
Chappie doesn't like the real world
Wow, I've been doing the tv countdown for a month now. I'm not going to know what to do with myself after it's over.

Oh yeah, tournament!!!!

Whatever would we do without Godoggo here to run all the tournaments?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Have someone else run them ?

No one ever ran another Folk Tournament , so I want to do that too, but first is the tv character one .

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
No mint chocolate chip ice cream in the house, so have to make due with vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and M&M's. I'm like the ice cream MacGyver.

I'm not much of an ice cream lover, but when I do eat ice cream, it's usually either Ben & Jerry's or Blue Bunny ice cream, and it has to be a chocolate based ice cream.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I stopped buying Lindor Truffles because I'm addicted to them. Whenever I buy them, I eat the whole bag in under an hour.
I wish it took me an hour. I'm being serious; I'll eat a whole bag in 20 minutes. I only buy them individually now so I can't eat them all. Once or twice a week I'll buy one with my coffee. Tim brings me the bars they make sometimes too, even though I've told him to stop bringing me treats all the time. I just went jeans shopping and I'm not going again for a couple of years.

Master of My Domain
You guys are lucky... Korean ice cream and cookies and snacks in general are disgusting.

Master of My Domain
You live in Korea, Gatsby? I've never had Korean ice cream, but I've had Mochi (Japanese) ice cream.
Mochi is pretty good.

Think of Korean ice cream as an artificial diluted version of Ben&Jerry.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I wish it took me an hour. I'm being serious; I'll eat a whole bag in 20 minutes. I only buy them individually now so I can't eat them all. Once or twice a week I'll buy one with my coffee. Tim brings me the bars they make sometimes too, even though I've told him to stop bringing me treats all the time. I just went jeans shopping and I'm not going again for a couple of years.

I haven't tried the Lindor bars. I've only had the truffles. I tried the hazelnut ones recently, and they're amazing.

I usually only buy chocolate when it's very cheap. The weeks after Halloween, Christmas and Valentines Day are busy shopping weeks for us for chocolate. This week, we've been buying the Halloween candy on clearance. We bought a lot of KitKat miniatures, Nestles Crunch bars, Hersheys (both with and without almonds), Raisinettes, and Reese's PB cups. We use coupons in addition to the clearance prices, so the most we paid for anything was about 75 cents a bag for the large bags with the snack size bars. We bought enough to get us through well after Christmas when they go on clearance for 75% off again.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You guys are lucky... Korean ice cream and cookies and snacks in general are disgusting.

I've never had Korean ice cream, but I've had astronaut ice cream, and that's pretty disgusting. It's like a warm ice cream bar that melts in your mouth when you eat it.

Master of My Domain
Jeez guys. Just reading this thread is going to rot my teeth.
Swans don't have teeth...

Lies, lies I tell you!

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I've never had Korean ice cream, but I've had astronaut ice cream, and that's pretty disgusting. It's like a warm ice cream bar that melts in your mouth when you eat it.
It is disgusting. I guess if you are in space it's better than nothing, but I wouldn't eat it when you can have the real thing.

I'm not eating any sweets again until Thanksgiving because then there will be treats and sweets from that point on until Christmas.