Reading Tab


Well, he was an alcoholic, except he could give it up so easily. He was also extremley brilliant -- he was a qualified doctor and everything, he just never doctored because he never did the three years in a hospital. He was a really strange guy. Watch Life of Brian -- he's so fit. That's because he stopped drinking after Grail [which if you watch, he's drunk most of the time] and got fit, just like *that*. He did strange things. He was very difficult to work with [only John Cleese could ever really do it]. The book of course tells this from the perspective of the Pythons themselves, and it's really weird to see what they all thought of him, 'cos they all loved him -- just didn't like him.

I read Bernard Goldberg's "Bias" the other day. Easy read.

I am about half-way through "Black Hawk Down". I'm not seeing the movie, but I wanted to read the book.

I'm in the process of reading The Fellowship of the Ring. For obvious reasons.
Everything is destined to reappear as simulation.
Jean Baudrillard
America, 1988

Bones and Murder by Margaret Atwood.

My English teacher put me onto it. It's really quite insightful and witty.

"I hear that this game was once played at a summer cottage by six normal people and a poet, and the poet really tried to kill someone. He was hindered only by the intervention of a dog, which could not tell fantasy from reality. The thing about this game is that you have to know when to stop."

Finished Out of the Silent Planet and all but a few pages (skimmed over some around the end of the book) of Perelandra, 2 of 3 books in C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. I started reading the third (That Hideous Strength), but I imagine it'll be awhile before I bother to finish it. I hope to finish Heroes of History soon enough, but I'm still less than a third of the way through.

I haven't much bothered with reading since The Return of the King. I'll be sure to later of course.

Now With Moveable Parts
I'm reading two books:
Exit to Eden/ Anne Rice writing as: Ann Rampling
The Dark Tower Series/ Stephen King

Female assassin extraordinaire.
mwhha, Exit to Eden, eh? It's really ... sort of blah, to me, I much preferred her Beauty series. Though I'll admit reading this one certainly contributed to my ... knowledge bank.

Oooh, or Belinda!! That's a VERY good one. Very into the psychological, much more feeling in that one.

Now With Moveable Parts
Oh good. I knew the name of that book was a lady's name, I told Toose it was Belinda, I was right. I haven't read the Beauty series, yet...but I intend to!

Well per the recommendation I'm also reading Exit to Eden... with a quickening pulse and sweaty palms I might add.

I'm definitely going to explore Belinda when I'm done here.

I thought the movie was ok (Exit...) after reading the book I revise that to the movie truly sucked.... don't bother.

Oh yeah... you have to pay a penance for using my>>>

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Toose
Oh yeah... you have to pay a penance for using my>>>
Who said it was yours??

Well, I didn't MAKE it...I just added it. I dunno what spurred me to it. I think I was adding other smilies and couldn't pass it up. I admit that it reminded me of Toose, though.

Anyway, read some more of Heroes of History (Athens was one freaky place). Still tons left, though.

Alright, way behind in my tab...I've read Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, half of The Problem of Pain, and most of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe within the last two weeks...all by C.S. Lewis. I'm diggin' it. Truly awesome stuff.

I'm much more of a Lewis Carrol person.
Although the names do have a word in common.

Not much else I wouldn't assume.

I've read Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol) and The Beach (Alex Garland) both for about the hundredth time in the past week.

I really need to have a look at some new stuff.

I would.

I'll look into it.
Perhaps I'll buy it.

Hey, if I win the Oscar tipping thing, you can get me that instead of the DVD.

Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Few books are as imaginative as the latter. What an AMAZING movie it would make if done well.