Gabrielle has seen 100 good films

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Glad you liked it.

76. The Last King Of Scotland

It was the same with Disturbia - caught in on TV,didn't even know about it so I didn't expect to like it but ended up satisfied and entertained by this film.

This movie tells the story about Ugandan dictator Idi Amin and his physician.Movie takes place in the 70s.

It was a quality film - well made,beautifully shot and acting was decent.Forest Whitaker was perfect as Idi Amin - a childish,big yet cruel person.If you want to see a good acting performance - there it is.

I'm glad that it has some cruel and violent scenes,this makes the film more realistic.I love that this movie builds up - it starts happily and the dictator seems like a good person but everything ends tragic as we realize who actually our characters are - physician starts to understand who the dictator is and from being quite careless he becomes like a saviour for Ugandans.And Idi Amin,that nice,big guy turns out to be a heartless leader who is blinded by this ideas.

I never actually checked how accurate it is and the only thing which I missed in this movie was political context.

Watch it if you haven't,it's good.

I keep forgetting this movie exists, but I'd really like to see it. I think Forest Whitaker is an outstanding actor.
Is Bird on your list?

75. A Clockwork Orange

You may not like Stanley Kubrick but you will remember his films as they usually provoke,shock or make you laugh.And Kubrick brings out all those emotions in an amazing cinematography and colorful characters.

However,A Clockwork Orange isn't his best work and it's quite controversial as well.A very disturbing and quite brutal film which is trying to send a message that something is very wrong in our society.

Alex is sent to prison after committing some horrible crimes but he volunteers to take part in a new government plan which should help to decrease the crime level.Of course,the plan goes wrong.

The costumes are quite strange,the language is mixed with Russian,the music seems a bit satirical,the plot is unusual and the content is uncomfortable.And although critics like this film very much,Clockwork Orange is not perfect.Still,something makes it extraordinary.

I think it's one of the most memorable films of Kubrick and you should see it because it's just a part of the art of cinema.For me,it feels uncomfortable to like such a disturbing film but it's probably the only movie where cruelty seems necessary.

You may not like Stanley Kubrick but you will remember his films as they usually provoke,shock or make you laugh.And Kubrick brings out all those emotions in an amazing cinematography and colorful characters.
I think this is my exact attitude. I remember them all, but not always fondly. When I get round to The Shining and A Clockwork Orange maybe that will change.

74. Carrie

I am not a big horror fan and I prefer movies which contain more tension than actual horror.Also,I particularly like those movies which a creepy right from the beginning till the very end and this film falls under that category.

Carrie,which is a debut film of Brian De Palma,is about a girl,Carrie White.She is being picked on at school,she is thought to be weird and she has no friends.Well,and there's a reason for that - her mother is an absolute religious fanatic who doesn't let her daughter to do anything fun.However,Carrie has telekinesis,an ability to move objects with her mind,and she starts overusing that ability when her classmates push her too far.

I think that acting is one of the best things in this film.Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie give us great acting performances.Spacek helps the viewer to understand Carries' character and to realize that she is nice girl turned shy because of her mother who was portrayed by Laurie.I'm not so keen on Piper Lauries' performance but I can't deny that it's good and memorable.

Of course,the key scene in the film is the prom night and movie builds up and makes the viewer wait for the culmination which takes place at the prom.I will not spoil it but I don't think you will not be disappointed with that best scene of the film.It's really terrifying and intriguing.

I would also like to add,that it's not only about killing and horror,it has a lot of drama elements which makes it even more effective.

73. Notorious (1946)

This movie doesn't get a lot of attention but it's one of the best Hitchcock's films for me,beating North By Northwest,The Birds and being equal to Vertigo. It's a great thriller filled not only with a wonderful directors' suspense but also with great performances.And you won't guess how it ends.I think it's quite shadowed by Hitchcocks' classics,it shouldn't be.

Jaws, Battle Royale and A Clockwork Orange are all awesome films. Carrie has been on my watchlist for now because I need to watch more De Palma films and Notorious has also been on my watchlist for a while because it's one of the few 'good' Hitchcock films that I haven't seen and I love most of his films.

Carrie has been on my watchlist for now because I need to watch more De Palma films
Scarface is my favorite De Palma film and one of my favorite crime movies,Carlito's Way was quite good too but not very memorable.The Untouchables is also wonderful,you should see it if you haven't.I've also seen The Black Dahlia and Mission Impossible,I don't remember much,but I absolutely disliked Dahlia and Mission Impossible was mediocre.

