Do You Believe Stanley Kubrick's "Mysterious Messages"?


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well in order to fake it they would have to design a camera that can shoot slow motion for 143 minutes straight, so if they had to invent such a camera, why didn't NASA try to sell this camera after, as it would have been worth so much back then? Wouldn't they have made more money in the camera business, than the space exploration business?

Another thing I realized, if the moon landing was faked, then Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins would have had to record their voices saying all their lines and dialogue in the footage, at least a few weeks ahead of time, and could this have been done without any contradictions or snags?

NASA isn't in the business of making money, they are a government funded agency and not allowed to profit from doing their job.

From what I've heard about Aldrin and his reaction to the fakery fiction, you would not want to be in the same room with him when he got pissed about it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But if they are not allowed to profit from doing their job, then why do they care about going through such a huge conspiracy fake moonlanding, if there is nothing to gain from it, other than just get more funding for a job, you don't profit from much?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Actually it just occured to me, it was said before on there that the 10 fps footage would have been converted to 30 for TV. The guy in the video says that only a a HS-100 disk recordre could convert 10 fps to 30 for sports replays. He says it at 5:51 into the video:

But it was said on here earlier, that 10 fps footage had to transferred to 30 fps to be played back on TV. So if that's true, then is it possible to do that without needing an HS-100 to do it then, if that's what is needed for TV playback anyway?

But if they are not allowed to profit from doing their job, then why do they care about going through such a huge conspiracy fake moonlanding, if there is nothing to gain from it, other than just get more funding for a job, you don't profit from much?
Sadly, we are such a jaded culture today that it's hard to imagine motives other than personal profit. From my contact with that world, I can easily see why they did it. For one thing, it was the glory of the quest, all that "Right Stuff" kind of attitude, like climbing Everest "because it's there". For the people that worked in the project, it was fun and was as though they had a higher cause and a gonzo team. They got to be part of the team that went to the GD Moon. They not only worked on it without anything but a salary, but it was the pinnacle of their lives that they got the opportunity. They were mainly regular folks with families to support, but, if they could have afforded to do it for free, a lot of them would.

That's a big part of why they get so angry about the damnable conspiracy/fake theories. They were actually THERE and these freaks who were not are saying that everything they did was a lie. That's personal.