Favorite character actor or supporting actor...


Aye. Please relegate your opinions about CGI and motion capture to the existing arguments. This is a thread for people to list their favorites. You can agree or disagree, but arguing about the broad criteria is somewhat off-topic, okay? You can argue about Serkis' performance, specifically, but anything more expansive than that should probably be somewhere else.

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Alan Rickman anybody!?
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Another one of my favourites, he was great in Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves & Love, Actually.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Sammy Rockwell..

Brad Dourif.
Let's talk some jive.

Sam Rockwell is one of the top five American actors alive. Ray Winstone was another actor I was going to mention.

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Giovanni Ribisi
Andy Serkis
Gary Oldman
Alan Rickman

Brian Cox!! Mother****ing BRIAN COX
he always always always delivers, even in bad movie, this man is simply a joy to watch and listen to.
It's absolutely true that Brian Cox is among the best of actors who seem to get mostly supporting roles. James Rebhorn is another one that falls into the same category, and Kurtwood Smith is a third.

I think few people would say that Eric Roberts has a lot to be proud of, but I think he deserves credit for what he did in the second season of Crash (Dennis Hopper's last TV-series)

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Bruce Willis
Andy Lau
Steven Seagal
Phoebe Cates
Jessica Alba

Really? Character actor? You can't mean he's a supporting actor as the only thing he supports are the clothes he's standing in and his ex-wife.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Great creepy guy from Gravyard Shift to Mississipi Burning, Brad Dourif.

Also the Coen fav. Steve Buscemi, I need to watch Boardwalk Empire.

Michael Keaton in Graveyard Shift.

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Oh easy. The God among men that is Stanley Tucci.

He is one of my all time favourite actors. He seems to slide by being absolutely perfect in so many movies.

The Lovely Bones, Captain America, Under Cover Blues, The Devil Wears Prada, Julie & Julia, The Hunger Games, The Terminal. I lub him. (I even created a webpage devoted to him because I'm a big nerd)

Now, I admit Stanley doesn't always physically transform as often as many other great character actors do. One of my favourites that certainly does to to the point that people don't even realise he is in the movie is Vincent D'onofrio

Da man.

Honestly I could go on naming people all day but I thought I'd pick one last one that might be unexpected...

Chris Evans

Yes he has been a lead in things, I mean he is Captain America for gosh sakes.

But I am always surprised at how many people don't realise Chris was also..

One of the 7 evil ex's in Scott Pilgrim vs The World


Jensen in The Losers

Maybe it's partly a level of fame thing, but I seriously think he is one to watch.
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"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."

Steve Buscemi

That Guy From: Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (1995)
Con Air (1997)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
Armageddon (1998)
Ghost World (2001)
Youth In Revolt (2009)