Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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I guess I really do love films from the 2010s, now we are 3 for 3. Love the performances from Dafoe and Prince in this one. Love how gorgeous the film looks. There's a lot of powerful scenes for me here, just my kind of jam really.
In my top 25

Great concept guys
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Such a fantastic written and great looking film. Won't be the last Wilder.

See above, substitute Bergman for Wilder. I love the themes here, even if I don't grasp it all.

The most surprising Ozu for me. Has his usual staples, but is a touch darker and that makes it more in my wheelhouse. Abortion in an Ozu, wasn't expecting that.

Shimura > Mifune for me. Maybe that's why I love this one so much. Probably my favorite story of any Kurosawa.

One of the greatest scripts of all time. One of the best performances, by Davis, too.

Such a fantastic written and great looking film. Won't be the last Wilder.

See above, substitute Bergman for Wilder. I love the themes here, even if I don't grasp it all.

The most surprising Ozu for me. Has his usual staples, but is a touch darker and that makes it more in my wheelhouse. Abortion in an Ozu, wasn't expecting that.

Shimura > Mifune for me. Maybe that's why I love this one so much. Probably my favorite story of any Kurosawa.

One of the greatest scripts of all time. One of the best performances, by Davis, too.
I haven't seen Tokyo Twilight yet, but that's an excellent line-up of films.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Love Sunset, could make my list, let's see.

Really like Ikiru and Seventh Seal, wish I loved Seal though.

Eve I don't care for but everyone loves it.

Ozu is a fav director of mine, can't wait for Twilight

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't seen Tokyo Twilight but Ozu is one of my favorite classic, foreign language directors. I haven't loved anything from Kurosawa but at least I liked them. Ozu style suits me to a tee or tea!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

One of the more pure fun movies where you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. It's a wild and fun ride for me. And movies are entertainment to me, hence it's solid placing here.

A bunch I haven't seen in these last batches, but I do love Sunset Boulevard, All About Eve, and Back to the Future
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

A fantastic last set from Sean reverses the previous position for me. I have seen less of his last ten films than I have of Raul's though. Current average ratings: Sean (8.1), Raul (7.8) - so nothing that I haven't enjoyed to at least a reasonable degree from either yet.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

I mean, we knew it was coming right? One of my favorite comic book movies certainly, one of the most entertaining. Consider this all the Avengers movies wrapped together if you want because for the most part I love them all.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Nolan's best from the trilogy and again in contention for best comic book movie for me. I still agree that it's a great performance from Ledger too.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
We are definitely on the same page about which comic book movies are the best. Just talking about the opening scene of this last night with my son. So good.

I've seen Sideways, Frances Ha, Sunset Boulevard, The Seventh Seal, Back to the Future, and The Dark Knight.

I watched Sunset Boulevard many years ago and I vaguely remember liking it. I respect The Seventh Seal, but it's not a favorite. I liked Back to the Future a lot when I was a kid. I like it less now, but it's still good. I loved The Dark Knight the first few times I saw it, but as time has gone by, I find myself liking it a whole lot less. Still love Ledger's performance, though he's not my favorite Joker.

Two good movies. The Avengers would probably be Top 5 MCU for me, and even if I'm not as enamoured with The Dark Knight as most people, it's still a solid film. Plus, Heath Ledger is simply amazing in it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

This has one of the great female performances of all time. Ray has two movies that just hit me right in the feels, this is one of them.

I said before that Sunrise was the most recent watch on my list, but this might be. Little spoiler: three first time watches from this year made my list. This has amazing acting and a great story. The MVP is that cinematography though. Unique, inventive, and stunning. Would be on my short list for best cinematography in a movie ever. Top few for sure.

This is the poster movie for privilege, right? So well done. I love the cinematography here too. Two or three absolutely iconic images. Awesome soundtrack. Hoffman is one of my favorites.

This movie really demonstrates how absolutely awful my memory is. I just rewatched last year and I already need to see it again. Every time I have watched it I have come out calling it the best espionage movie ever though, so it had to be here. Another great looking movie. Melville rocks.

Just to prove how basic I am, the hottest take of my list may be that this is my second favorite Hitch. I even love Tippi. The build up is fantastic, and I really love the end. The scene in the pic is one of my favorites in any movie. I love how it switches between Tippi on the bench and the playground behind her. Each time more birds appear, until the playground is full. Really cool visual storytelling.

I've seen The Graduate and The Birds. Love both.

Haven't seen the others from that batch.