Movie/Actor Game...


"Gladiator" was a steaming pile of sh!te. How it ever won Best Picture is beyond me. "Traffic" was so muc more deserving, followed by "Almost Famous". Argh! GLADIATOR SUCKED!!

Anyways, Geoffery Rush.

Kate Winslet, I think (I've got a lot to learn. My memory is shaky. ). "Gladiator" did not suck. It didn't deserve Best Picture, but it certainly didn't suck. I thought "Traffic" was good, but FAR from great. I don't like the fact that any movie that deals with a "sensitive issue" like drugs, sex, racism or violence is given some kind of special reverence. I'm not speaking about all films...this is just from my small experience on the matter. Sort of like with "Braveheart" or "Saving Private Ryan" -- they're not good/moving because they show us disturbing things. Shocking people is not an impressive thing to do. Those movies are great movies (yes, great) because they show us things that really happened (not 100%, but you know what I mean), and they tell a story well.

"Traffic," IMO, had plenty of moments, but was more shocking and raw than anything else...which didn't impress me. I'm glad to have seen it (hard to imagine wanting to do drugs after seeing something like that), but I didn't walk out feeling that I'd just seen a very good movie.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
"Gladiator" was a steaming pile of sh!te. How it ever won Best Picture is beyond me. "Traffic" was so muc more deserving, followed by "Almost Famous". Argh! GLADIATOR SUCKED!!

Anyways, Geoffery Rush.
Actually T, you should go from Mr. Rush...Hence, Shakespere in Love.

Rupert Everett

I think Traffic was the best film of the year. I enjoyed it very, very much. It was real, it was hard, it was made to be as close to right and spot on as it could, and it recreated an entire world, and entire war. It wasn't trying to be shocking, it was trying to be true -- and it was. They could not have sugarcoated it -- they made a mirror image to a war on drugs. Technically it was OUTSTANDING, acted brilliantly, and written, well, I think it was one of the best screenplays that has ever been written -- next to "Pulp Fiction", "The Godfather" and "Almost Famous".

Now With Moveable Parts
My Best Friend's Wedding.


D'oh: my bad. I wasn't paying attention to the game. Too busy arguing, as usual. "Traffic" was indeed a good movie, Silver. I like the fact that, at least as far as I could tell, it didn't try to make any political statements. It didn't fight for the right of drug legalization, but it didn't, like you said, sugarcoat anything: it showed drugs as corrosive and dangerous, but it also showed them as common, and the war on them as failing overall, even if it has made a dent here or there. I have to respect that...I love a movie that tells it like it is, and doesn't push anyone's agenda. This is just such a movie, IMO. I also thought Orin Hatch was pretty cool on screen.

Now With Moveable Parts
T! Post an actor! Sheesh!

Now With Moveable Parts


The Player
"Traffic was a bitch."
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Now With Moveable Parts
Tim Robbins.

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Jace Alexander
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