Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame VI


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Directed by: William Wyler

Starring: Dana Andrews, Fredric March, Harold Russell

Centred around the troubles faced by veterans returning home from war, The Best Years of Our Lives only briefly touches on how it was society who failed these men, and instead focuses on the soldiers' own individual perseverance and fortitude. Because of that, the film is able to maintain a feeling of optimism, despite otherwise not shying away from realistic reintegration issues, particularly those of Homer, who lost both of his hands during duty.

There are three distinct, yet intertwining stories featured in the film. Each man comes from a completely different walk of life, and has their own problems to face when returning from combat. Despite living in a smaller town, they likely never would have met if it weren't for the plane ride home. It shows how much of a levelling field the war was for different social classes, as the poorest man was the most decorated, and the youngest among them, who still had so much of his life to look forward to, lost the most.

A number of scenes are shot in a rather interesting manner, with background actions being just as important as those close to the camera. The smaller, more realistic sets sometimes gave a feeling of claustrophobia, which was effective at conveying similar feelings felt by the characters on screen. All of the performances were great, and for an untrained actor, Harold Russell was especially remarkable. His story was really the heart of
The Best Years of Our Lives, while also providing a link to keep the others together. It was an outstanding film, and I appreciated how well it handled its drama without becoming overly sentimental.

Wasn't positive if you would love it but I went for it for you anyways. Glad to see that was the case. I love the film too.

I'm having a tricky time finding Underground (1995) with English subtitles. I found several different ones with no subtitles or with subtitles in another language, but for some reason can't seem to find one with English subs. If anyone knows where to watch Underground (1995) with Englsih subs send me a nice message please.

I'm having a tricky time finding Underground (1995) with English subtitles. I found several different ones with no subtitles or with subtitles in another language, but for some reason can't seem to find one with English subs. If anyone knows where to watch Underground (1995) with Englsih subs send me a nice message please.
Underground can be a tricky movie to find online as the only way I know how to watch it involves downloading the movie and then downloading a subtitle file from a separate site. I'll download the movie and the subtitle file to make sure they match up and if all's good, I'll DM you later today with directions on how to do it.

Underground can be a tricky movie to find online as the only way I know how to watch it involves downloading the movie and then downloading a subtitle file from a separate site. I'll download the movie and the subtitle file to make sure they match up and if all's good, I'll DM you later today with directions on how to do it.
Thanks, I was finally able to find it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Underground can be a tricky movie to find online as the only way I know how to watch it involves downloading the movie and then downloading a subtitle file from a separate site. I'll download the movie and the subtitle file to make sure they match up and if all's good, I'll DM you later today with directions on how to do it.
Have you ever used this to correct the timing of .srt sub files?

Have you ever used this to correct the timing of .srt sub files?
No, I haven't, but I'll definitely try that site out. I generally post the movie file in a video editing software and either add or remove some seconds off the start of the video to line the subtitles up, but that generally takes a while to do.

Certain media players allow you to adjust the timing of subtitle files without needing to edit the video, subtitle file, or bother with an outside application. I use VLC, which even has keyboard shortcuts, G and H by default, that add and subtract 50ms at a time from the subtitles. You can also use J and K to correct audio sync issues the same way.

The Servant (1963)

Blind watch except I knew it was the oldest movie picked for me and that it's in black and white. There's an advantage with those things because they make the movie stand out, and of course I was looking forward to it because of that. It's on the British films list at #22 and it was really something.

For all I knew, this could have been some kind of prim and proper film and I could have been disappointed. Prim and proper plays a large role but this movie is full of decadence. Just to put it briefly, an upper class London man hires a man servant. His fiancé suspects there is something up with him and she is right. Things get even more complicated when the servant asks to bring his "sister" in to help as a maid.

I think the fact that the movie is in black and white makes it seem older than it is, and that makes it seem even more racy than it is. I was never quite sure what type of movie it was going to settle into being. I thought horror, thriller, or maybe dark comedy, but in the end it's just a mischievous psychological drama that had me on edge the whole time. It would be more well known if the director or cast was more well known. Performances, camerawork, and score are all strong assets. This was a great choice for me.

Out of all the films nominated for me, Underground (1995) was the one that felt like the riskiest choice. Reading the description, it didn't really interest me very much. I watched Underground today and the results were decidedly mixed. There are a few really good moments and strong elements, but a lot of it didn't really work for me. I didn't find the characters compelling (except for maybe the monkey) and couldn't get very invested in what happened to them. The story wasn't all that interesting, for the most part. This is a long film and it felt too long. There was a lot they could have cut out and I think I would have liked it more if it was shorter. Also, most of the humour didn't land for me. I really liked the cinematography and the music though. Performances weren't bad, but no one really impressed me (other than the monkey). I hadn't seen any of this director's films before and I can't say that this motivates me to check out his other films. There were some things I liked in Underground, but not enough to justify its run time or to keep me engaged throughout.

I liked Underground quite a bit, personally. I felt some of the political themes went over my head, but I remember being just as impressed as I was baffled by the time I finished it. Definitely a film I might go back to in the future.

Out of all the films nominated for me, Underground (1995) was the one that felt like the riskiest choice. Reading the description, it didn't really interest me very much. I watched Underground today and the results were decidedly mixed. There are a few really good moments and strong elements, but a lot of it didn't really work for me. I didn't find the characters compelling (except for maybe the monkey) and couldn't get very invested in what happened to them. The story wasn't all that interesting, for the most part. This is a long film and it felt too long. There was a lot they could have cut out and I think I would have liked it more if it was shorter. Also, most of the humour didn't land for me. I really liked the cinematography and the music though. Performances weren't bad, but no one really impressed me (other than the monkey). I hadn't seen any of this director's films before and I can't say that this motivates me to check out his other films. There were some things I liked in Underground, but not enough to justify its run time or to keep me engaged throughout.
Someone picked it for me and I loved it. I thought it was a great choice for you-WRONG!

I think the lesson of this hall is clear. In the future, everyone should pick movies for me that start with the letter W. Guaranteed I will love it!

I think the lesson of this hall is clear. In the future, everyone should pick movies for me that start with the letter W. Guaranteed I will love it!
That settles it, W.R.-Mysteries of the Organism for you!