
Trouble with a capital "T"
Nobody in the city is gonna do this. (I also detest anything that needs a signature.)

One solution is to have one’s packages delivered to the nearest fedx office, but even this could be a hassle as most New Yorkers don’t drive.
Question: How are Fedex/UPS Signature Required packages handled in these NYC apartments, compared to Fedex/UPS no signature required? I would image in both cases the delivery person goes to the apartment number and rings the bell to delivery the package. Is that right?

Many places in the city don’t have a package room or a doorman or a front desk where stuff can safely be left. And the locked mailboxes in the foyer are too small.
So wouldn't that then be a problem for all types of packages, not just signature required? I've never lived in the city so I don't know how this works.

Nobody in the city is gonna do this. (I also detest anything that needs a signature.)

Many places in the city don’t have a package room or a doorman or a front desk where stuff can safely be left. And the locked mailboxes in the foyer are too small.

One solution is to have one’s packages delivered to the nearest fedx office, but even this could be a hassle as most New Yorkers don’t drive.
I heard a news report on the radio before Christmas - it said that some boroughs of NYC wanted to add a $3.00 charge onto every single individual online delivery order (at least during the holiday season) during the pandemic - since so many more people were shopping online and not in stores!

The reason given was that the trucks (UPS, FedEx, USPS & others) were creating gridlock on streets as they'd stop in front of buildings to make drop offs - double, triple & quadruple parking!

That the foyers of apartment buildings were filling to the ceilings with packages that had to be staged there before their owners could retrieve them - and doormen were becoming overwhelmed.

Don't know what happened to the idea, but I never heard about it going through.

Question: How are Fedex/UPS Signature Required packages handled in these NYC apartments, compared to Fedex/UPS no signature required? I would image in both cases the delivery person goes to the apartment number and rings the bell to delivery the package. Is that right?
Everyone’s at home now due to the pandemic so I would imagine it’s easier now. The deliverer wouldn’t go to the person’s apartment. He would ring the lobby bell & the person would come downstairs. All the buildings have an inner locked front door.

So wouldn't that then be a problem for all types of packages, not just signature required? I've never lived in the city so I don't know how this works.
It’s a problem, of course, which is why 90k packages are lost annually.

I like my Connecticut delivery service: all packages are vaulted over the front fence. Easy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Interesting news: Sex & the City, minus Kim Cattrall, is returning for a 10-parter on HBO. This seems like a terrible idea to me. Bleeding this excellent original show dry. No one loved it more than me, but the first movie was only passable & the 2nd movie was garbage. Oh, well, what do I know.

In other news: Nicole Kidman is slated to play Lucille Ball & Javier Bardem her husband in a new movie. Not a huge fan of I Love Lucy so will be interesting to see how this plays.

So a very famous primetime TV news anchor here, who is also currently dating a former Chief Minister (equivalent to a state Governor for USA) was duped by scammers into thinking that she was offered a teaching job at Harvard.

Kinda sounds mean to laugh at her expense, but this is someone who has indulged in fake news on several occasions in her career. So it's not a surprise she didn't thoroughly investigate this offer.

Remarkable story of scamming and it also shows how some people think too much of themselves.


Remarkable story of scamming and it also shows how some people think too much of themselves.
Not sure how you reached this conclusion.

Not sure how you reached this conclusion.

To assume that you can get a job of a professor at the prestigious institute like Harvard without even having a PhD, shows you exactly that. NDTV, or the channel that she worked for, only employs kids or relatives of politicians and high profile bureaucrats. These people come from privileged backgrounds and have a history of things being handed to them.

Also, I have watched her on the telly and social media for years now. One of the most pompous reporters out here (working with a channel that routinely indulges in fake news and which was just recently fined millions for share fraud), who in the past has mocked people for lesser mistakes.
And even in this case, she hasn't revealed all the details because it will reveal Visa fraud.

Lady Gaga sounded fine at the inauguration today. She was gracious enough to thank the marine who escorted her to the podium. JLo did not thank her marine.

Amusing how so many of the bad boys of rock & roll have turned into such sweet old geezers. Here’s a few of them.

Can you think of others?

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Yoda, strange post from a newbie. ⬆️
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Can’t believe The Naked Cowboy is still doing his thing in the city. I had forgotten all about him.

But, here he is in the middle of a snowstorm.

I know there used to be a thread for impersonations or impressions, but I can't find it...
I'm a little behind the times but I just found this guy... literally a guy... "Guy Marks."
His Bogart & Gary Cooper are amazing and his face almost becomes the characters in a way that's almost scary.

I know there used to be a thread for impersonations or impressions, but I can't find it...
I'm a little behind the times but I just found this guy... literally a guy... "Guy Marks."
His Bogart & Gary Cooper are amazing and his face almost becomes the characters in a way that's almost scary.
Marks was a riot. I saw him on one of the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts years ago, and couldn't find him afterwards, because they'd introduced him as John Whitestone. Later I found out his name was Guy Marks (real name Mario Scarpa). Here he uses some of the same material, but funnier. This is one of the best comedy routines I've ever seen.

Seems like Guy Marks was doing "Deep Fakes" before there was any CGI.

I just can't get over how his face changes into Bogart - and it's not overt (like Jim Carrey doing Nicholson or Eastwood) - I can't even see Marks changing his face or tell exactly how he's doing it, he just suddenly "becomes" Bogart! (With Gary Cooper it's a series of expressions, but with Bogart it's like the bone structure of his face just morphs into Bogie's.)

P.S. this is the only impersonation of Gary Cooper I've ever seen - and it's dead on.