Transformers 3


in my country this movie isnt released yet due to tax problem from MPAA, yeah we missed all summer movies. thats really sucks.
" take the best orgasm u ever had, multiply it by a thousand, and u still nowhere near at it. " _Mark Renton

Umm, I was told there would be no math...
Went and saw it today. I kept telling myself it was for a podcast, but it didn't make it go down any easier.

I just have this sense that Michael Bay is a cynical man and as such it makes me cynical watching his movies. The movie felt patronising to me and something that would otherwise have been a mindless summer action movie became more akin to being slapped in the face. Some good special effects moments, but just as bad as the first two in my opinion.

we kept the tradition alive of seeing it on the first day...LOVED IT!!!!!

cant wait until next week, and i get to see this in 3D!!

i didnt care for the dialog in "2" ....i know the ONLY reason for the fallen was to show devastator..and to reveal magatrons new form, and starscreams tats..

love transformers in the 80's, really excited to get into the original series...its a little different.

my only complaint was, it was 95 degrees outside, and 40 in the theater...i couldnt dress for both..
Im tired of being caught in the tangle of these peoples lives.....

Well the first Transformers was a good movie, the second one sucked, the 3rd is by far the worst. Transformers 3 is way out of place with the other 2 movies, the acting is teeerrriibbbllleee, the story is aload of dog poo aswell. The end has great moments but everything is just all over the place, people walked out in the middle of this movie.

WezLface_kid's Avatar
Registered User
i was surprised that i enjoyed it soo much cuz pt1 and 2 were mehhh

You ready? You look ready.

This movie sucked so hard. It was horrible.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

u guys really lucky,
btw, is this the last Transformers movie from bay?
i hope so, people hated the second movie... me included, but the third i found was worse.

Oh come on now don't be so dramatic.It's giant robots kicking the **** out of each other its fun enjoy it. plus its not running for an oscar or anything just for money. And when you say people hated the second I kind of doubt that just see the box office it speaks for itself. I found the screenplay silly and cheesy in all the possible ways but at least it was fun as I am an junky for explosions. People don't go with the intention to seek the moral qualities of Transformers but rather just to knock of 2 and a half hours on a Friday night I know I did and would watch it again hell its the biggest one so far. Just shut your brain down as a friend of mine said and fill the gap with awesomeness
I'm in movie heaven

I cant wait to see this. I hear many good reviewa so far.

I'm in the minority but this was my favorite of the 3 by far.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Well the first Transformers was a good movie, the second one sucked, the 3rd is by far the worst. Transformers 3 is way out of place with the other 2 movies, the acting is teeerrriibbbllleee, the story is aload of dog poo aswell. The end has great moments but everything is just all over the place, people walked out in the middle of this movie.
Agree 100%.

How anyone can say that this was good is beyond me.
