Weirdest Movie You've Seen


Noisy Requiem - hands down the sickest, most depraved and weirdest film I've ever seen. Short list of what you can find there:

- rape of a midget
- a lot of people getting beat up and killed
- incest midget sex
- fetus being torn off the belly and crushed
- throwing up on a face
- mannequin sex
- tree trunk sex
- pedophile raping a little girl, then licking her blood and spiting it off on her face
- cannibalism

And everything in arthouse sauce with soppy music to it!!!
Something tells me I would hate this more then Salo!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Well, now that I think of it, Salo is a good competitor for the sickest film ever. I liked Noisy Requiem a lot more, though.

Here's one of many great scenes:

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Still haven't! Can't decide whether I should watch a kinky film about nuns or about a man humping a pig!

Splice has to be the weirdest and strangest film I have seen to this day!

Still haven't! Can't decide whether I should watch a kinky film about nuns or about a man humping a pig!
Have you ever seen the tv series Black Mirror?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Eraserhead still makes 0 sense to me so I guess that.
Ugh, Eraserhead is a punishing experience. Unforgiving, unrelenting, supremely effective.

Takeshi Miike gets pretty weird, I like a lot of his stuff (Ichi the Killer, Gozu, etc).

Vanilla Sky was mentioned here, I really dug the original it was based on, Abre los Ojos, but thought the remake was well done too.

A lot of people think Tetsuo: The Iron Man is weird, it stops being weird once you get into it, imo.

The live action remake of Wicked City (1992) is pretty awesome, delightfully weird. That narrow slice of early 90's Hong Kong action sci-fi. So many viewings.

Sorry for jumping around, just found this forum.

I would have to say "A Serbian Film".

lol a discusses many sick topics... however one of the best scenes is a guy doing a girl and someone gives him a machete and you can guess the rest..

"A Serbian Film" is up there with "Salo"

I havent seen "Noisy Requiem"

edit: Im going to add three more

Nekromantik and Nekromantik 2 ~ The title should give it away.
Tumbling Doll of Flesh ~ well I cant say much about it here on the forum. Just read up on the film. LOL

I have seen others similar but cant think of them right off the top of my head...

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I've mentioned Singapore Sling before. It's on YouTube (I don't know how). Here's a cleaned-up "trailer".
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Still haven't! Can't decide whether I should watch a kinky film about nuns or about a man humping a pig!
Oh I loved "Vase de Noces".. I thought it was a great film about emotions...

I always got the impression 'A Serbian Film' was shock for shock/weird for weirdness' sake. When the effort to make it 'weird' is so overt, kind of becomes contrived. But I haven't seen it, is this anything close to truth?

I've seen it but I've suppressed it to the back of my memory as I don't wish to remember it.
So you just need to take a look for yourself and see, its on youtube. I recommend skipping some scenes.

I always got the impression 'A Serbian Film' was shock for shock/weird for weirdness' sake. When the effort to make it 'weird' is so overt, kind of becomes contrived. But I haven't seen it, is this anything close to truth?

I personally enjoyed the story... yeah its a "shock" film but most weird films are out there for that..

Another weird film that is more "normal" is "Black Moon" directed by Louis Malle. Its a weird retelling of "Alice in Wonderland".