The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Worth noting that this is the biggest gap in points so far, with 6 points between these two. Up until now, the biggest point gap had been 3 between Cast Away (#69) and Ocean's Eleven (#68)
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Million Dollar Baby was my 24. Watched it for probably the fourth time not long ago and it’s still great. I am probably in the bag for boxing movies, but this is the second best of those for me and probably my favorite Eastwood flick.

I watched V For Vendetta upon release, I have absolutely no memory for it. Thought it was fine at the time. Certainly need to rewatch.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Ok, hint breakdown... the one I thought would be more obvious was the constant use of V words. I thought that would be a dead give-away but well...

Easy, peasy...
Super clever. Didn't notice the V thing

I've seen V For Vendetta a long time ago but didn't care much for it if I remember correctly. I'll probably get around to Million Dollar Baby sometime but it's never been one that particularly appealed to me despite having seen it praised at various times.

Seen: 26/44 (Own: 19/44)
My ballot:  

Faildictions (millennial edition v1.01):
56. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
55. Sin City (2005)

As for me, I've seen both, voted for none once again...

V for Vendetta is a film I saw in theaters and remember loving quite a bit, but for some reason it always kinda vanishes from my mind afterwards. I think I've seen it once or twice in the years between and I always get the same reaction. Really enjoy watching it and then poof!... Last time I revisited it was 2019, according to Letterboxd, and that's the thing.

As for Million Dollar Baby, saw it last year for the first time. I was expecting it to suck, but was pleasantly surprised that it didn't. I didn't love it, but I still thought it was pretty solid. Would have to dig up my exact thoughts, though.

This is it...

Seen: 31/44

My ballot:  

Clint Eastwood's multiple Oscar winner Million Dollar Baby was #58 on the MoFo Top 100 of the Millennium List. Jim McTeigue's adaptation of Alan Moore's V for Vendetta did not make that previous list at all though it was #11 on the MoFo Top 50 Comic Book Movies List.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
I re-watched both of these recently, and found them both to hold up really well. V took on a whole new meaning in today's climate, especially the Pathogen Path to Power section:

V for Vendetta did not make my list, as I it is really just a
for me, even if I enjoy certain aspects of it quite a bit.

Million Dollar Baby did make my list at # 9, which I think might be a bit high in retrospect; maybe it should be around #17 or so?

A funny story...I once invited several friends over to watch this, which none of us had seen at the time. We hadn't heard much about the plot, and when it started, we all starting talking about how we were in for an Eastwood version of Lady Rocky or something along those lines. When the tonal shift occurred, the room was dead silent. We spent the rest of the film in a quiet and melancholy mood, and many a tear was shed. Not the Saturday night my buddies and I were expecting!

Powerful stuff - the lighting and camera work are excellent, as well as the performances.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Very much against my good will, I had to cut Million Dollar Baby at the last minute...

I wanted a diverse list and that meant cutting this one off. But I surely believed that it would show up without my help and I'm glad it did. It's one of Clint's best work and such a great story even if it's pretty standard in its fundament. But he brings it all in this one, Mr. Eastwood.

I like V for Vendetta quite a bit, but I've never been a so-called fan. It has a lot of hype all over and a lot of fans but I'm not one of them. I knew it would show up, it was just a matter of how high. Wasn't sure how much people still talked about this. A fair bit it seems.

Are you implying that one should have more than a hundred 4+ rated movies per decade? I have a couple 3.5 rated on my own ballot, FFS

Everything on my ballot was five stars.

Have seen so far: 15 - V for Vendetta and Million Dollar Baby - Both movies were meh since I just didn't find much interest in them, If I had to pick which one was better I would pick V for Vendetta.
Have not seen so far: 33
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A system of cells interlinked
I am really surprised V for Vendetta showed up at all, TBH. I never thought it was considered a great film, but perhaps the COVID parallels have brought it back into the cultural zeitgeist...

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Million Dollar Baby was my 3. Obviously the biggest Eastwood fan on this board, and it's my second favorite from him. Can't do that one per director thing.

V for Vendetta a pleasant surprise definitely. Really like it and glad it made the list, especially this far into it.

My List
2. Mystic River
3. Million Dollar Baby
8. Iron Man
20. Spider Man 2

Million Dollar Baby was my 3. Obviously the biggest Eastwood fan on this board, and it's my second favorite from him. Can't do that one per director thing.
Don't know how obvious that is, but oh-kee-doh-kee.

