Johnny Depp for the Joker?


Lost in never never land
Depp would be able to play the role in my mind. Whether or not he would be the best person for that role is a question that I would have, but I think he would be able to play it. It would depend on how over the top he played it. I do think that is he played the crazy part up as not a funny wacky crazy, but as a dark crazy he could do it very well. And while his most famous role is the crazy crazy type character, I think that he has shown he can cover a large range of characters, and that he could pull this off.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Glover's Meltdown (Copy/Paste in your browser or you'll get a re-direct)

Bettany would be good. I wonder if Depp would underplay the madness? His interpretation of Willie Wonka (demasculated) kind of left me wanting.

Thehottestlovehasthecolde stend.
I think Johnny Depp would be great for the Joker. I'm a huge Depp fan but that's besides the point. He is so good at corky/gothic characters he has played in movies over the years. He truly is metamorphic in all of his roles.

Speaking of which: I am a Robin Williams fan from way back, but what has he done lately? Even in IMDB's upcoming mentions he seems to be a bit ....weak. Sure R.V. was a good C+ summer family film, but man he needs to do something. So does Steve Martin..and Tom Hanks...and uh.....John Cusak..and eh.....Billy Bob Thorton..yep and even Jack Nicholson......oh yeah do not forget.......Diane Lane..... Sorry, but where have all the good movies/actors gone? Bill Murray seems to be playing out his silver years well, but hmmmm.... Sorry I just need a good movie to make me feel better.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I'm not sure Jonny Depp can play that role myself. I just dont see him as one of the wackiest out of the mind characters in the history of Batman Comics.

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
At Joblo there is a story on who Christopher Nolan is looking at for the Joker. The "scooper said this-"let’s just say that he has a major film coming out this summer and it’s a sequel to one of his biggest hits. In fact, his performance in the first movie was nominated for an Oscar."

Everybody else thinks it's Johnny Depp. Any thoughts? This may be old news. . .but anyway.

I think Johnny Depp could play just about any role- he is so versatile.

Registered User
I reckon Mark Hamill who voiced joker in the Batman animated series would be a good role for joker. His laugh is good.

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Depp has certainly made a name for himself since his first role in Nightmare on Elm Street. I think he'd be a good fit in the role as Joker.
"I've written you this last letter because I know I'll never have you. I stood in the corner and watched you go off with him. He's so beneath you. You probably did it to hurt me. It worked, you hurt me. Now there's nothing else I can do. There won't be any more notes. It's last call..."

[quote=Holden Pike]
Back in 1987 and for years afterwards, Crispin tried to diffuse it by saying it was a friend of his on Letterman's show that night and not him at all. That's just plain a lie (if you click on the picture I posted, you'll see a whole series of screencaptures - it's him in a cheap wig). Then in later years he claimed it was some sort of performance art. The truth is he was just being a weird jerk, it went over like a lead balloon, and Dave decided not to put up with it. Glover can be amusing in a trainwreck sort of way, and in movies he's fine if he is used sparringly. Frankly he'd be horrible as The Joker for two hours or so on the big screen. Being one of the oddball henchmen in Charlie's Angels, that's more his speed.

I'm surprised i'm actually correcting the great Holden Pike but it was planned this whole letterman stint. It was for promotion of one of his own movies called Rubin and Ed which came our prior to the whole thing on Letterman. He came out in character. In the movie he played this guy named Rubin Farr and that was the exact outfit he had in the movie. It was a matter of being a jerk at all.

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Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
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Originally Posted by songy
I reckon Mark Hamill who voiced joker in the Batman animated series would be a good role for joker. His laugh is good.
He's probably too old for that part and doesnt really have the long face for Joker either.

I heard someone mention Christopher Eccleston, a good choice imho. I have doubts about depp, or glover.

I think Depp would do a fantastic job but i think using such a respected actor could steal the show as sum1 already said....i think an unknown or a new actor not seen in much.

I had the wild idea of Topher Grace but he is venom so we could rule him out and also i do not know if he would have the range to pull it off but i think an actor needs to prove himself with this role and make it his own, and that means us not lukkin at him and goin 'ohhhh jonnys does a good joker impression' it should be more like 'WOW joker was the part waiting for him to shine with'

Anyone agree?
Imagination is the only freedom everyone is given in this world
Ken Watanabe! No, wait....

Heh, I say go with Jude Law... but methinks he's already out of the running over at WB.

allan cumming would be perfect
He might be the only actor who's just a little TOO flamboyant to be the Joker.

Johnny Depp creeps the hell outta why not?

Crispin glover....that would be the obvious choice. I think he would fit and embrass the character. bUt I would like to see someone take the joker to a new depth. Perhaps Johnny could do it. It would definitely be interesting.

I'm pretty sure johnny depp would be an awesome joker..

what about jim carrey as the joker? he did the riddler pretty well.
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