'Oldie movies'


That's what they say, but none of the titles interest me much.
Not even Messe Noire?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The trick is not minding
There's more wit and imagination in most of these shorts than in the entire yearly output of some modern-day studios, honestly
Two directors who really stand out for their imagination when it comes to short films are Brakhage and Anger, and while I have not seen anything from them yet, I figure to eventually.

I have seen the Fatty Arbuckle shorts that he made with Buster Keaton, they're included in the BK collection.

Two directors who really stand out for their imagination when it comes to short films are Brakhage and Anger, and while I have not seen anything from them yet, I figure to eventually.

Speaking of Anger, let's mention the Oscar in memoriam snub that guy got. Sure, show photographs of accountants who died, but not one of the most influential directors of the 20th century because he dared to work outside of the system, and write a book about which celebrities died with their heads in a toilet.

Now I'm sure he was a miserable prick, and he mostly made enemies over the years in Hollywood, and he himself wouldn't have remotely cared about the honor, but put your sour grapes aside so you look like you actually care about the artform, you useless Academy dorks.

Two directors who really stand out for their imagination when it comes to short films are Brakhage and Anger, and while I have not seen anything from them yet, I figure to eventually.
Way back in my undergrad days, I recall attending a live speaker series presentation by Stan Brakhage accompanied by some of his short films (which were still film then). When he was finished his presentation, he made caustic comments that for what the college paid him for that talk, they could have bought prints of his movies and put them in the library.