Movies I really dislike that most people love


I have never understood all the love for V for Vendetta either. I love Natalie Portman but I found getting through this movie a real chore.
Interesting that there's polarization over V (but what else is new).
Personally, I'm a fan. I liked the movie more than the graphic novel, which is rare for me (and which is sheer blasphemy for some), but I liked it as a modernized update of the source material to address and provide commentary on the post-9/11 world.
Apologies to Alan Moore who wrote it in 1988.

Put me in the it's a wonderful life camp I just don't get it.

Silence of the lambs is a movie I dislike, I think I have a problem with Jodie Foster in general to be honest I really didn't enjoy her movie 'contact' either which is also rated highly. She kind of reminds me of Kristen Stewart who I also can't stand, I don't mean to be harsh but it's something to do with their mannerisms and/or face that I just can't stand.

Seven is another thriller I really just don't enjoy and I'm a big thriller fan in general, the ending is way way to far fetched for me.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

Put me in the it's a wonderful life camp I just don't get it.

Silence of the lambs is a movie I dislike, I think I have a problem with Jodie Foster in general to be honest I really didn't enjoy her movie 'contact' either which is also rated highly. She kind of reminds me of Kristen Stewart who I also can't stand, I don't mean to be harsh but it's something to do with their mannerisms and/or face that I just can't stand.

Seven is another thriller I really just don't enjoy and I'm a big thriller fan in general, the ending is way way to far fetched for me.
Silence of the Lambs is a good movie but it is severely underrated and doesn't have a lot of re-watch appeal.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Silence of the lambs is a movie I dislike, I think I have a problem with Jodie Foster in general to be honest I really didn't enjoy her movie 'contact' either which is also rated highly. She kind of reminds me of Kristen Stewart who I also can't stand, I don't mean to be harsh but it's something to do with their mannerisms and/or face that I just can't stand.
I totally understand what you mean with this. Im, the samewith nicole kidman. I didnt evenwant to see this movie because jodie was in it but I was dragged along. I'm not sure where I changedmy mind about her - I think during Nell where rthe 'crying eyeballs" suited the character. Didnt like the cheese ball festival of contact at all!!! Same with other 'contact' type movies. Apologiesto those who love them but I just find them completely cheesy, but some I find do get it right for me. For me Contact was the 'could have been goodbut wasnt' bin.

Put me in the it's a wonderful life camp I just don't get it.

Silence of the lambs is a movie I dislike, I think I have a problem with Jodie Foster in general to be honest I really didn't enjoy her movie 'contact' either which is also rated highly. She kind of reminds me of Kristen Stewart who I also can't stand, I don't mean to be harsh but it's something to do with their mannerisms and/or face that I just can't stand.

Seven is another thriller I really just don't enjoy and I'm a big thriller fan in general, the ending is way way to far fetched for me.
Silence of the Lambs is a good movie but it is severely underrated and doesn't have a lot of re-watch appeal.
I disagree I feel it’s overrated and universally loved.

I speak about the movies I enjoy, not the movies I want made. Film makers do their own thing, whether it's for the almighty dollar or their passion projects.I'd become a film maker if I wanted a film made I want made,but I'm not clever enough.
I love speaking about films I enjoy but also with strong curiosity I love speaking about films I would like to see come to pass. after all it's the human condition that we are never fully satisfied. movies are art and the greatest art is satisfying for a time but we always go seeking for the next enjoyment and if that next enjoyment leaves a bad taste in our mouth's it doesn't hurt to share an opinion or two. You can't stop a director from doing his **** that is so. But you can with your opinions steer future directors to not make the same mistakes.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I love speaking about films I enjoy but also with strong curiosity I love speaking about films I would like to see come to pass. after all it's the human condition that we are never fully satisfied. movies are art and the greatest art is satisfying for a time but we always go seeking for the next enjoyment and if that next enjoyment leaves a bad taste in our mouth's it doesn't hurt to share an opinion or two. You can't stop a director from doing his **** that is so. But you can with your opinions steer future directors to not make the same mistakes.
By all means. That's what a discussion board is for - discussion. It's great fun.

Welcome to the human race...
For your consideration regarding Force Awakens (also, it seems like only a week since the last person recycling the same complaints about it - oddly enough, doing so in order to defend Justice League).

Not going to contest Deadpool or V for Vendetta - the former has some solid points but is generally not too good, whereas the latter is a largely boring adaptation of a solid book.

In any case, threads like this are boring.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Personally, I've never actually rated the movie "The Room" although so many people seem to love it. I have personally only enjoyed it for some sort of ironic value So popular that they made the sequel "The Disaster Artist"
“I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged.” — Red

When it comes to high stakes in movies I like to think this is Bela Lugosi Way of suggesting too future directors that there needs to be higher stakes in movies. but instead of saying higher the stakes in the movie a story must be told he blurts out The famous lines "pull the strings pull the strings a story must be told

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Personally, I've never actually rated the movie "The Room" although so many people seem to love it. I have personally only enjoyed it for some sort of ironic value So popular that they made the sequel "The Disaster Artist"
I've got this on my list really like jennifer in what I've seen her i,n and have rceived glowing recommendations but I just dont know...I keep putting it off for some reason

For all your recasting needs
For me, Gravity immediately comes to mind. Nice cinematopgraphy aside, one of the most boring movies I've ever seen with two characters I cared nothing about. Very uninteresting movie, but for some reason it's held in high regard...

I felt the same about The Martian.
I could not agree more. I can't stand Gravity.

Deadpool - disgrace to mother earth
V for vendetta - "it's better than dark knight thing" i see slightly here is so laughable
Gravity - okay
The martian - okay
Force awaken - everything with han solo in it is never BAD

Please be offended

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why do we fall for these negative movie threads? Oh well, I can't resist

Deadpool....don't care about it, never seen it.

Star Wars the Force Awakens....Weak! JJ Abram's must work for the evil Empire.

V for Vendetta...This one is all kinds of deep! So much more than meets the eye. You didn't like it? You didn't get it

Gravity...Sandra Bullock in space, need I say more.

The Martian....OK I guess, poor Matt Damon is so stoic.

Why do we fall for these negative movie threads? Oh well, I can't resist

Deadpool....don't care about it, never seen it.

Star Wars the Force Awakens....Weak! JJ Abram's must work for the evil Empire.

V for Vendetta...This one is all kinds of deep! So much more than meets the eye. You didn't like it? You didn't get it

Gravity...Sandra Bullock in space, need I say more.

The Martian....OK I guess, poor Matt Damon is so stoic.

Okay, Rules... best you confess your deep dark secret and get it over with... come on.
Say it... starts with a T.. twel.... come on, you can do it!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, Rules... best you confess your deep dark secret and get it over with... come on.
Say it... starts with a T.. twel.... come on, you can do it!
Ha! that was too funny...and you got me too.

I can't stand 12 Angry Men there I confess.

Welcome to the human race...
It's not enough that we already have a bunch of general-purpose overrated threads, but now we have people starting their own individual overrated threads. I'm sure it was worth starting a thread just to hear the same "Rey is a Mary Sue" criticisms that have been in circulation for the last two years anyway.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I've got this on my list really like jennifer in what I've seen her i,n and have rceived glowing recommendations but I just dont know...I keep putting it off for some reason
I just realised - wrongmovie. I was thinking of someting else and I lawrence waasnt in it norcan I remember the nameof it

Bugger. Sorry for typos. Too late to edit