Appreciate the Works of a MoFo!


At least I'm trying to take part in the thread's mission -- I'm asking that people appreciate my sabotage efforts.

Now, come on, people -- discuss what I've done so far. Kindly hit the rep button above my posts. Thank you in advance.

This is for everything to appreciated. Big or small. This is definitely suited to be posted.

I should probably ditch that "member thing". Probably best to try without it.
Aw man. I don't feel special anymore.

Okay, let's test this thing out!

I recently did a review of Still Alice, but no one seems to have noticed it. Oh well, maybe it's because it sucks, how do I know.

Personally I really like how it turned out though, and I hope there's a few out there who wants to give it a look (especially the members of the association in here, I think highly of you! )

here's a link:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I will read it! I was actually planning to read it anyway. I'm curious as to what you thought about the movie...and even more importantly to me, what you chose to write about...I'll check it out latter tonight (that's tonight PST)

I don't say things to be mean, I say things to help, and you probably know way more than me about writing about film, but honestly I thought that review was really repetitive. It felt like you didn't have a lot to say about it, which isn't bad at all, but it becomes bad when you force it. You got out everything you needed to say in the first few sentences (Julianne Moore is great, the movie is mediocre Oscar-bait, the script is dull and unemotional, the stakes were low), and then you went back in circles for 3 paragraphs because you felt obligated to make it that long. If that specific movie doesn't give you the material to write that much, there is no shame in not writing that much. You could take a sentence from the 2nd and 3rd paragraph, delete the rest, and no content would be lost from it. Shorter reviews are easier for lazy people to read, so trimming fat can't hurt.

I don't say things to be mean, I say things to help, and you probably know way more than me about writing about film, but honestly I thought that review was really repetitive. It felt like you didn't have a lot to say about it, which isn't bad at all, but it becomes bad when you force it. You got out everything you needed to say in the first few sentences (Julianne Moore is great, the movie is mediocre Oscar-bait, the script is dull and unemotional, the stakes were low), and then you went back in circles for 3 paragraphs because you felt obligated to make it that long. If that specific movie doesn't give you the material to write that much, there is no shame in not writing that much. You could take a sentence from the 2nd and 3rd paragraph, delete the rest, and no content would be lost from it. Shorter reviews are easier for lazy people to read, so trimming fat can't hurt.
I appreciate that you want to share your opinion on my review. But that post should've been posted in the thread where the review is, not here.

Anyways, I just went through it and I don't feel like I repeat myself much. I elaborate on my intro, while shining light on other things as well. I mention certain periods and certain aspects within Moore's performance. And in all honestly, every review in the world could be written like "this was bad, this was good. The end". But that's not how I write reviews. If you like short and simple and bland writings, look elsewhere, because that's not me.

You may feel that my review is repeatitive because I purposely began and ended with saying pretty much the same thing - but with a little twist. If you think it worked or not, that is up to you, but I did it in connection with the theme of Alzheimer's disease, like a referens to memory loss. I also did it as a small wink to the scenes in the film where Alice had to remember a certain thing at the beginning of a conversation, then try to recall it when it ended. I even further did it because I wanted to show how the film didn't really evolve that much in my opinion...

I do think about what I write, I don't just repeat myself for the sake of doing so, though it might happen on occassions, which is to be expected - especially when written at 3 AM in the night.

Trouble with a capital "T"
To rep Foster's review we need to click his link, read the review and rep it.

And I took my rather hastily written mini review of Mr Turner and turned it into a proper review.

I have to return some videotapes.
I think I deserve more reps for having to sit through 2 hrs of stale jokes and sexual humor.

I have to return some videotapes.
The new Vacation.

And that's funny CR, I'm planning on watching Life of Brian soon but i'm getting behind with them. I will make it a mission to watch them all though.

The new Vacation.

And that's funny CR, I'm planning on watching Life of Brian soon but i'm getting behind with them. I will make it a mission to watch them all though.
sorry Cole, no rep for that... I dont like that type of comedy.... but I still like you!