Happy Birthday Austruck and Holden Pike


Ironically, I'm am both austruck and I'm actually a Pike (Pi Kappa Alpha). Funny how it all ties together.

Happy Birthday, to the both of ya'!

One for each of you, but on your special day, there's no need to drink alone, so, here...

edit: apparently Caitlyn and I share the same cake/GIF

I made a call to my friends over in Liverpool, and they hooked you up with this nifty tune:
Movie quote puzzles:


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I think I'd be more likely to eat an entire candle than drink a can of PBR...but thanks just the same.
Don't let this guy hear that.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Put me in your pocket...

Happy Birthday Linda and Holden

Hope your birthday was a happy one.
Many cheers to you both and best wishes.

Sorry I am late Hope you both had a great day

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