YouTube! Post Your Favorite Movie Scenes


Here's my all-time funniest movie scene ever.

Warning - The "F" Word Is Used Many Times In This Scene

"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

Here's one of the best scenes from Unforgiven. Love the dialogue in it. I'll probably be long and buried before I ever see a movie again as great as Unforgiven.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.

Love all three of these scenes, I think they may have been already posted, but whatever, they're the best scenes out of any movie ever.


Also, a great scene from a fantastic film.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.

Love this scene from Training Day! Alonzo abandons the young cop with some gangbangers. Most excellent.


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Leon. Ending.

Bullitt Car Chase.

Kick Ass Hit Girl to the Rescue.

LOTR Beacons of Gondor.

Bourne Supremacy Car Chase(Ultimatum Tangier chase is better but not on You Tube).