who drove his daughters to and from school. But two months after his first disappearance, Chuck vanished again. Nine days later, Ruth Morgan received a mysterious phone call. An unidentified woman gave her a reference from the Bible:
“This woman said, ‘Ruthie?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ She said, ‘Chuck is all right. Ecclesiastics 12, 1 through 8’. And then she hung up.”

The passage reads, in part:
“Men are afraid of a high place and of terrors on the road. Remember him before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was and the spirit will return to God who gave it.”

Two days later, Chuck’s body was discovered. He was wearing his bulletproof vest and had died from a single bullet fired at close range into the back of his head. The bullet came from his own .357 magnum, which was lying beside him. The investigators also found a piece of paper with directions to the murder site written in Chuck’s handwriting, and a pair of sunglasses which definitely did not belong to him.

The police made one additional discovery. Chuck had clipped a $2 bill inside his underwear. Written on the bill were seven Spanish names, beginning with the letters A through G. Above them was the notation, “Ecclesiastes 12,” with the verses one through eight marked by arrows drawn on the bill’s serial number. This was the same Bible verse the mysterious female caller had given to Chuck’s wife. On the back of the bill, the signers of the Declaration of Independence were numbered one through seven, and there was a roughly-drawn map. The map led to an area between Tucson and Mexico, to the towns of Robles Junction and Salacity, both known for smuggling.

Despite the unusual evidence, many in the sheriff’s department believed Chuck’s death was a suicide. They claimed he had shot himself in the back of the head."

read more here.


"The YOGTZE case refers to the death of unemployed German food engineer Günther Stoll, which occurred on 26 October 1984. It is one of the most mysterious unsolved cases in German criminal history.


In 1984, Günther Stoll, an unemployed food engineer from Anzhausen was suffering from a moderate case of paranoia. Prior to his death, he occasionally spoke to his wife of "them," unknown people who supposedly intended to harm him. He mentioned "them," specifically, on the evening of 25 October 1984 (at approximately 23:00), before suddenly shouting "Jetzt geht mir ein Licht auf!" ("Now I've got it!"). He then wrote the six letters "YOG'TZE" (it is not conclusive if the third letter was intended to represent a '6' or a 'G') on a sheet of paper before instantly crossing them out.

Shortly thereafter, Stoll went to his favorite pub in Wilnsdorf, where he ordered a beer and fell on the ground, injuring his face. Witnesses stated that he was not under the influence of alcohol and that he suddenly lost consciousness.

He awoke and drove away in his VW Golf I. It is not known what he did in the next two hours. At around 01:00 on 26 October 1984, he went to Haigerseelbach, where he grew up. There, he talked to a woman he knew from his childhood and mentioned a "horrible incident." Since it was so late at night, the woman advised him to go to his parents' place, and talk to them instead. He then left.


At approximately 03:00, two lorry drivers discovered Stoll's crashed vehicle in a trench adjacent to the A45, near the Hagen-Süd exit, 100 kilometres (60 mi) from Haigerseelbach. Both truck drivers testified to having seen an injured person in a white jacket walking near the car. After calling law enforcement, the drivers found the severely injured Günther Stoll naked in his car. He was conscious and mentioned four male persons who had been with him in the car, and had run away. When asked if the men were his friends, Stoll denied it. He died on the way to hospital.

The investigation:

The criminal investigation showed that Stoll was injured before the crash, and must have been hit by a car elsewhere, and subsequently positioned in the passenger's seat of his car and driven to the location where he was discovered. It was also concluded that he was naked at the time he was run over. Other drivers reported seeing a hitchhiker at the Hagen-Süd exit. Neither the hitchhiker nor the person in the white jacket were identified. Suspicions regarding Stoll's holiday trips to the Netherlands, where he was thought to have made contact with drug dealers, proved unfounded.

The meaning of the letters "YOG'TZE" remains unknown, however, some suggest it may be properly read upside-down."