The Western III Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
Also, Hulu has some really older Westerns:
The Tall Stranger
The Furies
The Hangman
Pony Express
The Lonely Man

Any of those sound familiar?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
There are a bunch of obscure Spaghetti Westerns on Amazon that have my attention. Sabata, and Sartana series. Also, a few I haven’t heard of such as Support your Local Gunfighter and Support your love Sheriff. A Man Called Horse.
April, I have decided, is when I’m going to sit down and watch a lot of these (assuming they aren’t removed by then) and maybe put forward a list for the countdown.

Support Your Local Sheriff and Support Your Local Gunfighter are both great movies, especially if you like western comedies.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Cool, I'm glad somebody reads it I want to watch a bunch more westerns before the Countdown voting deadline is up. We have two months left now.

I've been reading your Western Movie Log. I've added a few movies to my watchlist from that thread.

The trick is not minding
There are a bunch of obscure Spaghetti Westerns on Amazon that have my attention. Sabata, and Sartana series. Also, a few I haven’t heard of such as Support your Local Gunfighter and Support your love Sheriff. A Man Called Horse.
April, I have decided, is when I’m going to sit down and watch a lot of these (assuming they aren’t removed by then) and maybe put forward a list for the countdown.

Support Your Local Sheriff and Support Your Local Gunfighter are both great movies, especially if you like western comedies.

GBGoodies approves. Can’t say no to watching them now!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also, Hulu has some really older Westerns:
The Tall Stranger
The Furies
The Hangman
Pony Express
The Lonely Man

Any of those sound familiar?

I haven't heard of any of those movies, but if you're looking for more western movies, there are a lot of them on YouTube and DailyMotion that you can watch for free.

The trick is not minding
GBGoodies approves. Can’t say no to watching them now!
I'm looking forward to your reviews of them. (At least one of those two movies will probably make my Top Westerns List. )
If you had joined us you could have selected one of them for me to watch in the recommendations 😏
I’ll definitely be starting more westerns up in April. I’ll add those two to my selection for sure.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If you had joined us you could have selected one of them for me to watch in the recommendations 😏
I’ll definitely be starting more westerns up in April. I’ll add those two to my selection for sure.

I'm not sure which HoF you're referring to, but I thought about joining this westerns HoF, but I'm not a fan of spaghetti westerns, and I was pretty sure that some would be nominated. I've been watching a bunch of westerns, but I'm carefully picking movies that sound like they're more "my type" of westerns.

If you're talking about the Personal Recommendations HoF, I don't think either of those movies is on the MoFo lists (hopefully yet), so they wouldn't have been eligible.

The trick is not minding
If you had joined us you could have selected one of them for me to watch in the recommendations 😏
I’ll definitely be starting more westerns up in April. I’ll add those two to my selection for sure.

I'm not sure which HoF you're referring to, but I thought about joining this westerns HoF, but I'm not a fan of spaghetti westerns, and I was pretty sure that some would be nominated. I've been watching a bunch of westerns, but I'm carefully picking movies that sound like they're more "my type" of westerns.

If you're talking about the Personal Recommendations HoF, I don't think either of those movies is on the MoFo lists (hopefully yet), so they wouldn't have been eligible.
Yep, the personal recommendations HOF.
Support Your Local Sheriff is on the list, I don’t think Support Your Local Gunfighter is however.
Buuuuut.....if it makes the final list it will become eligible for future ones.
Just saying 😏

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yep, the personal recommendations HOF.
Support Your Local Sheriff is on the list, I don’t think Support Your Local Gunfighter is however.
Buuuuut.....if it makes the final list it will become eligible for future ones.
Just saying 😏

Maybe, but by then you will have already watched it for the MoFo Westerns List, right?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also, Hulu has some really older Westerns:
The Tall Stranger
The Furies
The Hangman
Pony Express
The Lonely Man

Any of those sound familiar?
Sorry for the late reply, I went to bed...But now it's breakfast time...I've seen The Furies and that film gets a lot of respect. And I seen The Lonely Man that's decent.

I'm glad you posted that list because I'm going to try and watch many of those. I've not used Hulu before, is that a pay-per-stream site?

The trick is not minding
Also, Hulu has some really older Westerns:
The Tall Stranger
The Furies
The Hangman
Pony Express
The Lonely Man

Any of those sound familiar?
Sorry for the late reply, I went to bed...But now it's breakfast time...I've seen The Furies and that film gets a lot of respect. And I seen The Lonely Man that's decent.

