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The People's Republic of Clogher
That wouldn't surprise me. I gave the game a spin with my new 980ti and performance was just as bad - If something's taking the entire 6GB of VRAM (GTAV takes 3 on my machine) then it's a bad port. Sounds like it needs a ground-up rewrite and you know that it won't be a priority for Warners.

This is the same company that announced they wouldn't be patching any of the bugs in Arkham Origins because they were too busy getting the DLC ready.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
Woo, lunchtime gaming!

Here's a thoroughly messy goal... loving the side spin in general tho

I don't have your eye for goal T (I'm averaging 1 a game), but my first ever was an accidental beauty, 45 degree angled sidey into the bottom left corner from miles out. Total fluke . Wish I'd known about the vid option then!

I almost wish they had a classic footy mini map to help with the passing. Because it is kinda possible, with the single jump taps, and surprise side passes, and long range boost punts etc.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
Did you get a PS4? Or are you playing on PC?
Doesn't matter in some ways, the multiplayer is cross platform (I'm Steam for friendslist purposes and that tho - golgot4)

The People's Republic of Clogher
I bought Contradiction earlier.

It's an intriguing but amazing mess of a game. Wants to be Her Story but ends up like an interactive laserdisc game made by Swery.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Yep, I seem to like this game...

Enough to make a MONTAGE anyway

Yeah, I saw the RPS review of that and that turned me off enough to skip it until it's cheaper. On paper it is exactly the kind of game I'd normally be very interested in, but the kinds of problems it apparently has (lots of logical contradictions the game doesn't recognize as the "correct" one, having to go to places you've already been just to trigger some arbitrary flag, etc.) are the kinds that drive me batty.

But for a few backs down the line, perhaps. I hope they try again. I want way more games like this.

In the Beginning...
So a few days ago, I turned down a dark path.

I pre-ordered the Star Wars Saga Bundle for Disney Infinity.

I've been curious about the Infinity stuff for a while, largely because the figurines are awesome and the game looks like the perfect distraction after a day at the office. When they announced that Star Wars was the cornerstone for Infinity 3.0, though, I knew I had to get into it.

I'm still wrapping my head around the complex compatibility (seriously, how do kids even understand this stuff?), and admittedly a lot of it is designed to make people buy the various accessories in order to get all the content. But I'm pretty excited about it.

Also, I discovered that Gamestop is currently running a sale on pre-owned Disney Infinity figurines. So I might already own nine of them... and I don't even have the game yet...

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Yoda
Yeah, I saw the RPS review of that and that turned me off enough to skip it until it's cheaper. On paper it is exactly the kind of game I'd normally be very interested in, but the kinds of problems it apparently has (lots of logical contradictions the game doesn't recognize as the "correct" one, having to go to places you've already been just to trigger some arbitrary flag, etc.) are the kinds that drive me batty.

But for a few backs down the line, perhaps. I hope they try again. I want way more games like this.
But Paul Darrow's in it! Paul Effin' Darrow!


Kids today... I tell ye.

The People's Republic of Clogher
What a load of cynical nonsense.

The ZX Spectrum was central to me being a gamer. I had a ZX81 beforehand but it was basic (geddit? ) in the extreme - A question mark chasing an asterisk around a black and white screen with no sound was about as good as you got - and only when the Speccy arrived did I truly have fun.

No interest at all in this steaming pile of excrement, however. The Kickstarter generation has a lot to answer for...

The People's Republic of Clogher
Five minutes of Fallout 4 gameplay:

Not watching! Nothing shall sully my Fallout.

Anyway, huge 5GB patch for Witcher 3 today which address my only real complaints - Gerald's movement is now a lot more immediate and the inventory at last has a decent sorting function, somewhere to put all those books and a number of stashes across the world for your gear.

Performance in an already well optimised game has received a hefty tweak as well. Ok, I've got a monstrous new graphics card but the framerate is 10-15 fps better than when I tried it yesterday. It won't go below 65fps with everything on Ultra, in rainy towns - The biggest performance hog I'd noticed.

