Crappy movies you enjoyed


the more i thought about it, i like tons of crappy movies and i shouldn't be afarid to say it to my fellow mofos.

You certainly shouldn't, especially with this film. It's a little doozy.

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
Jesus! About half my film collection is crappy films that I love. Just recently I've watched.

For UR Height Only
Challenge Of The Tiger
The Tripper
Don't Open Till Christmas
The Mutilator
Black Gestapo
The Mack
ha ha ha i loved the Tripper.

hi i'm new here.
i liked The Happening, which most people i know seem to hate. i totally understand why people wouldn't like it, but they are the same reasons i do.

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I'm going to add Wisdom with Emilio Estevez to my list... anyone else remember that one?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I'm going to add Wisdom with Emilio Estevez to my list... anyone else remember that one?
Absolutely! I think that I've still got a VHS copy of that somewhere around here. At least, I hope I do. Man, I haven't even thought about that film in years. Must have a look and see if I can find it.

Absolutely! I think that I've still got a VHS copy of that somewhere around here. At least, I hope I do. Man, I haven't even thought about that film in years. Must have a look and see if I can find it.

I haven't seen or thought about it for years either... but it just popped in my head when I was looking over this thread... I'm going to try to run it down too... as I remember it had a pretty cool twist at the end...

Yea! Go Nebs... that is just what I need...

I'm going to add Wisdom with Emilio Estevez to my list... anyone else remember that one?
Yep! I own that on VHS.

... as I remember it had a pretty cool twist at the end...
That it does.

My taste runs toward the worst, and most obscure of 1980s American cinema.

It's seems as though I've heard that someplace before.

I'm very proud of that fact, but I won't bore you all with the list. That, and it would take forever to type it out.

Not movies. I'm working my way through the 3 Stooges shorts and they are awful but I like them. Three ugly men who are getting on forty, slapping each other, poking fingers in eyes and general childish slapstick. I know they are corny but they make me laugh. They must surely have hurt themselves and each other at times with some of the violence they so casually did. With 190 shorts as well as a number of movies, they must have been doing something right.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)

Two Moon Junction (terrible movie full of gratiutous nudity...thought the leading man was really hot)

Earth Girls are easy & Once Bitten (had a great time watching them)
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

NEBS!!!! Have you got a smilie shaking it's finger????

Opps, sorry, thought "side boobies" were ok. Seriously though , did not know it was that "telling" Still liked the movie though.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

My taste runs toward the worst, and most obscure of 1980s American cinema.

I'm very proud of that fact, but I won't bore you all with the list. That, and it would take forever to type it out.

Bore me Bore me.

I'm usually into movies no one else liked... I think I'm just easily entertained. The last one I watched that I saw bad reviews for is Pathology, I just really enjoy Milo Venwhatever-his-name-is, ever since Gilmore Girls.

So, if you missed it, like everyone else, he goes to study pathology at a morgue in LA with a bunch of really smart people, who decide to kill people in their spare time. They then somehow get a hold of these bodies and bring them unnoticed into an unused wing of the hospital. Yes, yes, I know you're on the edge of your seat in suspense. So Milo gets sucked into their group, because of course if your colleagues are killing people for fun and getting away with it, you might as well join in. Add in some really disturbing sex scenes and you've got yourself a movie!

I must say that Pathology did look really crap... And not in the crap/cool way that I like films. So angelamia, apart from the Milo factor, was the rest of the film worth watching?

5. The Heroic Trio
Three hot asian super-heroines who fight crime with cool moves & sexy outfits.
Makes anyone's pimp-ass want to do sumthin villainous just for the spanking.

4. Streets Of Fire
Initially, this movie had all the makings of big hit: a then up & comer Michael Pare, a very young & incredibly sexy Diane Lane, a bad-ass Flock Of Seagulls lookin' William Dafoe, a serious role for Rick Moranis, a cool soundtrack, all capped off with a script & direction by Walter Hill, the guy responsible for The Warriors, Southern Comfort & 48 Hours. Oh, and Another 48 Hours. And the '85 version of Bewster's Millions. And Supernova.
So I guess the moral of this rock'n'roll fable is "Tonight.... is what it means to be young."

3. Purple Rain
Okay, so maybe the non-musical parts of the Kid's debut film leave something to be desired.
But this 1984 rock 'n' roll anomaly featuring the Minneapolis funk acts Prince, the Revolution, the Time & Apollonia-6, contains concert performances that, along with their charismatically maneuvered dance moves, are some of the most energetic caught on film.
And all the songs, every one penned by the main musical mini-might star of this show, culminate into one of the best movie soundtracks ever recorded.
But the movie is still crap.

2. The Blob (1988 version)
A big giant glob of pink snot that only gets bigger & bigger as the movie progresses.
Could somebody hand me over a city-sized piece of tissue, please?

1. Plan 9 from Outer Space
While I initially dimissed this king of kings of all crappy movies because of it's reputation, I have since then actually developed an affection towards this film.
it's probably lives up to it's rep as the worst movie ever made,
but it's not without it's charm.
There are plenty of bad movies out there that are just bad & then that's it. No more to add.
But this film,
there's an instinctual level to it,
in which it feels like that there came a day when all the film-gods gathered together & decided to inspire a woman's cashmere sweater wearing b-film (okay, okay.....d-film....& that's being generous) "director" to make a movie that's so bad, it can almost remind us that a big part the concept of filmmaking is to just have fun. To "escape" into the process of making a movie as much as in the viewing.

Okay, maybe not everyone will get any kind of positive response from watching this trainwreck of falling backdrops & bad acting (really bad acting), but you don't even have to watch it. Just knowing that it's there is enough. As a reminder that we can not have a day without a night. We cannot have the good without the bad.
We cannot have an Apocalypse Now without a Plan 9 From Outer Space.
To reminds us just how good movies can be if some of 'em can be this bad.

And to it's credit, considering the time it was made,
some of the effects are kinda amazing.
I mean, I don't know how they did it, but they actually made some of the props in this film look like they were made out of actual cardboard.
And this was before CGI.
Like way before.

Right now, all I'm wearing is a mustard-stained wife-beater T-shirt, no pants & a massive sombrero.

Like some of you guys,
Wild Things
Mortal Kombat (the first one)

and for me,
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Tremors (the underground monsters with Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward; I think the two had great screen chemistry)
13th Warrior (didn't do well in the box office, and I like that speech before the final attack of the cannibals)

kick back and watch humanity go by
Indeed Wild Things, Starship Troopers part I, excellent jokes there and lemme think...Sexy Beast with Ben Kingsley and Fortress, Christopher Lambert and the guy who had 187 tattooded on his forehead
You hear that Mr. Anderson?
That is the sound of inevitability...It is the sound of your death.

Like some of you guys,
Wild Things
Mortal Kombat (the first one)

and for me,
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Tremors (the underground monsters with Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward; I think the two had great screen chemistry)
13th Warrior (didn't do well in the box office, and I like that speech before the final attack of the cannibals)

I love Tremors... and The 13th Warrior is in my top 150....