Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
That's a hell of a lot in common. We got good mainstream taste

I'll probably have an updated list next year, or possibly 2021. Surprised it's been almost 3 years already.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
That's a hell of a lot in common. We got good mainstream taste

I'll probably have an updated list next year, or possibly 2021. Surprised it's been almost 3 years already.

Pfft, I did a list in 2005 and haven’t updated since then!!!

118. Terminator 2
79. Back to the Future
77. Spiderman 2
64. The Avengers
63. Casino Royale
62. The Departed
61. Inception
55. Saving Private Ryan
42. Halloween
39. Hangover
37. Goodfellas
29. The Dark Knight
14. Wedding Crashers

Nice list, you got some of my favorites on here. Wedding Crashers being low on the list is very deserving since it's a fun movie and it even beats the dark knight .

Question - Since you did 119, what would your number 120 film be? I just had to ask this lol.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just for fun here's my reaction to the films that I've seen from Raul's list. A lot of great stuff here!

Neutral or Liked these:

118. Terminator 2
116. Moonrise Kingdom
105. The Quiet Man
104. Sunrise
84. Night of the Living Dead
69. Ratatouille
67. Once Upon a Time in the West
65. Signs
63. Casino Royale
60. Lost in Translation
31. Finding Nemo
32. Braveheart
44. After Hours

Loved these:

119. The Lucky Ones
113. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
112. The Bridge on the River Kwai
109. L'Avventura
108. It's a Wonderful Life
107. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
106. Stalag 17
103. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence
102. Barton Fink
99. Fantastic Planet
97. East of Eden
95. The Gold Rush
92. Witness for the Prosecution
91. The Best Years of Our Lives
90. The Last Picture Show
87. Schindler's List
86. The Killers
83. Ed Wood
80. Sunset Boulevard
79. Back to the Future
71. High Noon
57. Boyhood
56. Laura
55. Saving Private Ryan
52. Sideways
51. Tokyo Story
49. Wall E
45. Dial M for Murder
38. V For Vendetta
34. Double Indemnity
33. Goldfinger
30. Spirited Away
27. The Grapes of Wrath
26. The Prestige
24. Psycho
22. Gran Torino
19. It Happened One Night
18. Some Like It Hot
17. The Wizard of Oz
15. Million Dollar Baby
13. North by Northwest
12. On the Waterfront
11. Unforgiven
9. Manchester by the Sea
8. La La Land
7. Forrest Gump
3. Casablanca
2. Rear Window
1. Shawshank Redemption

Didn't care for these:
115. Arrival
111. E.T.
100. The Virgin Spring
93. 12 Angry Men
76. Independence Day
61. Inception
58. Her
50. The Hurricane
53. Deja Vu
23. Gladiator
21. Silence of the Lambs
16. A Beautiful Mind