Help me with 2010s Movie Recommendations


@Siddon and @Thief,

I watched Eighth Grade (2018), and I found this movie to be very awkward to watch, but that's probably what made it such a good movie. There were parts of the movie that I could relate to, like the way she was treated by the other kids in school, but because I don't use any of the social media sites, I couldn't really relate to the way she seemed to be attached to her phone.

This kind of made Kayla seem like two different people. One was the awkward person in school, and the other was the confident person who made the videos. She seemed to try so hard to make friends that she did and said everything wrong.

WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "Eighth Grade "(2018)!!!" spoilers below
But the nice thing was in the end, she seemed to finally figure it out, and I think she was probably happier in high school because she seemed to accept who she is. I loved the scene at the end with Kayla and Gabe, where they were each so nervous being with the other one. I thought that was adorable.

This is a very good movie, but a bit of an uncomfortable movie to watch at times. I think a lot of people can probably relate to what she was going through, even if they went to middle school many years ago.

Thank you for the recommendation.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, awkwardness and all. I think that's definitely the goal, to highlight the awkwardness of growing up and trying to find ways to fit in. I especially agree with the bold part. The videos serve as both a facade and an outlet for her to express herself, even though she's too afraid and shy to be so extroverted in person. Loved it.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been working on my 2010s movie list for the upcoming countdown. I went through everything I seen and made notes for movies that I liked and that I believe meets your taste and you will like. I hope...I did look through your thread and I removed the films that you've said you've already seen, but I'm sure you've seen some of these.

I've linked my reviews where possible, they are spoiler free

A Royal Night Out (2015)
Big Eyes (2014)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Chef (2014)
Cinderella (2015)
Downsizing (2017) sci fi
Eddie the Eagle (2016)
Europa Report (2013) sci fi
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
Heidi (2015)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2016)
Hugo (2011)
In Time (2011) sci fi
Indignation (2016)
John Carter (2012)
La Belle et la Bête (2014)
Little Boy (2015)
Meek's Cutoff (2010)
Maudie (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
Mr. Holmes (2015)
Oblivion (2013) sci if
Please Stand By (2017)
Ruby Sparks (2012)
Spotlight (2015)
Stan & Ollie (2018)
The Age of Adaline (2015)
The Artist (2011)
The Dressmaker (2015)
The Founder (2016)
The King's Speech (2010)
Upside Down (2012) sci fi
Wonder (2017)

@Frightened Inmate No. 2;, (I tried to get this MENTION tag to work, but for some reason I can't seem to fix it properly. )

I watched Columbus (2017), and I liked it. The movie starts off slow, and it took a while to get where it was going, but once it got there, it was worth the wait. I liked the chemistry between John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson. This movie kind of reminded me of the movie Before Sunset, where we're basically just watching two people wander around, talk and get to know each other for a lot of the movie, but instead of a romantic feeling, they seem to be building a friendship. It's not quite the same thing, and there's more to it than just that, but it had a similar feel at times.

Thanks for the recommendation.
glad you liked it! it’s definitely a slow and meditative film, but i love the way it gradually opens up emotionally.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
Great call on "Stan & Ollie", CR.

The casting was perfect and a great, albeit sad saga. Definitely on my ballot!
Mine too. The funny thing about Stan & Ollie is I expected a very average bio pic but instead got a very well made film that made me really respect the two comedians. I really think GBG would like that one too.

Mine too. The funny thing about Stan & Ollie is I expected a very average bio pic but instead got a very well made film that made me really respect the two comedians. I really think GBG would like that one too.

I grew up watching all their shorts. My fave of that era.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've been working on my 2010s movie list for the upcoming countdown. I went through everything I seen and made notes for movies that I liked and that I believe meets your taste and you will like. I hope...I did look through your thread and I removed the films that you've said you've already seen, but I'm sure you've seen some of these.

