Superb Scenes With Seanc

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought the guy who played Hobie Doyle was the best in the film. He was my favorite character.
He was very good. His scene with Fiennes or the group of religious leaders talking about the movie were my favorite scenes in the film.

Another thing I love about the film, and Coens in general, is how they always subvert your expectations.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Another thing I love about the film, and Coens in general, is how they always subvert your expectations.
How did you feel about the submarine scene?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's exactly what I thought about when I said that.
Ha, that must have been subconscious. I really didn't notice that. I really wanted to know. One of the only scenes I didn't like at all.

Really? I can kind of understand why, but I liked it.

WARNING: "Hail Caesar" spoilers below
I love how the briefcase just falls into the water. It makes what we think is this really important object completely meaningless, story-wise.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really? I can kind of understand why, but I liked it.

WARNING: "Hail Caesar" spoilers below
I love how the briefcase just falls into the water. It makes what we think is this really important object completely meaningless, story-wise.
Don't know how I missed you responding before. You're right about that though. Tatum was good too. Like most of the characters, I wanted more.

Master of My Domain
Good review, but I might just skip this one, even though it's a Coen bros movie. Disappointed that they went back to their been-there-done-that story; especially after they gave us No Country and Lweyn Davis

Welcome to the human race...
It's funny cause he likes dudes that want to be girls.
Dude, how are you going to criticise Tangerine for perpetuating stereotypes and then go ahead and write something like this?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Dude, how are you going to criticise Tangerine for perpetuating stereotypes and then go ahead and write something like this?
He's saying that he didn't like the film because he felt they were playing out the stereotypes and we were meant to be laughing because of this, that's not what he thinks is funny. You should read his post again.

Welcome to the human race...
He's saying that he didn't like the film because he felt they were playing out the stereotypes and we were meant to be laughing because of this, that's not what he thinks is funny. You should read his post again.
I understand that. My point is that, if he does take such issue with the film's treatment of its characters as stereotypes, he could have expressed it without making a reductive statement where he refers to trans women as "dudes who want to be girls". It's that kind of discourse that undermines his more salient criticisms about the film, even if he is trying to play the line off like a joke.

I understand that. My point is that, if he does take such issue with the film's treatment of its characters as stereotypes, he could have expressed it without making a reductive statement where he refers to trans women as "dudes who want to be girls". It's that kind of discourse that undermines his more salient criticisms about the film, even if he is trying to play the line off like a joke.
I don't think so. I think he's merely pointing out the kind of joke that the film is wanting to make, saying that they are reducing the characters to this kind of humour despite attempting to me something more. He's pointing out the ultimately the humour comes down to stereotypes and these things that people will laugh at, he's criticising the film for wanting people to think like that. I think you're talking about a non-issue here.

Welcome to the human race...
I don't think so. I think he's merely pointing out the kind of joke that the film is wanting to make, saying that they are reducing the characters to this kind of humour despite attempting to me something more. He's pointing out the ultimately the humour comes down to stereotypes and these things that people will laugh at, he's criticising the film for wanting people to think like that. I think you're talking about a non-issue here.
I guess this has something to do with the fact that I wasn't aware that Tangerine was supposed to be a straightforward comedy. The scene in question works because it subverts the extremely tiresome "cisgender person sees transgender person's genitals and freaks out" cliché. In the context of the film, we don't know what the deal is with the taxi driver and his connection to the greater plot yet, so when he picks up a woman in an area that the audience knows is full of trans sex workers, viewers are at least half-expecting for the cliché to play out normally. As a result, it's practically a relief when it gets flipped upside-down by making the taxi driver disappointed by the fact that the woman doesn't have a penis. Of course the humour in this case comes down to stereotypes, but at least it doesn't play them out annoyingly straight.

Also, none of this addresses my problem with his choice of words (which was my original point).

Don't think Sean had any bad intent, he was mocking what the filmmakers seemed to be acting like.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Dude, how are you going to criticise Tangerine for perpetuating stereotypes and then go ahead and write something like this?
Yeah, sorry I missed this. My tounge was firmly in cheek. I didn't find it funny but I feel this is why the movie puts it there and thinks it's funny.

Tangerine is interesting because to me it is playing to all kinds of sterotypes, and laughing at them. Yet everyone is treating it as this ground breaking all inclusive film. Baffling to me.

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Amelie is born to parents who while caring and intelligent never show her the affection children crave, and shelter her from fear that she has a heart condition. Naturally as soon as Amelie is old enough she wants to venture out into the real world. She feels like an outcast but soon realizes that the people in her life feel like outcasts for one reason or another and she sets out to do the things for them they will not do for themselves to make them happy. Unless you are heartless it will be impossible for you not to find Amelie endearing, and most of us can probably relate to her insecurities in one way or another. As Amelie works through her insecurities and tries to do something to make herself happy, as well as those around her, our fondness for her grows and grows.

The title character is not the only thing that Jeunet does well in Amelie. The supporting characters are well thought out and blend perfectly in Amelie's world. This film is also beautifully shot. There are many breathtaking frames in Amelie. His use of color is also impeccable and adds much to the visual tone of this movie. The casting of Tautou can also not be overstated. She is perfect in this role, I can't imagine another actress playing her as well.

The themes in Amelie are not unique and are presented in a straight forward way. But rarely have I seen them done so well, with such an endearing character, and with the style of this film. Amelie is an endearing feel good film that I will enjoy coming back to again.
Hi, Sean. Here I am back to your thread the 2nd time around. hope you don't mind. I loved Amelie, too. It was funny, original, I love Audrey and my fave scene is the one on Monmartre. but, like in so many movies, it's romance that stands out for me. I never got to Paris, but this is maybe the best film if you wanna see it. Le Professionnel is in my heart, but this is partialy a tourist film and a documentary.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hi, Sean. Here I am back to your thread the 2nd time around. hope you don't mind. I loved Amelie, too. It was funny, original, I love Audrey and my fave scene is the one on Monmartre. but, like in so many movies, it's romance that stands out for me. I never got to Paris, but this is maybe the best film if you wanna see it. Le Professionnel is in my heart, but this is partialy a tourist film and a documentary.

Glad you're reading back through my reviews Beatle. Amelie was great, I need to get to it again.

Glad you're reading back through my reviews Beatle. Amelie was great, I need to get to it again.
Hey man, thanks. Have you seen I finaly congratulated Mark's and your birthday? Sorry if i went overboard with astrology, it seemed like a fun idea. I understand, some folks don't like it. I just thought it would be fun.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

I caved and went. I sure wish I hadn't. Everything I thought this movie would be it was. All the humor was lost on me except for one Zamboni joke. Maybe it was because of the marketing or the word of mouth, but all of the swearing and sex felt forced. There was nothing natural or fun about any of it for me. The action was really bad in my opinion. I am not one to spot bad CGI in films, but all the action scenes here looked really poor to me. Except for a couple of cool uses of song this movie was simply not for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A 1 Rating for Deadpool, I'm not surprised. It's not anything I'm interested in, especially after reading "but all of the swearing and sex felt forced". It seems today's mass-marketed, block buster movies all feel the need to go 'bigger and badder' each time. When a movie has to use shock scenes over and over to entertain, Hollywood has lost it's way. But we already knew that.