My 450 Favorite Films Ever-A List I'll probably Never Finish


Finished here. It's been fun.

4 2001: A Space Odyssey

So much has been said and written about this one since its release in 1968. There's little I can contribute to the conversation with the exception of this statement: what vision Kubrick had. Few films dare, much less even attempt, to tackle the themes this film presents. This movie makes other movies feel small in ambition and scope. Man's destiny lies beyond the stars, and Kubrick was well-aware of that. Masterpiece, masterpiece, masterpiece...

Finished here. It's been fun.

3 Mulholland Drive
For my money, the best Lynch. When I was a younger man I loved this film but, deep down, I wanted it to make logical sense. As a wiser man, I now don't care about any meaning. This film is the closest I've come to living inside a dream.

Finished here. It's been fun.

2 Blade Runner
My previous number 1 film.

See you all in another two years when I unveil my actual # 1!

See you all in another two years when I unveil my actual # 1!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.