I'm glad you posted that list because I'm going to try and watch many of those. I've not used Hulu before, is that a pay-per-stream site?
It is, yes.
Anthony Mann I recognize. I think I remember you mentioning him in your westerns thread when you reviewed a film of his. He’s a director I’m not overly familiar with however.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It is, yes.
Anthony Mann I recognize. I think I remember you mentioning him in your westerns thread when you reviewed a film of his. He’s a director I’m not overly familiar with however.
Anthony Mann isn't a name that comes up on MoFo often but he made a lot of great films and a lot of really solid westerns. I've seen many of his westerns and I have a few more to watch in the next two months. I've seen these and all are prime considerations to make my voting list:

1958 Man of the West
1957 The Tin Star
1955 The Man from Laramie
1954 The Far Country
1953 The Naked Spur
1952 Bend of the River
1950 The Furies
1950 Winchester '73

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Anthony Mann isn't a name that comes up on MoFo often but he made a lot of great films and a lot of really solid westerns. I've seen many of his westerns and I have a few more to watch in the next two months. I've seen these and all are prime considerations to make my voting list:

1958 Man of the West
1957 The Tin Star
1955 The Man from Laramie
1954 The Far Country
1953 The Naked Spur
1952 Bend of the River
1950 The Furies
1950 Winchester '73

The only one of these movies that I've seen is Winchester '73, and it's currently on my potential list for the westerns list, but several of them are already on my watchlist.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Hey you all!

Just saying that I'm still in this and as of today, I'm in quarantine due to the spreading of the new Coronavirus, so next two weeks will be very good to this HoF!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Red River

Sims Reeves: Plantin' and readin', plantin' and readin'. Fill a man full o' lead, stick him in the ground an' then read words on him. Why, when you've killed a man, why try to read the Lord in as a partner on the job?

This is a pretty solid western. Even with the quick wrap up ending that was not initially intended when Hawks made this film. Though, in a way, I can let it by knowing full well how an angry woman yelling at two men in a fight and everyone knows everyone, just how quickly the wind gets knocked out of both men's sails and they go from roaring to mewing, pretty d@mn quick.

But, let's get to the full film itself.

This has all the trappings of a d@mn good, ole time western. Starting with two iconic actors that would become synonymous with Westerns; Walter Brennan and John Wayne and adding on, playing the next generation of "building up something great', Montgomery Clift. Who sets out to, not only prove himself, but to finish the job. His butting heads with Wayne's Dunson as well as the "sizing up" between him and John Ireland's Cherry Valance (f@ckin cool name) that turned into a mutual respect, were some of the best situations in this film.
Add in the tough, seasoned prairie lady, Tess Milay, played with a cagey warmth by Joanne Dru, you have a great cast as well as a strong list of characters to enjoy and get caught up in.

And I was very much caught up in it. From the beginning when Dunson leaves the wagon train and a woman he loves to set out on his own, and finding Clift's Matt, as a tough youngster and together with Brennan's Groot, setting up a ranch of Dunson's own. we move a decade or so later to when he must move his cattle and horse herd a thousand miles to Missouri. With all the conflicts, internal and external that could and would occur. Making for some great western style scenery and scenarios.

A definite Must See for anyone who loves Westerns
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Red River
...I was very much caught up in it. From the beginning when Dunson leaves the wagon train and a woman he loves to set out on his own...
That woman was Coleen Gray and even though she had only a minute or two on screen, she really hit all the emotions during her close up shot...she's really good in this.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Dirty Little Billy

Ben Antrim: All right, Billy. All right. You still haven't answered my question. What do you want to do?
Billy Bonney: . . . Nothin'.

This was everything I was expecting and hoping for when I first saw this being nominated. It was also one I was considering from the recommendations made by @Holden Pike in the Westerns Lists Thread.
I've seen a very large amount of Billy the Kid films and pretty much enjoyed them all and each of their glamorized renditions of The Kid. What really sets this apart from them is that it is more of a realistic, and extremely dirty, aka muddy version of that formative time prior to his arrival into the Lincoln County Wars and into the infamous legends of the West.

When I say realistic, I speak of a "no account" delinquent that becomes an outlaw and not the "Prince of Pistolliers" that legend has glamorized him into. Which I'm not knocking at all, but I truly did enjoy this more unique, mud encrusted version that is portrayed perfectly by Michael J. Pollard. Along with the dangerously bent Goldie, played by Richard Evans that Billy easily falls in with as the very kind of trouble-maker that Billy would associate with.
There was a lot here that made for an excellent "origin" story. How, when picked on or rushed at in the street, while Billy would dodge away, he would refuse to runaway. And that would become a trademark of his in his short life.
There was so much of this I found refreshing and entertaining to watch regarding such an iconic person and bringing a more down to earth rendition of him. Making the violent ending far more of an impact. Signalling the birth of the outlaw.

I am SOO happy I got a chance to see this one!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
That woman was Coleen Gray and even though she had only a minute or two on screen, she really hit all the emotions during her close up shot...she's really good in this.
Oh I agree. She did an amazing job for such a short, but very important, role.