Vegan Pizza: My Review


I don't think anyone here can even imagine what Vegan Pizza is if they continually imagine it as just a sidestep from Vegetarian Pizza.

It's something completely different in every way you know Pizza. It's not the same thing at all and you'd probably not even recognize it as pizza if you had it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've had vegan pizza before. I was on a gluten free diet so the cheese wasn't cheese, but this crap that tasted like Elmer's glue! I kid you not, it wouldn't brown and it was sticky as hell. I forget what it was called, but it was gross.

I've had vegan pizza before. I was on a gluten free diet so the cheese wasn't cheese, but this crap that tasted like Elmer's glue! I kid you not, it wouldn't brown and it was sticky as hell. I forget what it was called, but it was gross.
Yeah, vegan cheese is pretty gross. Didn't read your post as sarcastic, sorry.

I don't think anyone here can even imagine what Vegan Pizza is if they continually imagine it as just a sidestep from Vegetarian Pizza.

It's something completely different in every way you know Pizza. It's not the same thing at all and you'd probably not even recognize it as pizza if you had it.
Without milk & yeast in the dough I have to wonder what the crust feels like... and with no real cheese on top... doesn't sound like the pizza most of us know.

I like a nice "white" pie (does anyone still call it "pie"?) with melted manicotti and spinach!

A long time ago I started getting a veggie pizza at a local shop (run by "Tony" of course - straight from Italy.) He'd put every vegetable he had on top and every pie was different depending what vegetables he'd throw on that day - sometimes it would have broccoli, spinach, eggplant, plus all the standards. It weighed a ton too - and you usually had to eat it with utensils because he'd load it up.

Movie related story: 1989 - my friend and I were going to see Batman and I guess we were wearing our Batman shirts (like silly fanboys!). We stopped at Tony's and he asked us what was up with the shirts, so we told him we were going to see Batman. So he asked (insert Italian accent), "Why every-a-body got-a this Badda-man? All the kids want-a the Badda-man! Why? Wha's a-wrong-a wi' the Good-a-man? Nobody like-a the Good-a-man any-a-more? Now, people only like-a the Bad-a-Man!"

Tony always had an expression on his face like he was miserable... but he was freakin hilarious!

My main point was Vegetarian Pizza may as well have a pound of bacon on it for how different it is to Vegan Pizza.

Vegetarian Pizza is a very easy thing for everyone to eat coz it's got (real) cheese and sauce, only having onions or peppers or whatever is an easy thing. Take away the cheese and use non dairy dough then see how fundamentally different it is from what you're used to.

Trying Vegan Food has definitely resulted in my highest spit out ratio, but i've also found some delicious stuff.
Most of the vegan cheeses I've tried (and I've not tried many) have ranged from unremarkable to bad.

I just put my mostly vegan pizza into the oven. Which means all those little innocent yeast are going to die But what the hell, yeast makes pizza dough rise...and yeast makes beer good!
Yeast is vegan, Isinglass is not.

I don't think anyone here can even imagine what Vegan Pizza is

you'd probably not even recognize it as pizza if you had it.
It looked like regular old pizza to me.
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I've never eaten vegan pizza, but I used to have a vegetarian coworker who would occasionally eat it. She claimed it was delicious but the cheese looked like it was made from plastic.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I've never eaten vegan pizza, but I used to have a vegetarian coworker who would occasionally eat it. She claimed it was delicious but the cheese looked like it was made from plastic.
Makes you wonder wht goes into it, doesnt it. Just make your own and you'll be sure.

Back to bees:

Canadian Beekeepers are furious to find imported honey flooding their supermarket shelfs and it is cheap. So cheap the Canadian Honey Council has been urging the federal government to ramp up its efforts to inspect imported honey.

They would like to see the Canadian Food Inspection Agency invest in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) testing, which can detect the sweetener’s composition and place of origin, and create a profile of domestic honey to compare imports against.

The plummeting value of Canadian honey — which dropped nearly $53 million last year — is putting the family farm in peril, a situation he says is being exacerbated by the flow of cheap, watered-down products coming into the country.

The Capilano Honey in the picture priced at $11kg is labelled product of Australia and GMO free Australia.

Canadian Beekeepers are suspicious. They don’t know how this honey could be GMO free or 100% Australian and only be priced $11kg.

I asked Capilano Ltd if this honey for sale in Gatineau, Quebec province, Canada was 100% Australian?

Is it organic?

Is it free from glyphosate and neonicotinoids?

What’s is GMO free Australia and have GMO Australia a website?

Merv Kickbush Export Manager Capilano Ltd refused to answer.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Coconut oil has a heap of uses. I use it as a leave in conditioner in my hair. Add raw cacao lip balm and I smell like a

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I had vegan pizza for the first time this past week.

