The Best (and Worst) Summer Movies of 2005


Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
Yeah but a movie like that your not set to expect much from the plot. For gore and horror thats why I liked it. It had some good shots in it as well. Though the ending did suck, the whole story I didn't have high hopes for.
As I said in my review, if you follow the link, as far as gorefest material it's fine and dandy. But the plot has to make SOME sense and not be a total "fu*k you" to the audience, not just be this wankjob that follows NO internal logic OF ANY KIND. Yes, that does indeed ruin it, despite the gore elements and well done first-person suspense in the first reel. But by the time the story gets to the gas station and the twist is revealed, it is insulting.

Low expectaions are one thing. I didn't expect it to be Chinatown. But that it was clearly written by morons is more than just a slight negative, it's unbelieveably annoying and makes that piece of ***** not at all worth seeing.

For my money, anyway.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Highlights Of The Summer: The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, March Of The Penguins

Lowlights: The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Bewitched, The Fantastic Four, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, The Dukes Of Hazzard

The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
March Of The Penguins
Kindom Of Heaven

Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Batman Begins
The Fantastic Four

The best films I saw from the summer season are: Crash, Batman, The Devil's Rejects and The Bridge of San Luis Ray.

The worst were Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and War of the Worlds.

Registered User
The only good ones I've seen over the summer were:
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
The March Of The Penguins

A Few more bad ones:
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Star Wars Episode III
Batman Begins
The Dukes Of Hazzard

What's In Your Woods
The Best:
Cinderella Man
The Skeleton Key
War Of The Worlds

The Worst:
Kingdom Of Heaven
Mr. And Mrs. Smith
Star Wars III

The Dukes Of Hazard
The Bad News Bears

War Of The Worlds
March Of The Penguins
Wedding Crashers


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Batman Begins
The Devils Rejects
The Longest Yard
The Dukes of Hazzard


War of the Worlds
Wedding Crashers


Fantastic Four[/QUOTE

The Dukes of Hazzard?

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
Yeah but a movie like that your not set to expect much from the plot. For gore and horror thats why I liked it. It had some good shots in it as well. Though the ending did suck, the whole story I didn't have high hopes for.

I agree with both you and Holden, the whole plot was retarded but it did get merit for the "gore and horror". Sadly, that doesn't make it a good film since it has nothing to stand on and it's whole internal logic just completely screwed up the film. Overall as a movie, it's a D rated but i can still enjoy it as up to the end, it had a lot going for it.