I've linked my reviews where possible, they are spoiler free

A Royal Night Out (2015)
Big Eyes (2014)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Chef (2014)
Cinderella (2015)
Downsizing (2017) sci fi
Eddie the Eagle (2016)
Europa Report (2013) sci fi
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
Heidi (2015)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2016)
Hugo (2011)
In Time (2011) sci fi
Indignation (2016)
John Carter (2012)
La Belle et la Bête (2014)
Little Boy (2015)
Meek's Cutoff (2010)
Maudie (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
Mr. Holmes (2015)
Oblivion (2013) sci if
Please Stand By (2017)
Ruby Sparks (2012)
Spotlight (2015)
Stan & Ollie (2018)
The Age of Adaline (2015)
The Artist (2011)
The Dressmaker (2015)
The Founder (2016)
The King's Speech (2010)
Upside Down (2012) sci fi
Wonder (2017)

Thanks for the recommendations, (and the reminders). Thanks to cable TV, I've actually seen a bunch of these, but I forgot about them, so I added a few of them to my potential list, and a few others to my rewatch list.

Big Eyes - I liked this movie, but I didn't love it enough for it to make my list.

Captain Phillips - It's been a while since I saw this, but what I remember most about it was that it was an intense movie. It was worth watching, but it's not really the type of movie that's likely to make my list.

Chef - I bought this movie on DVD because it stars Jon Favreau, and I've liked him in just about everything that I've seen him in. I only have vague memories of this movie, but I remember liking it, so I'll have to rewatch it.

Eddie the Eagle - I liked this movie a lot, and it has a chance to make my list.

Florence Foster Jenkins - This is a good movie, but there are just too many movies that I like more than this, so it's not likely to make my list.

Hello, My Name Is Doris - This is another movie that I remember liking a lot, but I don't remember the movie very well, so I'll have to rewatch it before making my list.

Hugo - I remember this having something to do with clocks and a train station, but I don't remember much more about it, so I added it to my watchlist.

In Time - I remember this having something to do with a countdown on people's arms, and I remember liking this movie, so I added it to my watchlist,

La Belle et la Bête - I think I watched this movie for a HoF here, and I liked it, but not enough for it to make my list.

Ruby Sparks - This was a great movie, and it has a chance to make my list.

Spotlight - I just watched this recently, and it's a great movie. I'll definitely consider it for my list.

Stan & Ollie - I'm not really a fan of Laurel and Hardy, but this movie was great. I'm considering it for my list.

The Age of Adaline - I love this movie. It has a good chance to make my list.

The Artist - I watched this when it aired on PBS one night, and I was surprised at how much I liked it. It has a chance to make my list.

The Founder - Michael Keaton was great in this movie, but as good as this movie is, it probably won't make my list because it's just not the type of movie that I'm likely to want to rewatch.

The King's Speech - This is another very good movie that just doesn't have the rewatchability to make my list.

Upside Down - I love this movie, and it has a good chance to make my list.

I'll have to check out some of the other movies on your list. Offhand, I think the movies that I'm most looking forward to seeing are Cinderella, Goodbye Christopher Robin, Mr. Holmes, and Please Stand By.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Little Ash,

I lived in Texas for a few years in the 1990s, and I used to go to the Mesquite Rodeo on the weekends, so I thought The Rider (2017) might be an interesting movie. I really wanted to like this movie, but unfortunately it just didn't work for me. It was too slow, and I found myself losing interest in his story pretty quickly. I stuck it out until the end of the movie, but it just felt like it was lacking something. I'm just not sure what.

Thanks for the recommendation.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I was looking through the movie channels, and I stumbled across a movie called Monster Trucks (2016) that sounded interesting. I don't think anyone recommended it, (and after watching the movie I can see why), but I decided to give it a try.

This is a completely unbelievable movie, but it's a fun watch. It was worth watching it just for the final chase scene, as long as you can suspend disbelief, because it's a lot of fun, but in a ridiculously over-the-top way. It has no chance to make my list, but I enjoyed watching it.

