Game of Thrones Season 7


You can't win an argument just by being right!
No. I came bck here to see if anyone knows where that second photo was shot.

Not even one brohug?

OK, I yield. Fun Police!


Not from the one who abused him into an animalistic state.

If you love the character, (and not just the actor) it's the last thing you'd ever fantasise about.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What does 'I Yield' mean? And I was having some harmless fun during hiatus. Jaysus.

What does 'I Yield' mean? And I was having some harmless fun during hiatus. Jaysus.
Don't take my reply so personally. The pic of the no fun was meant in a fun way.

But I do take character love rather seriously.

This might just do nobody any good.
I know we talked about how great this outfit was but, man, this outfit is great.

Something about that whole scene still bothers me. Going north to get a wight was tyrions plan and yet he doesnt want her to go and help them bring back this so called evidence for cersei. This scene here tells me Jons death benefited Tyrion and in the end Tyrion is about tyrion. Tyrion making it like Jon messed up at the dragon pit was making jon look bad when Tyrions knows cersei will betray them likely anyways. If tyrion lives too the end I hope Jon and dany do not trust tyrion to raise there child over Jons relatives or Sam and Gilly.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Man Flesh. BTS in the makeup trailer. Not long. I just love this stuff.

I loved this Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Video . I just hope and want Jon And Dany to have a few nice moments that make since in season 8 before they die or live so they do something that makes since for there characters. If Both have to die which i am ok with. I just want there Story from this season to end with no divide or strife as in Jon and Dany are enemys or dumb **** like that.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
BTS for the entire season. *runs around like a kid on red cordial*

Seen that the wildling lass still has her hooks in Jon Snow.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Liam Cunningham (Davos) says they are doing a script read through this week, with filming to begin shortly after.

At this point I kinda wish I was there to read script and not have the torturous wait for S8.

With any luck there will be another book along at some point in-between.

You've got red on you!
A torturous wait will make season 8 that much sweeter, gandalf26! Hopefully we won't have any of those losers leaking episodes like they did this past season.

I personally don't mind the wait because that delays the inevitable of the whole series ending, which will be so horribly sad .

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Rewatching GoT S1 and I wonder. Was Brandon worging Lady since the fall? Neat timing at end of EP2 when Lord Stark killed Lady and Bran opens his eyes as if the connection was broken.

Random. And bored.

Unless I'm forgetting something, I think they have completely passed on the warging.

It's a shame, it would have been great to see.

This might just do nobody any good.
If they have, its Bran’s loss. That character has a huge debt as far as genuinely heroic moments go. If he spends season 8 as Basil Exposition, Hodor will have died for nothing.