Top 5 Most Beautiful Men


Female assassin extraordinaire.
ewww, no he isn't! he looks like a pansy! he has a woman's face, i totally swear, they could put him in women's clothes and with some practice ...

Jude Law I totally agree with. the cavewoman in me disdains that cleft, that accent, and the fact that he's named Jude. He looks like he belongs in the 1920s, I swear. But there's a bit of roughness and tiredness to the eyes and face that are JUST on the side of approval, so that he doesn't look like he should permanently be the pretty young bedwarmer as in "Wilde." It's probably cuz he's grown older. Also, he's got a way about his eyebrows/brow that allows him to turn wicked. Like, there's some crazy straight to video movie called "Immortality," it's on your local video store shelf still under new releases, but he seduces women and murders them, it's crazy - but you totally buy it. Honestly, he should be the Vampire Lestat, forget Tom Cruise and the new one. He can manipulate his enunciation well - he can speak as if he's slicing you with his words and seducing you at the same time. Whew!

I think he's about +1 over Ryan Philippe whom, I'm sorry, is just not a man. I don't care if his voice has changed and he's married and has a baby. He will forever look like a petulant oversexed cherub.

and my endless fascination will never cease with Vin Diesel. MMM. MMMMMMM. and Billy Zane. Oh yes, that's nice. And Russell Crowe. Yum yum. Mm, Sean Connery. Jeremy Northam. Ralph Fiennes - i actually half fell in love with him from watching Schindler's List, don't be mad! Rufus Sewell. Men with intense eyes and a good bit of cheek scruff (5 o'clock shadow).

I like men with imperfection. With a face that looks REAL. Biteable. Grabbable. Beauty is built around flaws. It exist because of flaw. We wouldn't know it unless we had something to compare it to. A face that's slightly off is therefore the more beautiful. Too pretty, too perfect, and I can't take a man seriously at all. A true man is one who's seen hardship, I guess, and I need to see that in his face - in whatever way, his eyes, wounds, the lines between his eyebrows - to show me that he's seen hardship and isn't a wuss, or isn't ... used to using his good looks to get what he wants. Character. I like a face with a lot of character. Otherwise he's ... untried, unimpressive, unproven.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

thmilin, you come traipsing in 'a swearin' and knock aston flat, bring in jude -do a good job defending him but then put him +1 above ryan philippe? ooooogey bleckkksput.

heh heh.......

i totally agree with you on the allure of a face with character.......i like weathered features and often like the emphasis a bald or balding head puts on the visage. ed harris, sean connery, bruce willis......

it's nice in women too but to a lesser degree, but certainly not as appreciated (by most) as is flawless beauty.......

you like the english boys.......i do as well, but they seem a bit small. "non?"

p.s. THIS cavewoman would trip over your jude law on her way over to Oded Fehr. ahhhhhhhhh magic Maji.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

What's with the Hollywood pretty boys these days? Just an observation from one who is totally uncomfortable posting in this thread ( )....

Hollywood stars are becoming more and more androgenous. You guys correct me if I'm wrong but I've noticed a definite swing here... sort of like it was in the 70's when the men and women hippies were dressing alike. I don't mean to encompass everyone here. Of course there are manly men and womanly women but there does seem to be a trend lately. Maybe I'm just getting old, I don't know... set me straight.

Well, there's some of that...a few celebrities wear clothes that wouldn't look too bad on the opposite sex. But overall I think we're cool. We've still got guys like Samuel L. Jackson to balance those scales.

getting old? i just perused through an issue of Teen People while in a waiting room the other day.......very interesting.
the girls all seem to be britney spear-like and the guys are all abercrombie and fitch-esque.

Fez Wizardo's Avatar
Um Bungo! Um Bungo!
Cary Grant

Johnny Depp

Steve McQueen

Jude Law

Russel Crowe

Josh Hartnett ?

not sure about Brad Pitt, he's got such a square jaw it's scary! Tom cruise in eyes wide shut, probably the only film he didn't piss me off in!
Another high quality post by Fez Wizardo

good taste fez

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
wow, is this thread STILL here?

what page did everyone vote for me on?
Wit is educated insolence - Aristotle

well, we can't vote for MoFo's......rules are rules.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
here..... i go..... gonna.... break....... a..... rule

I vote for ME!

hee hee

This thread needs a second life. Anyhoo, I never posted my list (I'm keeping it modern),
  • Mel Gibson. The guy seems ageless. Very cool.
  • Brad Pitt. I'm straight...but DAMN! I think the fact that he's actually talented, and not some Freddie Prinze Jr. type, is what he's REALLY got going for him.
  • Ben Affleck. Ditto. Kinda rugged. Good looking without that pretty boy crap...and very talented.
  • Sean Connery. What a smooth motherf*cker he is, even now.
  • Pierce Brosnan. C'mon.
Thus sayeth the green one (no, not Kermit. The one that doesn't suck).

Originally posted by BrodieMan
I vote for ME!
That is so against the rules. Personally, I'll just wait for someone else to vote me.

I'm not sure who to say... beautiful does not mean *sexy* to me, but everyone seems to be putting down who's sexy. And yet, *beautiful* is sometimes the same thing as sexy to me, if you can understand that. In this class I took in school, the teacher made all of us make "positive posters". She gave us cards with a positive adjective on it and we had to use it on the poster. Well, my card said "beautiful/handsome". So I made a poster that said, "I, Jason, am BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME." Well, Miss Teacher comes along and she's like "No, no, no... you only use one word. Beautiful is for a girl, and handsome is for a boy." I wanted to slap her... hard. I said, "But I am BOTH. Men can be beautiful too." She let me be... obviously she felt my strong Scorpio heat in her face. Men can be beautiful... always have been.

I'm going to use the "beautiful and handsome" thing for this right now, because just *beautiful* is more of a spiritual thing to me.
  • James Dean
    Brad Pitt
    Edward Norton
    Russell Crowe
    Johnny Knoxville

Now With Moveable Parts
Jason~ have you noticed that most of the guys on Jackass are goodlooking? I have a crush on the one that likes to be naked a lot...Bam? Even Wee Man isn't too shabby.

LordSlaytan~ Benicio? The man has dark circles to go with the bags under his eyes! I think most of the time he's icky, save for one time...The Usual Suspects.

To me, Benicio is like the latino version of Brad Pitt. These are 5 guys I wouldn't mind at all to look like. Depp more than the others. But he's also one of my top 5 favorite actors.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by LordSlaytan
But he's also one of my top 5 favorite actors.
One of mine too. I like his quiet reflections (just the way he says so much with a look) and subtle humor. Nothing about him is over the top or phoney. He is very, very good.

Okay so the Top 5 Most Beautiful Women thread has all of these pretty pictures and our men list is lacking...
I know men are more visual, but that doesn't men this thread shouldn't have pretty pictures!
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

Part One: Dark Hair

James Dean

George Clooney

Gabriel Byrne

Keanu Reeves

Christian Bale

Gerard Butler

Part Three: More Dark and Hansom

David Boreanaz

Stuart Townsend

Jake Gyllenhaal

Milo Ventimiglia

Callum Blue

Hugh Dancy

Jeremy Sisto