GBGoodies 2015 Movie Logbook


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It wasn't me. I had never heard of Women's World until I found it on the library shelf. It looked pretty good though.

Yeah, I probably remembered the title wrong. It aired on one of the movie channels recently, and the title sounded familiar and the description sounded good, so I watched it.

This is a great movie because it showed the importance of the woman behind the man. Three men are being considered for a promotion that only one of them can get, but the best man might not get the job if his wife isn't the right person too.
Ain't that the truth. Probably always has been and probably always will be. There's a great episode of The Good Life which is centred about this whole thing.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Ain't that the truth. Probably always has been and probably always will be. There's a great episode of The Good Life which is centred about this whole thing.

I've never heard of "The Good Life". Is that a BBC show?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think you would like it, at least I think it would be worth your time. It's a drama-light comedy set in the modern(50s) world of women in business and directed by Vincent Minnelli.

"A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think you would like it, at least I think it would be worth your time. It's a drama-light comedy set in the modern(50s) world of women in business and directed by Vincent Minnelli.

"A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common."

Yeah, it sounds like my kind of movie, and I'm looking for more 1950's movies to watch, so I added it to my watchlist.

I've never heard of "The Good Life". Is that a BBC show?
Yes, it was a BBC programme from the 70's. I love it. It's brilliant and I recommend it wholeheartedly. I think you might really like it, too.

This is the episode I was talking about. It's the final series, but give this a look if you can. Seeing as you're not going anywhere today.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes, it was a BBC programme from the 70's. I love it. It's brilliant and I recommend it wholeheartedly. I think you might really like it, too.

This is the episode I was talking about. It's the final series, but give this a look if you can. Seeing as you're not going anywhere today.

Thanks. I'll have to watch the video later because Hubby's stuck at home too, so we're catching up on some TV shows from last week. I can type, but I can't play any videos with sound until he leaves the room.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
There's a great episode of The Good Life which is centred about this whole thing.
So, it is called "The Good Life" over there? I never knew that. Here it is called "Good Neighbors".
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Yes, I do like it. In fact, they were showing them again, which was good, but they recently took it off for an hour's worth of "As Time Goes By" instead. That is OK. I really like that show, too, but I hate it when they all of a sudden do that to me. I hate it when I have a certain ritual with my Sunday night viewing and then the shows that I was looking forward to are suddenly gone.

Anyway, I love Margo. I really like Jerry, though. Tom is a really good character, also. Barbara is my least liked but she is alright. Although, I don't know why I even went through saying all of this. I could've just said that I like the entire cast - I just went through all of them. If I ever get around to my top TV show list (it is still a work in progress), there is a good chance that this may pop up somewhere on the list.

It's good to hear that it has fans over the water. Like you I love it and, like you, should I ever get around to doing a TV top whatever, The Good Life will feature very highly. Probably top 5. I prefer the Leadbetters, too, while I'd have Tom as my least favourite, but they're all great.

I still have a huge crush on Margo.

The Producers (1967) and The Producers (2005) - I watched the 1967 version of this movie for the upcoming 1960s movies list, and the 2005 version of this movie because it was recommended by Gideon58 as a "Guilty Pleasure Movie". I've seen the 1967 version before, so that was a re-watch, but I had never seen the 2005 version before.
I'm flattered that you watched the musical on my recommendation, I didn't know that. I agree with most of what you've said here and after watching the original, I would agree that Matthew Broderick is pretty much just channeling Wilder's performance, or trying to anyway.