Movie HALL of FAME Archives & Info


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@Citizen Rules is right, a lot of folks are near the end so an early start for the Women's Director, that'll work.

CR, will you be moving the date for the 15th HoF if Camo starts earlier? Or leave it as is?

If it doesn't interfere with any of the other Hall of Fames and ed is fine with it then sure that would probably help. We're around 15 weeks away from March 31st i believe and i seriously doubt that many will join.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I got Red Psalm, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, and Dog Day Afternoon (rewatch) to go. But maybe won't have to watch any of them.

I got Red Psalm, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, and Dog Day Afternoon (rewatch) to go. But maybe won't have to watch any of them.
Are you considering joining the Women HoF or were you just saying what you had left?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Also what the hell will i call it The Directed By Women Hall of Fame? I was thinking this about the Countdown it sounds pretty weird.
The Vagina Monologues

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Also what the hell will i call it The Directed By Women Hall of Fame? I was thinking this about the Countdown it sounds pretty weird.
It would be cool but I don't want too much on my plate. I'll be dissecting Bigelow, watching Hitch, participating in the 15th and starting my Oscar HOF late January.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am SOOO glad someone jumped on that grenade before I did lol

Women Director(s) does sound good
I figured what the hell. I'm conservative, everyone here probably already thinks I am sexist.

Understood Raul. Still hope you take part in the Countdown.

Think i may have to go blind for this one. I've seen a decent amount but i can't think of any i love that others who are joining haven't seen.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Understood Raul. Still hope you take part in the Countdown.

Think i may have to go blind for this one. I've seen a decent amount but i can't think of any i love that others who are joining haven't seen.
You can still go with one you love. I still think that's an overrated part of these HOFs is people wanting so badly for people to have never seen the film. Just go with something you love is what I say.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I figured what the hell. I'm conservative, everyone here probably already thinks I am sexist.
yeah, but we think that in GOOD way
You can still go with one you love. I still think that's an overrated part of these HOFs is people wanting so badly for people to have never seen the film. Just go with something you love is what I say.
you have done really well with blind grabs, but going with one ya love is a great way to go too. It may be on someone's watchlist or a revisit to one they've wanted to watch again and haven't been able to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Going to start the thread in ten minutes or something. May as well.
I'm in! and will PM you in a minute with my nom.

1st Post is updated to include: Women Directors Hall of Fame

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
My list is coming in late, but I still want to post it.
I have been in 14:
4th Short Films
Animated Musical
Film Noir II
Musical Artist
1940's II

(and, of course, the Comedy one )
I don't know, though. It seems like I have been in so many more than those. But I think because I have been a part of them, practically, since I joined this site, that may make it feel like I have been in more than I actually have been in.

Good news I talked to SilentVamp yesterday and I think she will be coming back to MoFo in the future.
So, basically, you are assuming that if I am around more that means that I will somehow be drawn into another one of these Hall of Fames, huh?

I am debating joining the next general one. With the new job, and my not being too sure how tired I will be by the end of the day, I don't want to commit to too much at one time - for the moment. Otherwise, I may just be lazy and never get around to watching anything. I want to get accustomed to things first. So until that happens, if I join one, the next general HoF may be the one that I might do.

I know what I want to nominate. I've wanted to nominate it for a long time. I just don't know if I am in the mood to hear anything negative about it right now. Well, actually, I don't know if I would ever be in the mood to hear anything negative about it. But I just really want to nominate it.

SWEET!! I MISS her!!
The word "miss" is in all capital letters! That must mean that you REALLY missed me, right?
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My list is coming in late, but I still want to post it.
I have been in 14:
4th Short Films
Animated Musical
Film Noir II
Musical Artist
1940's II

(and, of course, the Comedy one )
I don't know, though. It seems like I have been in so many more than those. But I think because I have been a part of them, practically, since I joined this site, that may make it feel like I have been in more than I actually have been in.

So, basically, you are assuming that if I am around more that means that I will somehow be drawn into another one of these Hall of Fames, huh?

I am debating joining the next general one. With the new job, and my not being too sure how tired I will be by the end of the day, I don't want to commit to too much at one time - for the moment. Otherwise, I may just be lazy and never get around to watching anything. I want to get accustomed to things first. So until that happens, if I join one, the next general HoF may be the one that I might do.

I know what I want to nominate. I've wanted to nominate it for a long time. I just don't know if I am in the mood to hear anything negative about it right now. Well, actually, I don't know if I would ever be in the mood to hear anything negative about it. But I just really want to nominate it.

The word "miss" is in all capital letters! That must mean that you REALLY missed me, right?