I do have an Eastwood film from this decade on my ballot...but it is neither of the ones that have shown.

This is the first of the ten Academy Award winners for Best Picture to make our list. From the seven previous decade lists we are averaging six Best Pictures making the cut. The 1980s is the anomaly thus far with only three titles showing (Amadeus, Platoon, and Rain Man) while the 1970s had nine of them make it (the only one to miss was Patton) and the 1960s had eight (Tom Jones and A Man for All Seasons being the no-shows). The '90s, '50s, '40s, and '30s Lists all had six make it each.

I know we are almost halfway through now which makes it perhaps easier to handicap than before the reveals started, but how many more Best Picture winners do you guess will make it? The other nine titles are Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Chicago, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Crash, The Departed, No Country for Old Men, Slumdog Millionaire, and The Hurt Locker.

I figure LOTR: Return of the King, No Country for Old Men, and The Departed are absolute givens. Gladiator should be there too. I don't see any way in Hell that Crash makes it and may not even be in the top 250 of our votes, one of the most derided Oscar picks in the past fifty years. I think if Slumdog Millionaire was going to show it would have shown by now. Same for The Hurt Locker, though there may well be an undercurrent of support it that I am underestimating. I think Chicago is beloved enough to make it, even if the taste and impact of Moulin Rouge! should place that Musical higher. Which leaves A Beautiful Mind. I have never thought much of that flick, which I am trying not to let color my prediction too much...but I kinda feel like if it doesn't show in the bottom fifty it isn't coming? Whatever awards season momentum bullpucky it enjoyed in early 2002...I gotta believe (or hope?) that has long evaporated?

So I am gonna guess six make it this time: Million Dollar Baby, Chicago, The Departed, Gladiator, No Country for Old Men, and LOTR: ROTK.

My room mate really liked V for Vendetta, so I watched it with her one Guy Fawkes night after it came out on home video. I didn't like it very much. A few years later she convinced me to rewatch it (again on Guy Fawkes night) and...I still didn't like it very much. Just a couple years ago on Nov 5th once more, she convinced myself and her boyfriend (who also didn't originally like the film) to watch it yet again. Was the third time the charm? No.

The boyfriend and I went in with the intention to see if we could tell whether the actor for V on screen was Hugo Weaving, or if it was older footage from before James Purefoy left. I'm not sure how successful we were, but it at least made that last viewing more interesting for the two of us.

Unfortunately I think our combined negativity about the film has made my room mate change her opinion on it as well. At the very least, she's not as enthusiastic about it as she used to be.

Seen: 23/44

My List:
08. Mother (2009) - #96
10. Iron Man (2008) - #83
11. Paprika (2006) - #64
16. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - #76
25. Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006) - 1-pointer

Two good films I enjoyed, but didn't make my ballot.

V for Vendetta: I watched it sometime last year on a whim. It's the kind of film I wasn't eager to watch, but I decided to give it a go just for the heck of it. Fortunately, I enjoyed it quite a bit and I found it to be a compelling anti-fascist film about political uprisings. With the exception of a couple scenes I loved though, it mostly landed in "watch once and respect" territory for me. Probably won't watch it again, but I still thought it was pretty good.

Million Dollar Baby: This is another film I wasn't eager to watch since its big moment was spoiled for me prior to watching it. Overall though, I found the first two-thirds to be a fairly interesting and technically impressive, albeit somewhat cliché sports drama with some fairly predictable character arcs that were telegraphed ahead of time. Once it got to the final act though, it became something else entirely and truly came alive. Without its final act, I'm not sure it would be as popular as it is.

A system of cells interlinked
Just to be different, I will add one to Holden's List, which I think will land within the next 5 titles or so.

Million Dollar Baby, Chicago, The Departed, Gladiator, No Country for Old Men, LOTR: ROTK, and The Hurt Locker.

That said, I am wondering if ROTK makes it, only because, at least in my circle of film watchers, Fellowship seems to have aged a bit better and is remembered more fondly, so it may supplant ROTK on this list as far as LOTR is concerned?

Who knows, maybe neither The Hurt Locker and ROTK make it, which brings the list down to 5 total. For now, I will add The Hurt Locker, bringing my total to Lucky #7.

That said, I am wondering if ROTK makes it, only because, at least in my circle of film watchers, Fellowship seems to have aged a bit better and is remembered more fondly, so it may supplant ROTK on this list as far as LOTR is concerned?
Oh, all three of the LOTR movies are very much making the list.