Those last three are great Nice to see Notorious getting some attention.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

72. Looper

Had to rearrange my list a bit to sneak this film in.

I heard a lot of positive reviews about it and I already had a hunch that I will like it.Well,and I was not disappointed although maybe I expected something different.

It's 2074 when the time travel is already invented and outlawed.But the mob still uses time traveling to eliminate "present" people by sending them to the past.Those,who kill those people are called loopers.However,sometimes the looper has to kill his older self,which is called "closing your loop".And this movie is based on Joe's(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)failed attempt to kill his older self(Bruce Willis).

It may not be the best movie ever made and maybe it will be forgotten soon but there's no doubt that it's a great entertainment and more important,a quality film.There might be some plot holes,some too unrealistic material,old and young Joe may not look similar but,at least for me,it didn't matter.The whole time traveling thing was already too complicated for me,so I didn't try to understand all the details,I just enjoyed this film.

As I mentioned before,it's a quality film.Every aspect of the movie is fine and well-made.

Of course,I liked screenplay the most which was written by Rian Johnson(he directed the movie,too).A very unique and interesting idea and the plot is not complicated yet you have to stay concentrated.Characters are quite developed and the futuristic world makes sense.Do watch it.

Scarface is my favorite De Palma film and one of my favorite crime movies,Carlito's Way was quite good too but not very memorable.The Untouchables is also wonderful,you should see it if you haven't.I've also seen The Black Dahlia and Mission Impossible,I don't remember much,but I absolutely disliked Dahlia and Mission Impossible was mediocre.
I've only actually seen Blow Out by De Palma but I thought that was brilliant hence I want to see more, for someone who's a fan of crime films I really need to see those three you've mentioned: Scarface, Carlito's Way (I have it recorded ready to watch)and The Untouchables.

I've only actually seen Blow Out by De Palma but I thought that was brilliant hence I want to see more, for someone who's a fan of crime films I really need to see those three you've mentioned: Scarface, Carlito's Way (I have it recorded ready to watch)and The Untouchables.
Don't forget to watch Things To Do In Denver When You Are Dead.

71. The Shawshank Redemption

I believe that many of you have seen this film so I won't go into details.I would like to say that it's a good,touching and most importantly,inspiring drama with great cast and some beautiful shots.I believe that it topped IMDB list just because of it's emotional impact but it's extremely hard to shoot a movie which would touch so many people.

84. The Living Daylights (James Bond films)

Actually this place goes to all James Bond film franchise because I'm not a very huge fan but some of those those movies are really good and entertaining and I liked this one the most (Goldfinger would definitely be second).

Also,I think that all JB films are pretty much the same so it would be stupid to split them and rate separately.For me,Living Daylights had the best plot and I think that it's a very important thing in such films.
Interesting and good choice!

70. Revolver

I am fan of a few Guy Ritchie movies and this one isn't an exception. However,most of his crime movies are comedies and this one requires concentration and thinking during the view.Maybe that's the reason it was so disliked.People expected something different.

Movie is about a guy,Jake(Jason Statham),who is just released from prison after serving 7 years.He seeks revenge on Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta) for putting him to prison.

Objectively,I would say that it's not a very professional movie.Plot is not consistent,quite jumpy and even hard to understand.Acting and dialogues seem odd but that's not because actors are bad but the movie itself is quite unique.Overall,this film seems a bit "off-road".

However,I love how clever it is.It's extremely hard to understand it.And one viewing is definitely not enough to realize what this film is actually about.Basically,the only reason why it came quite high on my list is that feeling when after viewing it 2nd or 3rd time I realized what it's about and all scenes started to make sense.I felt like I've discovered something new.And although now I don't feel very much the same towards this film,I still remember that strange feeling and "Revolver" is still is my mind.

Another thing about it's "message" is that it's not inspiring,it doesn't just question something but it also gives the answers."The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look" - this is said in the beginning of the film and in the end viewers are told where that place is.This is what like about it.

To conclude,if you want a visually stunning film or good crime story,I don't think that you would like this film.But if you're more interested in deep meaning in movies or messages it send,then try to watch it.But it's no Snatch or Lock,Stock,I'm warning you.