Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The trick is not minding
There is a big difference between a rich person's problem and a problem experienced by a rich person. Big difference.

Rich person's problem: The private island I booked for my daughter's birthday party only had ten hot tubs instead of the advertised 12! And the servants didn't smile enough! NO SYMPATHY!

Problem experienced by a rich person: I am very wealthy, but also I suffer from serious depression and suicidal ideation and thus far no medication or therapy has managed to pull me back from the brink. SYMPATHY.
Thanks for the clarification

Thank you for giving this nascent debate the respect it deserves.

Fantastic Fungi, 2019

This documentary explores the world of mushrooms, from how they work to the potential mental and physical benefits of using them as medication.

This was a very sweet documentary, and I especially enjoyed the first part that just talked about how fungi work and their underground networks. I had also never heard of the "stoned ape" theory, and I thought that was fun to think about.

The second half of the documentary---exploring the medical benefits of fungi---gave me a bit more pause at times. I definitely liked one of the discussions that was had about the use of mushrooms for patients dying of cancer. In this one discussion it wasn't about curing the cancer, but rather treating the depression that comes with a terminal diagnosis and helping people to reframe the dying process. I thought that was very cool, because I think that the psychological element of treating pain and suffering is often overlooked.

What I had mixed feelings about was the discussion of fungi as a treatment for cancer. On the one hand, I liked that they had some studies to back up what they were saying. (And, sidenote, a few months ago I showed a really cool fungus in my woods to my sister and she goes "Whoa! That's Turkey Tail! The FDA just approved that as a cancer treatment!"). But I wasn't sure how I felt about the inclusion of anecdotal evidence. Even as I agree that the medical institution--and specifically the medication/chemical branch of that institution--can be super shady, I also don't like the use of anecdotal evidence. It's how you end up with people like my friend's cousin who didn't want to go to the doctor to treat her cancer, but tried to use essential oils instead. And, sadly, died at the age of 36, leaving behind two kids.

That said, some of what they discussed about the potential for research into creating bacteria fighting medications from fungi or using fungi as a way to deal with things like oil spills was really neat.

Mostly light, good stuff. (Though I did cry a bit when the one cancer patient talked about her mushroom-induced vision).

There's an article where de Sole clarifies that he is rich but "not a billionaire". Okay, friend.

If every penny I earned in a year went into a bank account, totally untouched by taxes or any other deductions/expenses, it would take me 133 years to earn what he and his wife paid for that piece of art.

Better Living Through Movie Quotes

If every penny I earned in a year went into a bank account, totally untouched by taxes or any other deductions/expenses, it would take me 133 years to earn what he and his wife paid for that piece of art.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's an article where de Sole clarifies that he is rich but "not a billionaire". Okay, friend.

If every penny I earned in a year went into a bank account, totally untouched by taxes or any other deductions/expenses, it would take me 133 years to earn what he and his wife paid for that piece of art.
In comparison to me you'd be the rich person, as it would probably take me over a 1000 years to earn what was paid for the piece of art. So I ask how does it feel to be rich

So I ask how does it feel to be rich
Frankly, being in the second highest tax bracket is certainly nicer than being in the poverty level where I was for many years. But rich? I'm not sure that rich looks like having to slash your grocery budget by 30% for the next two months in order to afford that dentist appointment.

"I spent 8 million dollars on a fake painting" (and was comfortable settling for $5 million because I'd "made my point") is a problem I would LOVE to have.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Frankly, being in the second highest tax bracket is certainly nicer than being in the poverty level where I was for many years. But rich? I'm not sure that rich looks like having to slash your grocery budget by 30% for the next two months in order to afford that dentist appointment.

"I spent 8 million dollars on a fake painting" (and was comfortable settling for $5 million because I'd "made my point") is a problem I would LOVE to have.
You're in the second highest tax bracket? Wow, to me that's a lot of money! But it's all relative, as you are rich compared to the poor around the world living hand to mouth just trying to find enough food to keep themselves alive and you're rich compared to me...but I would have symphony for you if you bought an expensive luxury item and got ripped off.

So do I:

"Come on baby, eat the rich,
Put the bite on the son of a bitch,
Don't mess around, don't give me no switch,
C'mon baby eat the rich
C'mon baby eat the rich"

Sorcerer (1977, William Friedkin)

I haven't seen Wages of Fear yet, which is supposedly a classic, but I imagine this one wouldn't be a slouch in comparison.
First of all (and this is probably the standout for me), visually it's just great, with eye-popping colors and different camerawork techniques used effectively to convey different moods (some sequences are almost documentary in style). The overall tone and vibe of the film was spot on, even though the suspense may not have been quite as gripping as I expected.
All in all, a great '70s thriller, expertly directed, acted and shot - enjoyed it a lot.
It's a grand film, mad that Steve McQueen was pencilled in for it as I thought Roy Sheider was excellent.

You're in the second highest tax bracket? Wow, to me that's a lot of money! But it's all relative, as you are rich compared to the poor around the world living hand to mouth just trying to find enough food to keep themselves alive and you're rich compared to me...but I would have symphony for you if you bought an expensive luxury item and got ripped off.
Sorry, second highest on the list, which goes low-income to high-income. I'm in the second lowest income group.

Oh man. Second highest tax bracket. I wish.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry, second highest on the list, which goes low-income to high-income. I'm in the second lowest income group.

Oh man. Second highest tax bracket. I wish.
I still have you beat I'm still poorer! Wait a minute why am I proud about that??? Never mind

Sorry, second highest on the list, which goes low-income to high-income. I'm in the second lowest income group.

Oh man. Second highest tax bracket. I wish.

We thought you were quoting yourself here.

"I spent 8 million dollars on a fake painting" (and was comfortable settling for $5 million because I'd "made my point"

Eat the rich

What does this phrase mean? What is the tenor of this vehicle? What speech act is being performed here?

I'm currently living on zero dollars a week. Take that you, Richies! And I have a ****ing horse to feed.
Takes about $3-5K a year to maintain a horse, right?