For the first time I'm watching...

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Wouldn't it be terrible to have to pay a big fine and legal fees because you were caught downloading Twilight: New Moon? Is it even worth the risk?

Thats actually a damn good point, but the alternative is to spend....oh.... no there is no alternative. If I was arrested, caught, etc... Id still have a 50-50 chance of getting off due to how bad the movie is.

... I'd still have a 50-50 chance of getting off due to how bad the movie is.
No, see that's not true. Whether you're caught with a $5,000 a night call girl giving you the full girlfriend experience or getting a $10 hand job from a meth-head in a back alley, the penalty is the same. That's why I say, is it worth the risk. Hell, if I was on your jury I'd be more likely to convict for downloading a piece of crap than a good movie.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra


True Blood Season 4 Episode 9
aired sunday 8/21/11

Im 17 minutes into this crap and was compelled to post. What the hell happened to this show?!

5 minutes into this episode the great witch brigade, led by Tara, wants to make a stand against Antonia. Why?! Because Antonia wants them to join hands and cast a protection spell vs the vampires. Henh?! I so wanted Antonia to slap Tara and her stupidassed MMA backstoryline down to the ground! She casts a simple telekinisis barring the doors, and all the hyper whiteys quickly stfu.

Like the brief interaction with Bill and Alcide. 8 minutes in Im enjoying Sams storyline more than any prior one simply for gorgeous Luna. Janina Gavankar is breathtaking, and I havent been so smitten since Desperado with Salma Hayek

I like Elcides trailer trash girlfriend better than Elcide. Shes funny and had some of the best lines. Last season "They killed my Cooter!" comes to mind. Elcide is useless, and the actor just cant at all.

10 minutes in end Jessica babbling all her boyfriend troubles to chill vampire Nan Flanagan. Nan vows never to be a maker due to the never ending pain of ones like Jessicas company.

14 minutes in and the shows done the impossible. My interest has crested toward the human storyline over the vampires. Lafayette being possesed by some vooddoo ghost mama with a .38 in one hand and a baby in another.

Jason Stackhouse character I thinks hilarious and the actor completely sells that role like a genius. His expressions of stupidity always deliver.

Sookies daytime dream with Eric & Bill, and their interaction. I want to drink paint. So bad this scene I start writing this thread to voice my disapproval.

Tommy certainly will cause another disaster again as that boys so trailer. A nice campfire scene with Sam, Luna, and her daughter. UGH! 23 minutes in and the Sookie blood dream with Eric & Bill make me physically wince. The suck is strong. How a telepath can be so oblivious Ive no idea. Lafayettes stock has gone up if that were possible. The actor Nelson Ellis is an excellent talent.

28 minutes in and Elcides gf Debbie is hopped up on V getting ready to Jerry Springer Sookie werewolf style. ......... no theyre talking in the kitchen. Theyre gonna be friends. No Im not kidding. So she had to get hopped up on V to be nice to Sookie. This shows hitting Twilight level fast.

37 minutes - Elcide is talked into the Sam & Luna vs her werewolf baby daddy Marcus storyline. Whats more interesting is the Lafayette/Mavis resolution. A happy ending with the best finish line as the ghost Mavis thanks Laf, and he replies warmly "You got it b!tch." Laf rawks!!

Debbie and Sookie are attempting infilitration of the Moon Goddess Emporium alone. Makes perfect sense with this show. Tommy imitates Sam to go meet Marcus' crew, and Tommy gets a long overdue beatdown.

48 minutes Eric Northman is under spell to kill King Bill at the vampire tolerance rally. Cut scene to Jason and Jessica doing the rut-rut in the back of a pickup truck. Louisiana culture. Back to the rally where Antonia has 3 more vamps spellbound. Whoa! The vamps literally gutted the guards Hannibal Lector style and all hell breaks loose. Erics going after Bill! Thats the end of the episode!

i tried to like the series, but i have read all the books to date...and i just cant get over the inconsistancies...

the first season was great the second season was pretty good...the third, i think i just watched it to get to over with...i saw about 3/4 ep of season 4, but im done.

the books were entertaining esp with barry the bell hop. the gang always took road trips, i hate that tara sooo different than in the book..

i tried to just watch it for the artistic differences, and a new take on the idea...maybe its to soon for me to give it a fair chance...

i personally loved planet of the apes, yes the one with marky-marky, i had seen the orginial in bits and pieces over the years, i didnt care for it, so i can like the newer one with fresh eyes and a different mind set.
Im tired of being caught in the tangle of these peoples lives.....

This ones for Sexy C as he has taken the "post while youre viewing" concept to an entirely new level.

Anyone can post in this thread while watching flicks if they want. I post about my flicks in small bursts like this one as I am not able to do a 2 hour viewing in one sit sometimes.

When posting about a flick I always seek out movies that I feel would be good targets for ridicule.

First 15 minutes.
So two girls are driving along the northeastern shore seemingly going on vacation. They have that vacation type load of crap in the car, and the music theyre listening to is terrifying. Is there such a thing as good music in a horror movie?! Im guessing this is horror. Obligatory chit-chat scene, and they start hysterically laughing. Pretty girls arent funny.

They meet up with a friend, and she looks very familiar....Imdb....Whoa! Its Jenny from The League! She wrote and directed this movie too! Shes hot ...Awesome. I just had my previous statement fed back to me. Well Jenny and another girl are in an eternal feud over some past boyfriend, the third party is Peacemaker Gal, and they go riding on a boat to a rocky island. In the cold. With wind. Girls just dont go out and do this. They dont realize yet theyve got victimitis disease.

