The MoFo Westerns List

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Trouble with a capital "T"
But no denying the 50s were a great time for westerns. That's when they went wide screen and...on location, usually to the the Alabama Hills, in California. Once you've seen those strange looking rock formations, you'll keep spotting them again and again in 50s westerns.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
But no denying the 50s were a great time for westerns. That's when they went on location, usually to the the Alabama Hills, in California. Once you've seen those strange looking rock formations, you'll keep spotting them again and again in 50s westerns.
All VERY valid facts and quite true.
Just expressing the limitations of the List only.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
All VERY valid facts and quite true.
Just expressing the limitations of the List only.
All cool I just personally love 1950s westerns...that's all I really wanted to say, that and I wanted to mention the Alabama Hills

Some underrated/underseen Westerns for even those of you who already like the genre to be sure to at least watch...

1947, Raoul Walsh

The Day of the Outlaw
1959, Andre DeToth

The Great Silence
1968.Sergio Corbucci

The Ballad of Cable Hogue
1970, Sam Peckinpah

The Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid
1972, Philip Kaufman

Bad Company
1972, Robert Benton

Zandy's Bride
1974, Jan Troell

Bite the Bullet
1975, Richard Brooks

Breakheart Pass
1975, Tom Gries

The Grey Fox
1982, Phillip Borsos

The Claim
1999, Michael Winterbottom

Slow West
2015, John Maclean
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Know a few of these and curious of the others. Especially The Grey Fox after reading a write up you did in the Westerns List Thread I will be checking that one out.
I've seen the first four along with Bad Company and they're ones I'd suggest as well.

Another rarely spoken of is The Cowboys (1972)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
For me -
How Green was My Valley NO
The Beguiled YES
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia YES
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Will The Gold Rush count? Just asking because Holden didn’t include it for the Mofo Pre-30s reference list.

Edit: never mind, it takes place in Canada doesn’t it.

Will The Gold Rush count? Just asking because Holden didn’t include it for the Mofo Pre-30s reference list.

Edit: never mind, it takes place in Canada doesn’t it.
Not taking any stance on The Gold Rush but I'd doubt that happening in Canada would be an issue. At least I consider several films taking place in Australia as westerns.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Need clarification on-

How Green was My Valley
- No...that's about a Welsh family in Wales.

Hud - Maybe? I can't remember much about it.

The Beguiled
- No...that's more a war movie, other than being in the mid 1800s it doesn't seem western at all.

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Have not seen it

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't had a chance to read through this whole thread yet, so I apologize if this has been posted already, but just coincidentally, this link came up in my browser today:

MSN's 100 Best Westerns Of All Time

I thought it might give people like me, who haven't seen a lot of westerns, an idea of what movies to watch to prepare for this countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I have an eligibility question: City Slickers. The story of a bunch of city folk participating in a cattle drive is listed only as a comedy. I consider this a modern Western. It does have some of the staples of classic Westerns: horses, cows, cowboy hats, guns, covered wagons, rope, etc. Thoughts?

@Holden Pike,
I'd also like clarification on the eligibility of City Slickers (1991), and also The Frisco Kid (1979) and Back to the Future Part III (1990).

While the IMDb does not list No Country for Old Men as a Western it DOES list Hell or High Water (2016), The Three Burials of Melquaides Estrada (2005), The Hi-Lo Country (1998), All the Pretty Horses (2000), and Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) as Westerns, all of them set firmly in the 20th or 21st Century.

I was going to ask specifically about Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia and The Three Burials, but I guess you're counting them. So I assume Lone Star (1996) would also qualify...?
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Need clarification on-

How Green was My Valley


The Beguiled

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

I've always thought of The Beguiled as Southern Gothic, but I guess if you stretch it, it would count. (But there are better Eastwood westerns to consider...)

Great idea for a list and I'll be sure to send a list in.

I'd say that No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood are not Westerns. How Green Was My Valley, definitely not.

Great to see some love for Pursued, which will be high on my list.

Westerns I've gave four stars or more, in alphabetical order as to not spoil my list:

3 Bad Men
A Fistful of Dollars
A Fistful of Dynamite
Bend of the River
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
Buchanan Rides Alone
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Day of the Outlaw
Dead Man
Django Unchained
El Dorado
El Topo
For a Few Dollars More
Fort Apache
High Plains Drifter
Johnny Guitar
Man of the West
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
My Darling Clementine
Once Upon a Time in the West
One-Eyed Jacks
Red River
Ride Lonesome
Riding Shotgun
Rio Bravo
River of No Return
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Big Sky
The General *
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Great Silence
The Hateful Eight
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Man from Laramie
The Naked Spur
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Searchers
The Sons of Katie Elder
The Sun Shines Bright *
The Tall T
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Wild Bunch
Three Godfathers
Two Rode Together
Wagon Master
Winchester '73

Asterix denoting a couple of films that I don't think are Westerns.

But the big question is... how am I meant to narrow these down to 25?

I've always thought of The Beguiled as Southern Gothic, but I guess if you stretch it, it would count. (But there are better Eastwood westerns to consider...)
I love the movie but I also don't think of it as a western. The only reason I ask is because it's on the current westerns list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I'd also like clarification on the eligibility of City Slickers (1991), and also The Frisco Kid (1979) and Back to the Future Part III (1990).
City Slickers (1991)...I've not seen it.
The Frisco Kid (1979)...Definitely a western. Damn good movie too.
Future Part III (1990)...It's been too long since I seen it, I don't think of it as a western.