I was looking through the movie channels, and I stumbled across a movie called Monster Trucks (2016) that sounded interesting. I don't think anyone recommended it, (and after watching the movie I can see why), but I decided to give it a try.

This is a completely unbelievable movie, but it's a fun watch. It was worth watching it just for the final chase scene, as long as you can suspend disbelief, because it's a lot of fun, but in a ridiculously over-the-top way. It has no chance to make my list, but I enjoyed watching it.
I haven't seen it so I can't speak to its quality, but I know the movie bombed big in the box office. I suppose that's why it wasn't brought up.

I've tried (hopefully successfully) to limit this to movies that both meet your criteria and haven't been mentioned yet. No guarantees on either count though.

Anton Chekov's The Duel (2010)
Margin Call (2011)
Robot & Frank (2012)
Frank (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Infinitely Polar Bear (2015)
Blue Jay (2016)
Colossal (2016)
Shirkers (2018)
Leave No Trace (2018)
Atlantics (2019)
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open (2019)

Some notes: There's domestic violence/discussion of domestic violence in The Body Remembers... but it's not graphic. It's not a super happy movie for sure. The Duel had a very limited release so it may be hard to find--looks like it can be rented on Amazon at least.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't seen it so I can't speak to its quality, but I know the movie bombed big in the box office. I suppose that's why it wasn't brought up.

You're probably right, but it wouldn't be the first time that I liked a movie that bombed at the box office. It's not a great movie, but it's a fun watch.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've tried (hopefully successfully) to limit this to movies that both meet your criteria and haven't been mentioned yet. No guarantees on either count though.

Anton Chekov's The Duel (2010)
Margin Call (2011)
Robot & Frank (2012)
Frank (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Infinitely Polar Bear (2015)
Blue Jay (2016)
Colossal (2016)
Shirkers (2018)
Leave No Trace (2018)
Atlantics (2019)
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open (2019)

Some notes: There's domestic violence/discussion of domestic violence in The Body Remembers... but it's not graphic. It's not a super happy movie for sure. The Duel had a very limited release so it may be hard to find--looks like it can be rented on Amazon at least.

Thank you for the recommendations.

The only movies on your list that I've seen are Robot & Frank and Infinitely Polar Bear. I liked both movies, but I doubt either movie will make my list.

I think I have Margin Call on DVD, but I haven't watched it yet, and I've heard a little bit about Song of the Sea and Blue Jay, and they both sound very interesting.

I haven't heard of most of the other movies on your list, but I will check them out and try to watch some of them.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Holden Pike,

I tried watching The Florida Project (2017) again, and I made it through the whole movie this time, but I still don't get why people love this movie so much. I liked Willem Dafoe in this movie, but I hated just about everyone else. The kids were the most annoying kids on the planet, and Moonee's mother Halley was the most obnoxious person ever. She acts like she's entitled to everything, but she's just a lowlife who doesn't do anything.

And the ending didn't work for me at all.
WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "The Florida Project"!!!" spoilers below
Moonee and her friend just run off and end up at Disney World? They have no money and no transportation, but somehow they manage to get all the way there, and inside the park, and nobody stops two young kids who are by themselves, while at the same time there are a bunch of adults from CPS looking for them. It just makes no sense.

Sorry, but I just don't understand the love for this movie.

Thank you for the recommendation. I just wish I had liked it more.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Allaby and @Little Ash,

I watched Lady Bird (2017), and it was good, but I think I just expected more because of the high praise I've heard about it. Most of the movie just seemed like a bunch of other high school movies, but I liked the ending. Her relationship with her mother was the best part of the movie, but it felt more like a minor background plotline in a high school movie. I wish they had focused more on their relationship.

Thank you for the recommendation.

