Rate The Favorite Movies List


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Godfather (only saw the first) 7/10
Mulholland Dr. 6.5/10
Vertigo 8/10
Taxi Driver 7.5/10
Schindler's List 8.5/10
Citizen Kane 8/10
Lawrence of Arabia 7/10

1. Man on Fire

2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Mystic River

4. Gone Baby Gone

5. Rear Window
6. Million Dollar Baby
7. Wedding Crashers
8. Unforgiven
9. Casablanca

10. Gran Torino
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Opps, that was:

Hitchcockian's top 10

1. The Godfather (trilogy):



2. Mulholland Drive

3. Vertigo

4. Taxi Driver

5. Schindler's List

6. Citizen Kane

7. A Clockwork Orange

8. The Searchers

9. Lawrence of Arabia

10. Gone with the Wind N.W.

The Rodent's top 10:

1. Superman 4: The Quest For Peace N.W.
2. A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) N.W.
3. 2012

4. The Wolfman (2010) N.W.
5. Pearl Harbor

6. Alien Hunter N.W.
7. Paranormal Activity Franchise

rest: not watched
8. Alien Resurrection

9. The Thing (2011) N.W.
10. Tim Burton's Planet Of The Apes

WTF was that?

Who's going to believe a talking head?
The Rodent's top 10:

WTF was that?
Must've been his favourite worst movies.


1. Sans Soleil N.W.
2. F For Fake N.W.
3. Eyes Wide Shut

4. Mulholland Drive

5. Being John Malkovich

6. Paris, Texas N.W.
7. Dead Man N.W.
8. Miller's Crossing N.W.
9. Brazil

10. Groundhog Day


1. The Mirror
2. The Holy Mountain
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey

4. 8½

5. Stalker
6. The Passion of Joan of Arc

7. There Will Be Blood

8. Pierrot le Fou
9. Naked
10. Persona

1. Sans Soleil (watching this weekend)
2. F For Fake
3. Eyes Wide Shut

4. Mulholland Drive

5. Being John Malkovich

6. Paris, Texas
7. Dead Man
8. Miller's Crossing

9. Brazil
10. Freaks

Who's going to believe a talking head?
I'm redoing my Top 10... so until I pick it, you'll have to make do with those.
Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes is quite good, actually.

Who's going to believe a talking head?
I'm still pondering over my top 10. No. 10 should be Freaks or Night of the Living Dead? I love both in equal measure.

1. Sans Soleil

2. F For Fake

3. Eyes Wide Shut

4. Mulholland Drive

5. Being John Malkovich

6. Paris, Texas

7. Dead Man

8. Miller's Crossing

9. Brazil

10. Freaks
...if it was Night Of The Living Dead it would be

Who's going to believe a talking head?




Grave of the Fireflies


Late Spring

Spirited Away

Apocalypse Now


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
3. Eyes Wide Shut

4. Mulholland Drive

5. Being John Malkovich
8. Miller's Crossing

9. Brazil
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

1. Man on Fire 5/10
2. Shawshank Redemption 8/10
3. Mystic River 8/10
4. Gone Baby Gone 8/10
5. Rear Window 9/10
6. Million Dollar Baby 8/10
7. Wedding Crashers never saw
8. Unforgiven 7/10
9. Casablanca 10/10
10. Gran Torino 10/10

1. Taxi Driver

2. Red Dawn (1984)
3. Clerks / Clerks 2
4. Gran Torino

5. Seven Samurai
6. Blazing Saddles
7. Rashômon

8. The Dark Knight

9. The Book of Eli

10. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

1. My Neighbor Totoro
2. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
3. Ikiru
4. Stalker
5. Grave of the Fireflies
6. 2001: A Space Odyssey
7. Late Spring
8. Spirited Away
9. Apocalypse Now
10. Ugetsu

Great list.