It tasted alright.

If you intend to try vegan pizza I strongly suggest thoroughly baking it though, ideally after cleaning out your oven if you haven't used it in over 6 years cause I almost died in a grease fire.
I decided to give this a bump and have a civilised conversation because while out shopping the other day I bought a wallet/handbag that is 'Vegan Leather' and I thought of this thread. Are you Gummo? The only reason I ask is when I google 'vegan' his thread is after yours. Vegan for 12 years. That's great. I would be quite happy going vegan for good but my husband demands meat and I tell ya, when you're trying to recover from a protracted illness it's damn hard.

I'm not sure I would get enough protein at the moment if I went vegan.

Back to vegan leather - made from bamboo. Oh wow this bag feels so damn nice, even nicer than my bamboo underwear. And super goodlooking. It's actually a manbag, I think, although it was in the ladies' section. I think a man could use it anyway. Its a large wallet that doubles asa handbag if you want. I just loved the feel of it and that it was big enough to hold my mobile phone. As a general rule I havent been using handbags for years, just on special occasions (I have, however, started using my glovebox in the car as a box for my gloves. I needed a storage unit for my gloves so went back to basics.

I digress as my goldfish brain wants to do but I was pretty impressed. I'm still llooking around for a hemp wallet and clothes.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I just had part of my breakfast which stretches all day, and thought of this bread (Lol that was a typo but I'm leaving it there!). It deserves a daily bump until your return IMO. I have noticed in the short time I've been a mofo that you do seem to flit in like a busy little bee, and that's my first random observation of the day. I am noticing honeycomb everywhere I go at the moment. It's beautiful. I so miss the bees of my childhood, and sitting in my mum's garden or under my dad's lemon tree and humming along with them. I wasnt too fond of going to the beach and stepping on one accidentally though. Gee that hurts.

Back to veganism - do you like tibetan goji berries? I had a stash of it in the pantry from a xmas present Mr D gave me a few years ago and got it out this morning to have on my muesli. Wonderful stuff, and such a great superfood.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well on my way to return to vegan eating, although I think I'm happier as lacto-vego or maybe -pescetarian until I get some weight on. Last time I went vegan for several months I craved eggs and cheese so bad it was like a kick in the guts every time I cooked Mr D eggs or looked at a cheese stall at the local farmers market. I almost fainted one day boiling some eggs for him to take to work.

Miso soup this morning for breakfast. I think soup is going to be my way for a bit because my stomach has shrunk so much. I;m really in need of some fast calories vegan style if you have some tips, Omni.

And talking about the bees would be great, too. Still noticing bees and more bees in advertising, tv etc. I see in the aldi catalogue for this saturday is a bee cushion. I think I'll get some for my bee humming chair in the back garden.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
see above plz^
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You can't win an argument just by being right!
lol Y/No. Thanks,matey

You can't win an argument just by being right!
@Dani8 try pea protein. But you'll fart like ****, mang... Just sayin'.
Well I do have colic at the moment so couldnt hurt, Cat.

Well I do have colic at the moment so couldnt hurt, Cat.
Then it's definitely worth a shot. It doesn't taste great so I'd add other green booster powders based on dried fruits and greens. That usually makes things palatable while adding vitamin c (among other vitamins) to the mix.

Rice, hemp, pea, pumpkin seed proteins...those are the ones I'd recommend as smoothies may be easier to digest for you right now.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Then it's definitely worth a shot. It doesn't taste great so I'd add other green booster powders based on dried fruits and greens. That usually makes things palatable while adding vitamin c (among other vitamins) to the mix.

Rice, hemp, pea, pumpkin seed proteins...those are the ones I'd recommend as smoothies may be easier to digest for you right now.
You know, I've only just got my routine sorted and that has taken 6 months (yikes) so I can be super vigilant about the opioids, so when it comes to actual food, I want something that I can graze on all day. The same as I am with film - for me mood is everything - so I'm really going with what my body is asking me for right now, which could be tomatoes and cheese, or slices of red apple with olives, or icecream and cocnut sticks. For something like you're describing I would need my friendly barista to make it up for me each morning. I'm running on fumes at this stage (OMG my heightened senses just picked upthat a neighbur a few doors away has just started pressing oranges. This is fun).

ETA: Anyway, I really appreciate you giving me these tips,both on the board and in PMs.
tTank You, Cat. How is your day going, or night, which ever comes first.

Oh by the way, the colic has settled.
thanks again. Breakfast today is a dutch chocolate whole protein breaky smoothie. Not bad at all, and that says a lot for someone who just cant eat a lot of chocolate.