In the countryside I'm hitting 100.

If anyone's been on the fence about buying the game because they think they won't run it that well, now could be the time to jump.

Spare a thought for those poor Xbone users as well - They're under 20fps in places...

Fallout 4 looks amazing. I loved New Vegas and it's mods. That's a game that for me can only be played on PC because of the awesome mods.

I'm inclined to try Witcher 3. Eventually I'll probably get around to it. I'm in no hurry though, but it does sound really good.

Yesterday I spent $100 on PS2 games. I bought Lifeline, Indigo Prophecy (A.K.A. Fahrenheit), Colin McRae Rally 3, and Destruction Derby: Arena.

I tried Lifeline out briefly and found it pretty interesting. It's the game about monsters in a space station and you have to use a mic to instruct the character. You play as an operator in a security room who's too cowardly to leave the room, so he gets a woman to do all the dangerous stuff. I'm not really sure how she knows how to use a gun, being a waitress and all, but I accidentally skipped the intro video so I have no idea what's going on, lol.

Indigo Prophecy is a pretty interesting game. It's by Quantic Dreams, the people who made Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. I like the story so far, after about an hour of play. You play as multiple characters in various scenes, sometimes simultaneously with the ability to switch back and forth. There's some variation in the outcome of events based on what you choose to do, so I like that. You get game over for various types of failures and then restart from the last checkpoint. One thing I found in Beyond: Two Souls was that the game was just way too easy. I think I had to restart a checkpoint once or twice in my entire playthrough. Sometimes I let monsters beat up on the girl without attempting to save her, and they wouldn't kill her, but the exact same thing would happen regardless of my efforts. So I appreciate actually being able to fail if you don't even try. It feels less cinematic that Quantic Dreams' other games, but it feels like more of an actual video game experience.

Colin McRae Rally 3 is a pretty decent racing game. The car damage is pretty gradual, so the car is way more of a tank than a real car. At least it is possible to destroy your tires and bash up your car so that it's pretty difficult to control and drive. The biggest disappointment for me is the fact that you're always driving solo. You just progress based on your time. I wish you had other racers on the track to bump into and compete physically with. Even in two player split-screen the other racer is in a separate instance of the track from you.

Destruction Derby: Arena is a piece of garbage. I was thinking of the old Destruction Derby on the PS1, and N64. Those games were great. Arena is a pathetic attempt at conning people into spending their money based on the success of the older games. Looking it up briefly I see that it was a marketing failure and killed the franchise.

The People's Republic of Clogher
The PS2 is the best console ever made.

Also, Fahrenheit is the best David Cage game ever made. The further you get in the story the more utterly insane it gets but there's a charm there that I don't find in his PS3 games.

I'm currently about 30 hours into Persona 4. However, I am in need of serious training. Shadow Mitsuo is proving to be a BIG problem.

Well, I did enjoy Beyond: Two Souls quite a bit. I played the whole game in 3-4 sittings. The story was good, but the gameplay was a bit weak. The feeling of having any control or real choices was very superficial as soon as I actually tried to test it. If you do what you're supposed to do then it feels like you actually have a purpose as a player, but you really don't. The interaction seems more like it's just there so you won't get bored.

The Last of Us was probably the best "cinematic experience" I've had with a game, and the gameplay was actually pretty challenging.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to how Fahrenheit develops. The PS2 is a great console, but I don't know if I could pick a "best" console. The PS1 and the NES give pretty stiff competition for me. I'm constantly expanding my NES collection. I often find myself playing NES games. And after getting a Japanese PS1 I'm curious to see what games are out there on the Japanese market. Well, the only one I have so far is Carnage Heart Zeus II, but it is so insanely good. I've spent over 8 hours just designing the AI for one mech.

Fahrenheit is the best David Cage game ever made. The further you get in the story the more utterly insane it gets but there's a charm there that I don't find in his PS3 games.
I love this game, but I wish it was a crime game only all the time. The sci-fi elements that kick in kill the atmosphere created at the beginning!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.