Nostromo's Top 50 Cocktail Party

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I love Rain Man and Goldeneye is my favorite Bond by a long shot. I gave you a rep for the effort but Curse Of The Black Pearl, those movies were rough for me to get through.

Goldeneye is not a movie. It's a video game. I refuse to believe otherwise.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Rain Man is my favorite from this list I've seen thus far. I thought Invisible Man was pretty good. Heat is good, but has sort of fallen a bit in my ranks. Memento is enjoyable but my least favorite Nolan.

I've only seen Rain Man and Aguirre for the first time this year. I loved Rain Man and really liked Aguirre.

I know I've seen Goldeneye but it's one of those Bond's that I can't tell one from the other.

I haven't seen any of the Pirate films and The Killer has been on my watchlist forever.

Quickly keeping up with your list:

Heat is great and looks fantastic. Michael Mann is a master.

Memento is OK.

The Killer is freaking awesome.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God is a monumental an very impressive piece of filmmaking.

GoldenEye is one of my top 6 Bond movies. I agree about the film being a great mix between the old-fashioned Bond and the action hero he has become in modern years. Cool choice!

I like Rain Man.

Originally Posted by nostromo87
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Let the night air cool you off
Are we sure she's never done any films in the particular genre that Mr Minio would enjoy? Because I might watch some of those films, if they exist.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
SERIOUS favorites on this list, too many to even attempt to list. HUGE reps for having The Killer on your list! That was my first John Woo movie and remains my favorite of Woo's

I'm enjoying the list, but the cocktails could use some improvement.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Are we sure she's never done any films in the particular genre that Mr Minio would enjoy? Because I might watch some of those films, if they exist.
Nope. No nunsploitation flicks with her.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
She's never shown her breasts (except for cleavage obv). You see, she's a classy lady. And I dig it.

There's that romcom flick nobody cares about, but there's Li Gong. And she's 45 in it! I haven't seen it, screens are enough. Let me share 'em

+ rep for The Killer (on my list), Rain Man and Curse Of The Black Pearl. Having never bothered with any of its sequels and only having seen it 3 or 4 times, it's still a film I really like. On another day Rain Man could've made my list, too. It's a wonderful film and Cruise is the dogs in it.

I have Aguirre but have yet to see it.

Keep 'em coming.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

(Clint Eastwood, 1976)

It's the Civil War and Josey Wales is a peaceful farming Southerner whose family is suddenly and brutally massacred by a sadistic Union officer and his men. Josey joins up with guerrilla fighters who continue to avoid capture, until the war ends. But their leader Fletcher negotiates a pardon for those willing to surrender. They all submit, save for Josey. They're all executed and shortly thereafter the Union sets out on a bounty hunt for Wales. Josey goes on the run and accumulates a diverse group of companions. An old Cherokee named Lone Watie, a young Navajo woman, and a woman from Kansas along with her granddaughter who Josey rescues from the Comanchero rapists. All the while he is chased by bounty hunters. Dying ain't no way of making a living, boy.

(John McTiernan, 1987)

With Arnold at the helm, a squadron of Special Force ops are assigned to assist a CIA man, Dillon (Carl Weathers, aka Apollo Creed). The commandos pursue an escape operation in a remote South American Jungle. Pretty soon we discover they've been assigned under false pretenses. Something not-of-this-world prowls in the shadows of the jungle, hunting THEM. Arnold camouflaging himself in the cold mud is a personal faovrite. Knock-knock. Stick around. If it bleeds, we can kill it.
You're one ugly motha-f**ka.

(John Carpenter, 1982)

An American scientific expedition witness some crazed airborne Norwegians chasing down and executing a dog. The Norwegian helicopter explodes, leaving no explanation for this absurd occurrence. Later that night, the same dog does some weird sh*t to the other dogs and then the scientific team investigates. Led by Wilford Brimley and Kurt Russell, we soon realize a shapeshifting alien life form is on the loose. Man is the Warmest Place to Hide. Let's just wait here a while.. see what happens

Let the night air cool you off
Predator is okay, but Josey Wales is A1.

The Thing is pretty good too. It's probably one of the better settings for a horror film that I've seen.

(John Landis, 1983)

Initially considered putting An American Werewolf in London here. No knock against it, i love that one. Wondered, does a 13 minute short belong on a countdown where everything else is feature length? Then remembered this is my countdown, and i'm not one that believes in strict adherence to guidelines or rules. The clouds parted, the sun shined down, & MoFo God himself decided it was meant to be. And that's how Thriller became my #32 favorite movie. Big fan of the werewolf effects in this, as i believe director John Landis developed further upon what he achieved in 1981 with the Werewolf in London flick. Put simply, I love watching it. So it's here. It belongs. It's just too bad they didn't extend it to feature length, bc then it would be higher