Wonder Woman


Worse than Batman V Superman?


Come on now. There's NO way Wonder Woman is WORSE than Batman V Superman.

BvS is as bad as it gets for the genre in the modern era. Unless it's Catwoman or Elektra bad, this has to be an over-exaggeration.

This is the first superhero movie I've been interested in in a while. Honestly hope it's good.

Welcome to the human race...
Northpoint, I'll wait until there's more of a consensus about its quality rather than assume that one person's negative reaction automatically indicates that it will be bad.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It's currently sitting at 100 percent on RT after 18 reviews.

I guess I'll have to see it for myself this weekend, but this is a great start. I wasn't terribly impressed with some of the trailers to be honest, but I'm more hopeful now. Let's get this Extended Universe started!

It's good to hear the positive reviews so far. Seems to be a vanilla movie and is getting a lot of praise because it is being compared to the "perceived" lackluster DC movies.

Oh wait. Suicide Squad did suck.

I really wish I could go see it Thursday night. Damn night shift. Oh well. Gives me more time to catch up on some Wonder Woman. I really like the character, but I'd be lying if I knew everything there is to know about her, even in terms of the obvious stuff.

Lets hope the trailer isn't better than the movie
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

**** the movie was banned in my country.....

Ok I've had some time to process
It's a solid film, I think a lot of reviews are going overboard but this isn't above MoS or BvS in my opinion. It's a better executed film, but the big "WOW" scene in this movie doesn't come close to so many great scenes in the others.

I neither loved nor hated anything in this film, I had both emotions for all 3 DCEU films so this was refreshing but almost a let down in a way

Gal Gadot fits the character perfectly. Balancing strength and confidence in fish out of water scenarios was faultless, I think some of the action scenes could've been handled better though.

Haven't seen it in 2D but I wouldn't say it's a film you HAVE to watch in 3D