@Allaby and @Little Ash,

I watched Lady Bird (2017), and it was good, but I think I just expected more because of the high praise I've heard about it. Most of the movie just seemed like a bunch of other high school movies, but I liked the ending. Her relationship with her mother was the best part of the movie, but it felt more like a minor background plotline in a high school movie. I wish they had focused more on their relationship.

Thank you for the recommendation.

It's been a while since I've seen it and other people love it more than me, but my recollection was the dynamic with the mother was one of the core, underlying parts of the movie. But,

From Kgaard's list, I'm going to predict Leave No Trace and Atlantics will be too slow for you (but I could be wrong).
My gut says Colossus and Song of the Sea might be more what you're looking for (though this is all speculation).

I've seen Shirkers, but a lot of the details of it has kind of wiped itself from my memory.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It's been a while since I've seen it and other people love it more than me, but my recollection was the dynamic with the mother was one of the core, underlying parts of the movie. But,

I think "underlying" is the key word. The movie started and ended with the focus more on her relationship with her mother, but the majority of the movie seemed to focus more on her relationships with her friends and boyfriends than on her relationship with her mother.

That's not surprising based on the type of movie, but I just thought the parts with her mother were better than the parts with her friends.

From Kgaard's list, I'm going to predict Leave No Trace and Atlantics will be too slow for you (but I could be wrong).
My gut says Colossus and Song of the Sea might be more what you're looking for (though this is all speculation).

I've seen Shirkers, but a lot of the details of it has kind of wiped itself from my memory.
Thanks for the help with the recommendations. Song of the Sea is already on my watchlist, but I'll add Colossal as well.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I went off the watchlist again to watch a movie that aired on cable, so I don't think this was on anyone's list, but I watched Last Vegas (2013). It didn't sound like my type of movie, but I just couldn't resist a comedy movie starring Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline and Mary Steenburgen.

This movie is basically a geriatric version of a typical bachelor party movie with a great cast, but because of the older cast, it has more interesting storylines woven into it. Some parts of the movie were predictable, but it was still fun watching them play out.

I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would. It's worth seeing just for the all-star cast.

@Holden Pike,

I tried watching The Florida Project (2017) again, and I made it through the whole movie this time, but I still don't get why people love this movie so much.
There are a few things that I think make The Florida Project really special. The performances are outstanding, anchored by Dafoe, but the kids are also really strong. The setting---the liminal space between the squalor of people living in desperate circumstances and the magical escapism of Disney World---stands easily in its symbolism.

But what I love most about it is the way that the understanding we have as the audience cascades through the characters. We see from the get-go that the life the main characters are living is unsustainable. We watch Dafoe's character understand it. But slowly, and heartbreakingly, we watch that understanding fall down on the young shoulders of the children. They are getting to an age where they are becoming acutely aware of the gap between the actions of their parents and the actions of people who are living a more normal/healthy life.

As for the ending, I think that it's perfect because there are two equally powerful ways to read it.
WARNING: spoilers below
One way to read it is literal. The children manage to make their way into the park for a bit of short-lived euphoria, getting to immerse themselves in the magic that has always been sitting on the horizon of their lives.

But another way to read it is as a fantasy. That it simply represents a last burst of optimism from a child who is probably about to live a very hard life, who still has a sliver of belief that she could run away to an amusement park and get away from all of her troubles.

I think it's a really amazing film. I was also a fan of Tangerine by the same writer/director. I think that he has a way of telling stories about powerless or marginalized characters that are both dramatic and funny without ever feeling like they are being patronizing or punching down.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@kgaard and @Little Ash,

I watched Song of the Sea (2014), and I liked it. The animation was beautiful, the story was fascinating, and I loved the music, but for some reason, I just never connected with the characters, or more specifically, the kids. It wasn't enough to hurt my enjoyment of the movie, but it was the only down side to the movie.

But on the plus side, I loved the Great Seanachaí. He was so funny, and he reminded me of a cross between Merlin from the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone, Captain Caveman, and Dory from Finding Nemo. This was a very enjoyable movie.

Thank you for the recommendation.