Skepsis' 100

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I only like the first Back To The Future film. Didn't get on with the second and I don't think I finished the third.

I like Annie Hall, but think Manhatten's better. I've only seen The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford once, but thought it was beautifully shot and really good. I liked Let The Right One In, as well.

The Green Mile was ok, as was Mystic River, but that's all. Liked Run, Lola Run, too, but 'ran' out of steam towards the end.

Can't stand North by Northwest.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think the vast majority of people would say the first BTTF is their favorite and I'm among them, but I feel like I may be in the minority when I say I prefer the third over the second. I love them all, but I especially like the radical change in setting for Part 3, really brings a new dynamic to the proceedings. I also feel like it comes close to capturing the brilliant, wacky sense of fun that the first does so well; closer than Part 2.

Or I may be wrong. How would you guys rank them?
I love the first, used to like the third better than second as well. Unfortunately neither of the sequels held up for me when I re-watched them a couple of years ago.

I like Annie Hall, but think Manhatten's better.
I remember I found Manhattan to be a little flat, but I haven't seen it in quite a while.

Thanks all. Vicky, I know you'll love at least one from the next set.

70. Lady Vengeance
Chan-wook Park, 2005
Yeong-ae Lee, Min-sik Choi & Shi-hoo Kim

"Be White. Live White. Like this."


69. An American Crime
Tommy O'Haver, 2007
Catherine Keener, Ellen Page & Hayley McFarland

"Don't worry Jennie. Mamma's just teaching her."


68. Being John Malkovich
Spike Jonze, 1999
John Cusack, Cameron Diaz & John Malkovich

"You see the world through John Malkovich's eyes. Then after about 15 minutes,
you're spit out into a ditch on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike!"


67. Toy Story
John Lasseter, 1995
Tom Hanks, Tim Allen & Don Rickles

"How dare you open a space man's helmet on an uncharted planet?
My eyeballs could have been sucked from their sockets!"


66. Midnight in Paris
Woody Allen, 2011
Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams & Kathy Bates

"The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence."

Thumbs up for Midnight in Paris! It's my 3th favorite Woody film and I rated it
. It's probably on my top 10 of this milennium so far. Such a magical movie!

Good to see another fan. Have you seen any of the others?
I've seen Toy Story, which was of course enjoyable (Pixar always has a certain quality) and I own Being John Malkovich, so I'm probably watching it in the near future. I heard and read about the other two, but haven't seen them yet. They seem interesting, though.

Thumbs up for Mulholland Drive and Midnight in Paris, which I consider to be masterpieces.

Thumbs up for Mulholland Drive and Midnight in Paris, which I consider to be masterpieces.
Me too. I flick between Midnight in Paris and Annie Hall as my favourite Woody Allen flicks. Mulholland Drive is brilliant - perfect, really, because I so enjoy reveling in mystery, slowly peeling back layers.

Of the last two sets I've seen Mystic River, Mulholland Drive and Toy Story.

Toy Story and Mystic River are great films, the latter is one of my favourite Eastwood and perhaps one of the most powerful films for me in terms of acting performances. Mulholland Drive is one of my very favourites, absolute masterpiece from Lynch

Got The Green Mile on DVD to watch as well, and Midnight in Paris is always on Sky movies so I'll watch it sometime, never seen a Woody Allen film although I have Crimes and Misdemeanors recorded

Huge thumbs up for Being John Malkovich!

It is such an original, bizarre and immensely entertaining movie. Anyone who hasn't seen it really needs to give it a try.

Toy Story is pretty good too.

I think this might be the best set so far. Lady Vengance was good, but I still prefer Oldboy. Midnight in Paris while not better than Annie Hall, it's probably my second favorite Allen film. Being John Malkovich is one of the most entertaining movies of the 90s. Can't comment on Toy story since I haven't seen it since childhood, and I haven't seen An American Crime
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Love Toy Story and Being John Malkovich. Plan on watching Lady Vengeance quite soon actually and will get to Midnight in Paris at somepoint.

65. Groundhog Day
Harold Ramis, 1993
Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell & Chris Elliott

"I killed myself so many times I don't even exist anymore."


64. Hard Candy
David Slade, 2005
Patrick Wilson & Ellen Page

"Well, 4 out of 5 doctors agree that I am actually insane."


63. Black Dynamite
Scott Sanders, 2009
Michael Jai White, Arsenio Hall & Tommy Davidson

"Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification
is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!"


62. Psycho
Alfred Hitchcock, 1960
Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh & Vera Miles

"She might have fooled me, but she didn't fool my mother."


61. El laberinto del fauno / Pan's Labyrinth
Guillermo del Toro, 2006
Ivana Baquero, Ariadna Gil & Sergi López

"I've had so many names. Old names that only the wind and the trees can pronounce. I am the mountain,
the forest and the earth. I am... I am a faun. Your most humble servant, Your Highness."

Why is Lady Vengeance better than the other two films in the Vengeance Trilogy? I'm just assuming the others won't pop up beyond this point so if they do, forget me asking this.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
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