What to Say If Somebody Asks You What Your Favorite Movie Is?


I understand how it can be a conundrum, but the question here seems to be more a matter of "what would *they* think", rather than what your actual favorite movie is. Just be honest, and explain. The point shouldn't be just to shoot a title and leave it at that, but to incite a conversation. Who knows? Maybe your favorite movie will become *their* favorite movie!

Exactly this.

All this worry over whether people will agree with us, or might not have heard about the movie we are talking about, or be in some way disapproving of our honest answer. People need to start thinking a lot less about these sorts of things. Just speak your mind and worry about where the cards fall later.

As far as I'm concerned people need to be a lot less apologetic or delicate about declaring who they are and what they like. The worst that can happen is the person you are talking to is an ******* and they are a bad audience for your opinions....but then who gives a **** about them. And the best that can happen is you find someone who is willing to have an open mind about something they might not know about or have incorrect assumptions of.

You don't lose if you just talk straight. And, as an unbelievably lazy person, it is also so much less work to just say what you think and not think ahead of how it will play out. Because it never actually matters.

Sometime in the early 80's the phone rang at my family home and I picked it up - it was from the local newspaper ("The Home News") taking a survey. The survey was "what is your favorite movie and why?"

As you might guess... at that time I said, "Superman"!

I don't remember my exact answer as to why, but there were a lot of reasons.
The survey taker told me the most interesting answers would be printed in an upcoming edition.

Well, a few days later my name was in the paper with a summary written up about why Superman (1978) was my favorite movie!

Sometime in the early 80's the phone rang at my family home and I picked it up - it was from the local newspaper ("The Home News") taking a survey. The survey was "what is your favorite movie and why?"

As you might guess... at that time I said, "Superman"!

I don't remember my exact answer as to why, but there were a lot of reasons.
The survey taker told me the most interesting answers would be printed in an upcoming edition.

Well, a few days later my name was in the paper with a summary written up about why Superman (1978) was my favorite movie!
*looks at Captain Steel's avatar* "at that time"?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

*looks at Captain Steel's avatar* "at that time"?
It's still "a favorite" but these days I'm more like Citizen Rules; where it's hard to narrow down a favorite to just one movie. But at the time, the movie was still relatively new and as a comic book fan it was a dream come true in the most spectacular way.

P.S. One reason it was my favorite is it was the only movie my father ever took me to the theater to see that we watched together (just me and him).

Victim of The Night
I understand how it can be a conundrum, but the question here seems to be more a matter of "what would *they* think", rather than what your actual favorite movie is. Just be honest, and explain. The point shouldn't be just to shoot a title and leave it at that, but to incite a conversation. Who knows? Maybe your favorite movie will become *their* favorite movie!
I think that's true to a point but I think also it's a matter of "what conversation do you want to ensue". That's the way I'm thinking about it. What do I give so that the most productive conversation about movies can still take place. Hence my thought of "who's my audience" or "read the room". This person asked so they must wanna talk about movies. I like to talk about movies. How can I answer this truthfully, but also leading to further discussion and not shutting the conversation down with Son Of The White Mare.

Victim of The Night
The other way I usually respond to this, which is also how I respond to the same question about music, is "Right now or all-time?" Because that's two different lists with some overlap, usually.

I don't do favourites, I think it sucks, I'm not a stone. I don't do lists.
Lists be damned!

If they're a wearing a red baseball cap, a Gridlink T-Shirt, has what looks like a white hood in their pocket and/or carrying around a cruicifix, I'll say American Sniper. Otherwise, I'll give my true answer, Amadeus. You can't be too careful these days.

Also, what I usually do is that, instead of answering the question right away, I generally give a brief rundown of my taste in film and let the person know that my taste in film is different than most people from my age group. This way, I can sort of ease my way into listing my favorite film.

Victim of The Night
If they're a wearing a red baseball cap, a Gridlink T-Shirt, has what looks like a white hood in their pocket and/or carrying around a cruicifix, I'll say American Sniper. Otherwise, I'll give my true answer, Amadeus. You can't be too careful these days.
I do love Amadeus.
I have never seen the Director's Cut and it turns out it's what's on whatever streaming I have (HBOMax?) and I almost watched it last night but I didn't have 3h10m last night.

I do love Amadeus.
I have never seen the Director's Cut and it turns out it's what's on whatever streaming I have (HBOMax?) and I almost watched it last night but I didn't have 3h10m last night.
I've only seen the 160 minute theatrical cut, but even that's a two or three nighter these days. Thankfully, my old DVD I bought way back in 1997, which still looks good, is two-sided so I know when to take a break.
All I know about the director's cut is that it
WARNING: spoilers below
includes more about Salieri's relationship with Mozart's wife Constanze, which having seen the stage production as well seems like a worthwhile addition.

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Victim of The Night
I've only seen the 160 minute theatrical cut, but even that's a two or three nighter these days. Thankfully, my old DVD I bought way back in 1997, which still looks good, is two-sided so I know when to take a break.
All I know about the director's cut is that it
WARNING: spoilers below
includes more about Salieri's relationship with Mozart's wife Constanze, which having seen the stage production as well seems like a worthwhile addition.
That's what I've heard and I always liked Elizabeth Berridge and kinda felt bad for her that so much of her work got cut given that in a critically-acclaimed, prestige film like that, it could have changed her whole career.

I understand how it can be a conundrum, but the question here seems to be more a matter of "what would *they* think", rather than what your actual favorite movie is. Just be honest, and explain. The point shouldn't be just to shoot a title and leave it at that, but to incite a conversation. Who knows? Maybe your favorite movie will become *their* favorite movie!
It's both. If I were going to worry about THEY and their view of me, I'd just pick Citizen Kane and leave it at that. For me, I liked CK, but don't have much desire to rewatch it, so it depends on my mood, the weather, what time of day it is and whether I'm in a theater or at home. The later it gets, the lower down the IMDB ratings I go.