who should be the new James Bond?


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Well, it could work out. Except for the tiny detail that everyone my notice. He's black. Don't get me wrong I think someone black could do it but, it would be very weird.
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I heard a rumor that Bond 21 was about Bond's college years. Can anyone confirm wether or not this is true?

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Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by John McClane
Well, it could work out. Except for the tiny detail that everyone my notice. He's black. Don't get me wrong I think someone black could do it but, it would be very weird.
Well of course everyone would notice that he is black, but what does that matter? As many different Bonds as there have been, none of them have really been all that much alike. Pulling off the Bond roll seems much more to be about the attitude the actor brings to it. And I happen to think Will Smith could pull it off. Yes it would be a bit weird, but not much more weird than say already having five bonds, who don't look all that similar anyway.
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
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Originally Posted by jrs
Doesn't sound right to me.
no it doesnt...but you can kinda imagine them doing that cant you? id always imagine it would be something they would do when they had completely run out of ideas for the regular type bond or if they wanted to get a new audience or something. who knows...these crazy film people these days suprise me with their silly ideas all the time.
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Don't think Will Smith could pull it off. He doesn't have that suave, refined look or feel about him that makes a great Bond
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I heard Orlando Bloom will be playing Bond in that "James Bonds College Years" film. I don't see what the point is though. Why not make a film about Sherlock Holmes' trip to the supermarket aswell?
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

Originally Posted by Ash_Lee
I heard Orlando Bloom will be playing Bond in that "James Bonds College Years" film. I don't see what the point is though. Why not make a film about Sherlock Holmes' trip to the supermarket aswell?
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Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Ralph Fiennes
Rupert Everett has a great look for it, but I don't know if I could buy him as a womanizer at this point.
Will Smith... I was actually going to say him, too, but in another 10 years. Bonds are usually around 40, no?
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i dont know about any of you....but i think Keanu Reeves should be the next James Bond....hes sly....dangerous....and not to mention A HOTTIE!!!
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Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by Trinity01
i dont know about any of you....but i think Keanu Reeves should be the next James Bond....hes sly....dangerous....and not to mention A HOTTIE!!!
How about the fact that he can't act. He wouldn't be able to pull off the acent if he was British

I heard they have chosen Dougray Scott.

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May The Forks be With Us
no!!!!!!! it is gonne be orlando bloom and in college years. i heard from a very trustworthy source. Tarintino is going to re make Casino Royale which is the first bond film but it is not action it is comedy, like pink panther and it even has Peter Sellers.
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Originally Posted by Urban Cowboy
How about the fact that he can't act. He wouldn't be able to pull off the acent if he was British
He doesn't look old enough either.

Now how about this guy...?
Ioan Gruffudd
OK, he doesn't look old enough just yet, but he's British, he can act and he has the looks. He'd need to lose the Welsh accent a bit, but I think he'd be perfect.

Christian Bale. He would be great as the Bond