They make camp on the rocky windy beach More drama between Jenny and big eyed girl about whatshisname back when. Some guys come across our heroines, and look sketchy. Through some strained conversation they realize that one of them went to elementary school with one of the guys older brother or something. Jenny invites them to get drunk by the campfire. Victimitis.

No, see that's not true. Whether you're caught with a $5,000 a night call girl giving you the full girlfriend experience or getting a $10 hand job from a meth-head in a back alley, the penalty is the same. That's why I say, is it worth the risk. Hell, if I was on your jury I'd be more likely to convict for downloading a piece of crap than a good movie.
Wut? Do you get fine for "using" prostitutes in US?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.


Last few times I tried to watch some obviously awful film for comedic review purposes, I never finished watching the movie. So Im shifting gears, and only watching & talking about possible good films. Though I should have posted in this thread when I watched "Surfer, Dude". Oh my goodness, Jackass The movie was deeper fare.


35 minutes into the movie

Oh man oh my. I knew what the plot was going into it, but when you have exceptional acting at the helm, you're sucked in anyway. Its 1:17 am and I have no business entertaining staying up till 3:30-3:45am to finish this. I just might.

When the suspect Alex Jones is revealed as someone with a 10 year olds intellect, and he was just so damned pathetically terrified, I thought "Oh so he isnt the predator!? This poor bastards gonna get needlssly tortured later.". Then after Hugh Jackman slung Jones ass to the pavement in front of the police station, and Jones whispered to the Jackman "They didnt cry till I left". OH HELL NAW! Go get the pipes and call the brothas'!! Fricking resurrect Joe Pescis dead mobster character from Casino! And bring his vice!

Now Jackmans watching the Jones house, and manboy Jones while walking the dog decides to hang it by the neck with his leash. Hating on manboy very much right now. I came to post, I shall return.

54 minutes in...

Well after Jackman hears Alex Jones singing the Jingle Bells limerick exactly like the kids did, he snatched him up. Then he brought Terrence Howards character in, I think that was a mistake, and Jackmans in process of pounding Jones' face to where it's looking like the venison they cut up earlier in the movie.

Strange that Alex Jones aunt hasnt reported him missing, and this former priest Gyllenhall captured...I dont know. Jake Gyllenhalls doing a great job too. His "solved every case" swag mixed in with the involuntary blinking, I think theres definitely something substantial to come later from him.

For a 2 1/2 hour movie this is moving along alot faster than I thought it would. I dont know what can happen in another 90 minutes, but Im pleasantly surprised I didnt know 90% of the flick like I thought I did going in.

1 hour 24 minutes in...

Well Terrence Howards character told his wife, and so now thats 3 in the know. When Howards character was going to free that big headed manboy, and she stopped him, now thats a mom wanting her baby back.

This creepy bastard thats sneaking into Howardss & Jackmans houses, and hes obviously looking for Alex Jones. Thats the accomplice! Sad the only character I know by name in this flick is the probable predator Alex Jones, and the cop whose name sounds like Loki.

I got to hit the sack but will watch the rest tomorrow, and post.

Final, yeah I couldnt sleep.

Thats frickin BS!!! Thats where they end it?! No rescue of Hugh?! I HATE BS endings like this where its not a true ending! Glad the girls were rescued, wished that sickassed bitch suffered greatly at length before dying, and I cant understand what-so-ever why they would let that bigheaded idiot manboy go! He brought the kids to her! Oh, but I guess they never heard that detail since she told it to Dover (Hugh Jackman), and he's still stuck down in the hole! BS ending. Im disgusted.

Well I got some sleep, and still am pissed about the ending. Anyone want to talk about this movie? If theres no reply I guess I was too late since it came out last year.

Watching this for the first time now, about 15 minutes into it. Tom Hardy is unrecognizable. Hes gonna be the next big thing To say he was holding his own in scenes with Leo, to this point, is an understatement.

I am stunned and impressed by the cinematography and especially the directing. Already to this point there have been at least three 5 minute unedited scenes, and everybody's brilliant in their performance. Ive a feeling Im gonna finish watching this and think it should have won more awards.

I have to return some videotapes...

Watching this for the first time now, about 15 minutes into it. Tom Hardy is unrecognizable. Hes gonna be the next big thing To say he was holding his own in scenes with Leo, to this point, is an understatement.

I am stunned and impressed by the cinematography and especially the directing. Already to this point there have been at least three 5 minute unedited scenes, and everybody's brilliant in their performance. Ive a feeling Im gonna finish watching this and think it should have won more awards.
I don't want to burst your bubble, but the American Indian fight in the beginning is edited together with just trick editing, much like Birdman is.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

I don't want to burst your bubble, but the American Indian fight in the beginning is edited together with just trick editing, much like Birdman is.
NO! You lie! Really?! Damn.
Well its the best editing then Ive seen since JFK.

30 minutes in.

Tom Hardy so deserved his supporting actor oscar nom.

Watching the bear scene now HOLY CRAP! Now this is how computer animation should really be used. This looks like an unedited version of Faces Of Death.

This director is a great actors dream. The closeups are plentiful, but Inarritu knows when to use them too. The scene where the bears paw is on Leos head and the drool comes down onto his face This is best film of this type ive seen since Last Of The Mohicans.

Holy crap the scenes not done its coming back!!! Leos shot to its face just pissed it off and its using him like a Raggedy Andy doll. If this isnt computer editing the bear deserved a supporting actor nom too.

The scenes finally over.

Thats not just a joke, my jaws dropped a few times. This movies awesome!!! I gotta walk away from it now though to prepare for a Survivor challenge.

Master of My Domain
Judging by your reactions so far, I think you're gonna like this film.
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