I need some 2000s movie recommendations that I will actually watch!

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Fun but not great works for me I'll of course post my thoughts on it when I get it watched.
Yeah, it's not tip-top material, but that's no slam on it. It's the kind of film you can put on with a mixed group and it's almost guaranteed everyone will like it. Know what I mean?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, it's not tip-top material, but that's no slam on it. It's the kind of film you can put on with a mixed group and it's almost guaranteed everyone will like it. Know what I mean?
I know what you mean...me, my wife and ours cats

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks GBG for the 2000s movie recommendations. I plan on watching a whole bunch of them before the countdown is out. To me watching films in prep for my countdown voting ballot is half the fun...actually more than half the fun!
I kind of felt like I was one of the few people watching movies for the last countdown, so it's nice to know that there are more people watching movies for this countdown. Personally, I think watching new movies, and hopefully finding new favorite movies, is the best part of these countdowns.

Some good choices there, I've seen Finding Neverland good film. I'll watch Frequency...that sounds pretty interesting.
I hope you like it. I'm looking forward to your review.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I saw Hachi: A Dog's Tale a couple of years ago and I just can't see why that film is held in such high regard. It would've been a pretty decent and touching short film, but 90 minutes for this story was too much, and you can feel the strain in the story.

I watched Hachi: A Dog's Tale a couple of years ago, and I fell in love with it, but it's a tough watch. I think I went through a whole box of tissues during this movie.

Thanks, the Aretha Franklin movie Respect, looks pretty good to me.

There are reviews of all of these films on my thread, Citizen, if you want me to IM them to you, let me know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There are reviews of all of these films on my thread, Citizen, if you want me to IM them to you, let me know.
Thanks, I'd like to read them after I watch the movie.

I don't think we've talked before...thanks for stopping by my thread In the Mood for Love is a real good choice! I did see it before and wrote what I think is a rather nice review. Hopefully somebody will read it: My Review of In the Mood for Love

Hi. I don't think we have. I'm a former RTer that went slightly different ways than the others here did after those forums shut down. But I heard they ended up here, it's been a couple of years, and I found myself missing the horrorcram thread and watching movies alone with Crumbsroom. So that's mostly where I'll be popping in and out. Periodically, I'll look at other threads - like this one.

/backstory explained

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Exploding Girl (2009)

Thanks to
@Thief I got to watch a neat indie film that I'd never even heard of before. I liked it too! I don't have any kids, but if I had a daughter I think she'd be a lot like Zoe Kazan's character in this film. Zoe in this film is very sweet and has such a nice way about her, she seems to be able to enjoy the little moments in life. I've only seen her now in two films, this one and Ruby Sparks but I like her on screen persona. The film does focus almost entirely on Zoe and without her being cast as the lead I doubt I'd care much for the film, but she is the focus of the story and even though nothing much happens it's a rewarding 'slice of life' movie.


Trouble with a capital "T"

Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004)

I like Ike.....Countdown to D-Day that is This was right up my movie watching alley. Not a single shot fired, not one explosion, just a bunch of planning and I liked it that way! I've seen other movies about Operation Overlord the Allied plan for the invasion of Normady on D-Day June 6th 1944. I liked the inside insight into the methodology that went into the decision making process. Good one, thanks Chyp.


The Exploding Girl (2009)

Thanks to
@Thief I got to watch a neat indie film that I'd never even heard of before. I liked it too! I don't have any kids, but if I had a daughter I think she'd be a lot like Zoe Kazan's character in this film. Zoe in this film is very sweet and has such a nice way about her, she seems to be able to enjoy the little moments in life. I've only seen her now in two films, this one and Ruby Sparks but I like her on screen persona. The film does focus almost entirely on Zoe and without her being cast as the lead I doubt I'd care much for the film, but she is the focus of the story and even though nothing much happens it's a rewarding 'slice of life' movie.

Wooo! So glad you liked it. It's indeed a lovely film.

Here's my Letterboxd review, in case you're interested.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wooo! So glad you liked it. It's indeed a lovely film.

Here's my Letterboxd review, in case you're interested.
Nice review Thief...'Big Bangs' ha! I liked that.

Oh I lied when I said I've only seen Zoe Kazan in one other film, Ruby Sparks...I also seen her in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. What other films have you seen her in? And did I already ask you that? Well if I did it's early morning here and I'm still asleep

Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004)

I like Ike.....Countdown to D-Day that is This was right up my movie watching alley. Not a single shot fired, not one explosion, just a bunch of planning and I liked it that way! I've seen other movies about Operation Overlord the Allied plan for the invasion of Normady on D-Day June 6th 1944. I liked the inside insight into the methodology that went into the decision making process. Good one, thanks Chyp.

Glad you enjoyed it CR

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad you enjoyed it CR
The wife and I always like war movies, especially this type of war movie. I learned there was a mini series about Ike, Ike: The War Years I might watch that if I can find it.

The wife and I always like war movies, especially this type of war movie. I learned there was a mini series about Ike, Ike: The War Years I might watch that if I can find it.
Not seen that, might see if I can find it some time. Ike... Countdown was a blind buy one Xmas some years ago as a stocking-filler for Mrs Chyp, as herself has a penchant for war films as well. She likes those and crime/murder fillums - needless to say I try to keep on the right side of her

Nice review Thief...'Big Bangs' ha! I liked that.

Oh I lied when I said I've only seen Zoe Kazan in one other film, Ruby Sparks...I also seen her in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. What other films have you seen her in? And did I already ask you that? Well if I did it's early morning here and I'm still asleep
She's great in The Big Sick, which is an excellent romcom. The only other films of her I've seen are also Buster Scruggs and Revolutionary Road, which I haven't seen in 10+ years.

Trouble with a capital "T"
She's great in The Big Sick, which is an excellent romcom. The only other films of her I've seen are also Buster Scruggs and Revolutionary Road, which I haven't seen in 10+ years.
Revolutionary Road (2008) ah, that sounds just like the type of film I'm looking for:

A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children.
Think I'll watch that after I've watched the 2000s recommendations that I've gotten here...those are on the 1st post btw for anyone following along

Revolutionary Road (2008) ah, that sounds just like the type of film I'm looking for:

Think I'll watch that after I've watched the 2000s recommendations that I've gotten here...those are on the 1st post btw for anyone following along
I remember it being very good, but it has slipped a bit from my memory. But hey, it has Leo and Kate, "early" performances from Michael Shannon, and I'm just realizing now that it has Kathryn Hahn and David Harbour.