2014 Box Office Challenge 1


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Aww this sounds like it might have been quite interesting. But late to the party as usual.
Join in JayDee. Just wanted everything set before Cap releases.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am going to give the last three participants without bombs Draft Day. If I would have only been giving out one bomb it would have been Transcendence. That seems like a high risk choice though so I am going a little safer since I have to give out three. I PM JayDee last night and told him to join so we may have a 12th. If we do he will get Draft Day as well.

I will put everyone's picks along with an abridged version of the rules in the first post. The second post will be for The weekend box office results and leader board. I will try to post a little synopsis of what is going on in the thread every week as well.

Cap comes out tonight and I know there are a few of you that will be looking at those numbers. I will be contributing my $10 so you got that going for you. Too bad concessions don't count, you guys would make killing off of me.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Well if the offer is still open I'll throw my hat in the ring as well

How to Train Your Dragon 2
Amazing Spider-Man 2
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Transformers: Age of Extinction

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Weekend Box Office Winner:

96,200,000 (340 Million)

No surprise here but the four of us that doubted the Marvel freight train are going to regret it.

Some context: Captain 1 opened to 65 million and went on to do 370 million worldwide. Captain 2 is already at 303 million worldwide. The budget was 30 million less but that is hardly gonna feel like a blip at this point. The latest Marvel release, Thor 2, had the same budget as Captain 2. It did 86 million it's opening weekend and 645 million worldwide. Looks like Cap will beat it's numbers without much trouble. Marvel is printing money at this point.

I will update the first two posts of the thread. Budgets will always be in parenthesis. I won't make the leader board until films start to go into the black. None of the other top five from the weekend are in play.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week #2


It looked like Rio was going to take a run at Cap's crown but no dice. For the four of us who had Rio that is disappointing news. Not all is lost though. Rio will make money. It opened at 39,000,000 which is within a couple hundred thousand of where the first one opened. It stands at 163,300,000 worldwide. The budget is 206,000,000, so it is well on it's way to the black. Draft Day also opened at #4 with 9,750,000. No budget yet. It will be interesting to watch because quite a few have it as their bomb. I will start a leaderboard next week after Rio has a couple weeks under it's belt and hopefully Draft Day has a budget. Everything else will be updated in the first two posts.

I didn't expect Rio 2 do get any special hype, I don't remember hearing about the first one much, the only thing I recall is that there was an angry birds game off of it.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I think Rio 2 will do its money overseas. That's why I went for it, anyway. There'll probably be quite a few promotional tie-ins, too. While that doesn't mean box office, if it can hook the little kiddies in, the parents will take them. Especially with Easter holidays in the Christian countries for the next few weeks. If you average two kids and an adult to take them, that's three tickets per visit..

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
How is everyone doing?

The non-cap folks are going to have to hope something they chose blows up. Rio will be fine though, if it does what the first does, which it should, those that chose it are looking at 300,000,000 to the good. The first two posts in the thread have all the numbers so far. I will start a leaderboard next week when Rio has a couple weeks under its belt and hopefully we get a budget for Draft Day.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week 3


No big surprises this week. Cap is welcome to let off the gas at any point now as far as I am concerned. We are three weeks in and have not had a different #1 film yet. Rio went into positive numbers as expected so we have the start of a legitimate leader board. HoneyKid is in the lead all by his lonesome at this point. He is the only one to pick both Cap2 and Rio2. I wish I would have went with my gut for giving out the Transcendence bomb. It only did 11mil it's first weekend and its budget by our rules would have been 200mil.

Draft Day still does not have a Box Office MoJo budget so the one I am using at this point is from wikipedia. They got their info fro Hollywood reporter. If any one has any objections to that let me know. I also need a budget for Bears, Teeter has that as her bomb. None of those movies have a budget in Box Office MoJo, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Last thing of note for the week. I was given Haunted House 2 as my bomb. It was fifth for the week only doing 9mil. However it's budget is only 8mil so it is already in the positive.

The numbers and leader board are updated in the first two posts.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Well, at least I am not completely in last place. I think my bomb might do okay, so maybe I can jump up a few places.
We are just getting started. A couple of us banking on Godzilla. Here is hoping it does Cap numbers.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm one of those people. Go go Godzilla!

I had Captain America at first, but I traded it out because I like The Amazing Spider-Man better and I wanted it to better than Captain.

I wish I would have went with my gut for giving out the Transcendence bomb. It only did 11mil it's first weekend and its budget by our rules would have been 200mil.
Had I know that was the budget, I might well have gone for it. That said, it's worldwide haul might save it or, at least, save it being the monumental bomb it'll be domestically.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Had I know that was the budget, I might well have gone for it. That said, it's worldwide haul might save it or, at least, save it being the monumental bomb it'll be domestically.
Yeah I thought it might be that high but it was too iffy in too many places to give to four people. Draft Day was the safer play. Do you have any suggestions on where I can get a budget for Bears?

I'm afraid I don't. I saw that the budget from previous DisneyNature films had been $40+m and hoped this had something similar and that being released around Rio 2 would wreck it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week #4:

$24,700,000 ($80,000,000)

Nothing monumental happening this weekend but there are a couple things to take notice of. Cap finally knocked off it's throne. Not by another super hero or a big name animation. It was Cameron Diaz who did the knocking. None of us had The Other Woman, and in the end that will probably be a good thing. It is Queen for a week, but it was a pretty unimpressive week.

Another tidbit I found interesting is that Heaven For Real beat Rio 2 in it's second week. It wasn't by much but these faith films are becoming a force at the Box Office. They cost a dime to make and people obviously want to see them.

Not much movement in the standings. Basically the Cap and Rio folks added to their totals. Spidey comes out next week so there should be some significant movement next week. It is already over $133m worldwide. Cost a ton to make but the Marvel train can't be stopped.

I still can't find a good budget for Bears, Teeter's bomb, so here is what I did. I took the median budget for the two Disney Nature films that wikipedia had a budget for and used that. If anyone has an issue with that please let me know, I am more than open to doing something else.

Check out the first two posts for all results as usual. Hope you guys are enjoying looking in on this because I am having fun doing it and plan on keeping it going.